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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenixdown View Post
    Here's my take.

    I have played since vanilla. I, as a vanilla player, positively LOVE the revamps to old content to make it viable for max levels.

    The sad part is that most people who complain about "omg they're rehashing content QQQ" probably didn't even do the content when it was viable in the first place. What surprises me most is the "omg it's ony and nef again". Really. It's Nefarion again? All over? Where's my class call, then? Or his fear? Wait, he's not doing either? And I don't need an Onyxia Scale Cloak for the fight? I thought this was just rehashed content? And Onyxia doesn't Deep Breath? Or summon whelps? Where's this rehash content at again?

    There's a HUGE difference, people, in "rehashed content" and "returning characters". That's all the Nefarion encounter is, a returning character. That's all the Ragnaros encounter is, a returning character. That's all ZA and ZG are. Returning characters. Hell, heroic Deadmines only had ONE returning character in it in the first place (Cookie). The only real "rehash" of that is the map is the same. Oh noes, Blizzard is running out of ideas! CLEARLY!!!

    Jesus, people. You get a great game with fun and exciting encounters, and what do you do. Complain about it. Stop being whiny brats. Go make your own game if you think you can do better. Oh wait. You can't do better. Nobody can.

    Quit if you want to over this, but I'll see the rest of you with some sensibility in ZA and ZG. Which will be fun as hell.
    Someone's nostalgia-ing too hard

  2. #22
    The Patient Athrai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sicness View Post
    You have no real proof of that though, you're only assuming things since we have no clue of what the 5 mans will look like.

    Off topic, they did apparently make Ragnaros more 'flaming' now for some reason. I hope that's a joke image.
    Were going to logically assume that:
    1) SFK and Deadmines were the exact same map
    2) Although new bosses, Same boring map
    Originally Posted by rëtribution
    hey, look at me. I'm needlessly escalatory and waving my newfound retribution paladin prowess around at people as if it means anything. Pay attention to me, i got achievements on the tail end of an expansion, clearly i'm better than you.

  3. #23
    the things they revamp are things alot of players liked alot. i dont see the problem.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Athrai View Post
    Were going to logically assume that:
    1) SFK and Deadmines were the exact same map
    2) Although new bosses, Same boring map
    Yet we still don't know whether or not they'll use the same maps even do we? It's likely they will, but again you're assuming with no real proof to back it up.

    As I said before, designing a map for a 5 man takes a considerable amount of effort and I don't mind them doing this to have more time to do other, more important things. Perfect example of this was the new 5 mans in WotLK after 3.1. All those maps were so small it took practically no time for them to really design and were extremely generic. I'd rather they use an older existing zone than make another one room instance. If you're all upset because it's the same map well I really don't know what to tell you because if you solely judge new content by that I'm at a loss for words.
    Last edited by sicness; 2011-02-24 at 06:00 PM.

  5. #25
    I have to admit, Rag looks weird with legs, but the thing to keep in mind is that he's going to be on his home plane in the raid, not on Azeroth itself.

    Didn't he admonish Executus for calling him "too soon"? Maybe that was in reference to the pair of size 900s the dark irons were forging for him that weren't finished yet. If we hadn't stormed MC, Rag might have had legs all along.

  6. #26
    the 5th boss could be made like the third boss in MgT and Zul'jin fits the new 5 man mechanics design path pretty well imo

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightcloak View Post
    I agree. With all the posts on any WoW site you go to about how the game is becoming stale, they go and recycle 2 more dungeons? I like WoW and I still play it, but its the lack of anything new thats driving their customer base away. It feels more like a second job that Im having to grind through to get anywhere. The only thing Im really enjoying right now is the raiding, and here we are, back to the recycled content of ragnaros.
    I don't think it's driving anyone away. Although personally I'm bored on the game when I'm not in a raid now. I like that they do sometimes bring an old instance and revamp it but sometimes it can be too much like the old. I hope they do a really good job retuning them because if I walk in and don't break a sweat I'm going to be upset.

    We'll see what the rest of 4.1 will bring because they still need 2 more raid zones unless they want to repeat wraths raiding mistakes.

  8. #28
    The Patient
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    I have to agree with Fenixdown above.

    Blizzard is doing a hell of a good job bringing back some of the old instances.

    I have played my hunter since two weeks after initial release, and have played in all of the instances, multiple times, and I'm truly glad to see them coming back with new mechanics, bosses, strategy, etc.

    So, for all you naysayers out there, just shut up and enjoy the game !
    Remember: Ignorance can be corrected with a little instruction.
    But, Stupid is forever.

  9. #29
    Bringing back Za ang ZG is a wise decision(spelling?). I think everyone know that ZG was gonna be re-done when they took it out with ZG, and it was even more obveious(?) with the new quests they implanted for the zone with the clysm. Now they can bring back some bosses( Jindo the Hexxar and raptor guydude are confimed), all the priests are dead, Hakkar might be returning in someway, and our baby raptor will get rescued

    ZA was imo, one of the best raids in BC, sadly it was put in abit too late, as it became a steamroll for the BT geared people. ZA had good raid bosses that kicked some good ass! Even in the late 2.4 times when i was sitting in mostly full BT gear and some SWP gear we could still wipe on the bosses. And i really hope they put in the two last bosses, cause they are freakin awesome! imo ofcourse.

    And people complainin about blizz nor giving out enough new content, they just gave us a freakin expansion, and a patch that re did Azeroth(nearly all of it). and try to design a new instance in 4 months, have it tested, equipped, functional and ready.
    refreashing old instances tells us that they are rather spending more time on other new 5 mans, like Abyssal Maw and future ones. Or they are spending more time on doing Firelands/Firelands Citadel better and bigger, or they are workin on the next tier again.

