1. #1

    HC 10 man raiding - any boss-wise raid comp list?

    Hello. So, our guild is slowly thinking about trying HC modes of the encounters once Nefarian is down [just snuggled in his aura of awesomeness for now, but he's the only one left alive] and I've been hearing that for specific bosses in HC mode for 10 mans there are pretty much required raid comps. Or at least this or that is a complete must.

    So could you tell me, please, what are these? I'd be grateful for some comprehensive list. We're not a hardcore guild full of hardcore players so I don't think it's possible for us to do in some crazy setting, hence we'd like to know what sets the difficulty level to "reasonable" :d

    The comp we did the normals in is [usually]:

    Tanks: paladin, warrior
    Healers: paladin, paladin, druid
    Melee DPS: frost dk, feral [+ more feral at times]
    Ranged DPS: fire mage, destruction warlock, marksmanship/survival hunter

    We're generally druid-ridden guild, I guess. There were some encounters we did with 4 druids in the comp. Or 4 paladins. But I can guess that's not really the way to go about doing HCs and it hasn't been that monotone in a while either :P

    Anyway, thanks for any help.

    ~ Eqi... Equl... Ecui... Argh >:c

  2. #2
    You guys really have no priests?
    lol casual - Ret masochist since 05


  3. #3
    We really have no priests :P Our priest rerolled hunter. Why priests? Are they something vital now? I thought we needed a shaman more with his totems

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Equilibrioception View Post
    We really have no priests :P Our priest rerolled hunter. Why priests? Are they something vital now? I thought we needed a shaman more with his totems
    A lot of heroic encounters are cooldown centric, Guardian Spirit, Power Word: Barrier, Pain Suppression, and to a large extent tanking cooldowns are utilized a lot. Having a priest makes almost all the fights a lot easier.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan017 View Post
    A lot of heroic encounters are cooldown centric, Guardian Spirit, Power Word: Barrier, Pain Suppression, and to a large extent tanking cooldowns are utilized a lot. Having a priest makes almost all the fights a lot easier.
    Well, they have 3 paladins, so should be fine :P Your setup should be fine, the only issue would be amount of melee. Quite a few fights where 3 melee would not be recommended, even a few where 2 isn't exactly great. If you only have 3 available ranged dps, you should consider getting atleast one more.

  6. #6
    I agree with the priest sentiment. My raidgroup is "forcing" our spriest to go disc on several fights simply due to the cooldowns. We switch our resto sham to elemental for those fights (though pre-nerf Halfus we kept him as healer around as well). Our Resto druid is leveling up his Priest as well due to Trees simply not having the tools that make some heroics ezmode. Paladin's are still fine, though it does help to have different classes of healers for varying bosses (Tree's hots and Tranq are awesomesauce on Chimearon for instance).

    Also ranged do seem to have an advantage on many fights. Our kitty feral switches to his hunter quite a lot simply because some fights are way hard without a hunter and his traps and/or are simply crappy for a melee (Magmaw, Cho'Gal, Maloriak and Atramedes come instantly to mind).

    As for tanks it seems to help if you have 1 of each type of damage mitigation. Ret's and Wars are better against multiple little hits (shield blocks) whereas DK's and Ferals have their 1-hit shields which is great against hard hitting single targets.
    My raid runs with a Feral and DK though, so it's not impossible; but we also use our Fury war to tank/kite some trash like the adds in P1 Nefarian because he simply has less problems with multiple damage sources then the kitty feral if he switches to bear. Funny enough we use our Fury also to tank Chimearon HM which is all about huge hits, so it isn't all set in stone.

    Oh yeah, it does help if you have a load of hybrids to adjust for various fights. Bosses vary from needing 1 to 3 tanks so being able to switch people to dps or tank per boss helps loads. Having alts geared to nearly the same levels helps a bit as well

    This is the raidgroup I run with:

    1 Feral tank / Feral dps
    2 Blood DK / Unholy DK
    3 Fury war / Prot war
    4 Feral dps / Feral tank / MM Hunter / Surv Hunter
    5 Shadow priest / Disc priest
    6 Resto druid (/ soon also disc priest)
    7 Resto sham / Ele sham
    8 Holy pala
    9 Fire mage / Arcane mage
    10 Destro lock / Demon lock

    Aside from our holy pally and currently resto druid, just about everyone changes spec or char at least once per raidweek.

  7. #7
    Setup should be fine on the earlier encounters. Later ones I'm not sure, I don't have personal experience.

    Rogue would be nice for Chimaeron, but it's doable without.
    Paladin tank brings a raidwall to the table, and warrior/lock can bring stamina buff, so priest is nice but not necessary.

    Try it and see. If you think a CD would make or break a fight, get recruiting ;p

  8. #8
    takes 20 people to run a good 10m

  9. #9
    a disc/ holy priest would really make alot of fights trivial with your comp

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