1. #1

    Looking for an addon for calender invites.

    I have recently been delegated raid lead for our new guild. Since we are still pugging 1 or 2 people a week. I am left to doing calender invites. I don't like typing repetative things. (Yes I know bad thing for a raid lead) But mostly typing names over and over and over again. Is there an addon or a way to make a raid comp and just do copy paste type invites on the calender?

  2. #2
    You can try using
    /run CalendarEventInvite("player")
    http://www.wowpedia.org/API_CalendarEventInvite has more info

  3. #3
    /run local a={"name1","name2","name3","name4"} for _,n in ipairs(a) do CalendarEventInvite(n) end
    Should do the trick if you have a small number of players.
    Last edited by mmocba105e19de; 2011-02-20 at 08:06 PM.

  4. #4
    The first one only works for one person when I made a macro it ignored all following and I hit 255 char limit.
    Second one did nothing..

  5. #5
    According to the documentation there's a small delay before you can actually invite the next person. In that case above code won't work.

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