    Best of all???????? New troll instances DDDDDDDDDDDD

    tl;dr: making new instances takes alot of time, so Id rather have em reuse awesome ZA/ZG now and give us more awesome content for later patch and no ToC copies!

  10. #30
    Pro Tip: You can cancel the subscription if you don't like it.
    WoW only has 10 million subscribers it must be dying! WoW sucks!
    I'm sorry no, clearly you didn't see Chuck Norris allowed 10 million to survive his Purge.

  11. #31
    So let me get this straight. People are nostalgic about raids that were released as filler content?

    What's going to be next, revamped Ruby Sanctum for level 90?

    I can sort of understand the feeling surrounding ZG, but ZA was a filler content experiment testing Wrath raiding ideas, included but not limited to aoe tanking and bosses that do not do crushing blows. In the end though, it was just a way to keep 10-man raiders interested in the game until Wrath came out.
    Last edited by underdogba; 2011-02-24 at 07:16 PM.

  12. #32
    OMG, I cannot wait for 5man Kara!!!!!

    Right? I mean, I kinda see a pattern here.

  13. #33
    Yes. They just slapped Ragnaros completely randomly into the Firelands raid which has been known since before Cataclysm release. It's nothing to do with the fact he was banished in Molten Core and Firelands is the realm of fire. Oh, and he's also got the exact same abilities as at level 60! QQ!

    Oh wait, what? You say there hasn't been any information about his encounter yet? Jesus, some people will whine about everything.

  14. #34
    Herald of the Titans Tuvok's Avatar
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    Personally I think people should shut the fuck up complaining about it. People rave about how awesome troll raids were, so yeah, you got what you wanted.

    You will eat your damn cake and you will enjoy it.
    "The truth, my goal."

  15. #35
    What the hell is everybody whining about?

    First of all, the Ragnaros we fought in MC was just an avatar, that's why all the "TOO SOON..." yelling was about.
    Second, on revamping ZG and ZA... What the hell is the problem??? Those two are one of the best and most beloved raids in the game. In vanilla, everyone liked ZG (except that place with the 3 bosses, blah) and as far as ZA i'm not sure i skipped TBC but my brother did play and he always said it was one of the best raids, fun etc etc.
    I can't wait do do em as 5 mans, even if they leave the layout the same and just add new bosses, loot etc. They will still be better than any other 5 man probably.

    Revamping old places is good, i mean, we have been fighting the same bosses over and over again for years now, how many times can they die before they are REALLY gone?
    Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken. Quack.

  16. #36
    Blizzard creativity when it comes to raids? Play any other MMO game out there, and look at their "raids".

    The grass looks greener on the other side in this case... but the grass is actually full of dog turds.

  17. #37
    The Lightbringer Jademist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fenixdown View Post
    Here's my take.

    I have played since vanilla. I, as a vanilla player, positively LOVE the revamps to old content to make it viable for max levels.

    The sad part is that most people who complain about "omg they're rehashing content QQQ" probably didn't even do the content when it was viable in the first place. What surprises me most is the "omg it's ony and nef again". Really. It's Nefarion again? All over? Where's my class call, then? Or his fear? Wait, he's not doing either? And I don't need an Onyxia Scale Cloak for the fight? I thought this was just rehashed content? And Onyxia doesn't Deep Breath? Or summon whelps? Where's this rehash content at again?

    There's a HUGE difference, people, in "rehashed content" and "returning characters". That's all the Nefarion encounter is, a returning character. That's all the Ragnaros encounter is, a returning character. That's all ZA and ZG are. Returning characters. Hell, heroic Deadmines only had ONE returning character in it in the first place (Cookie). The only real "rehash" of that is the map is the same. Oh noes, Blizzard is running out of ideas! CLEARLY!!!

    Jesus, people. You get a great game with fun and exciting encounters, and what do you do. Complain about it. Stop being whiny brats. Go make your own game if you think you can do better. Oh wait. You can't do better. Nobody can.

    Quit if you want to over this, but I'll see the rest of you with some sensibility in ZA and ZG. Which will be fun as hell.
    I agree with Fenixdown here.

    The way Blizzard has been taking the game is refreshing for veterans, including myself. At least, I think it should be. Bringing back old encounters and bringing them to current-day settings. I'm sure they're going to change the story up a bit like they did with SFK and DM.

    If you don't like it then quit, please. It saves you the head ache.

  18. #38
    Having played since Vanilla, I'm excited about the revamped troll instances. I think it's nice that they're making these old instances viable again. And while they're old venues, the bosses and loot will be all new, just like Heroic Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep. I think Blizzard has done an excellent job with this.

  19. #39
    Looking at Wrath there maybe a pattern that could affect Cata's progression with raids and dungeon while this could be a coincidence or me being crazy it makes some sense.

    If we look at content that came out in wrath it started with new heroics and rehashed raid in naxx obviously the work put into naxx couldn't of been much because it was basically an exact copy. But the next raid after that was considered the best out of all of Wrath with Ulduar. New content completely new bosses and lore for the most part. Now we head into the next patch where Bliz puts time into a completely new raid and dungeon and daily zone. All of this as a whole was quite a fail and most people agree a low point for Wrath. So last patch they go with 3 new dungeons and a new raid. The dungeons were ok but nothing amazing fairly simple and quick. And ICC wasn't that great as well decent but nothing groundbreaking.

    So what does this have to do with Cata well the pattern shows when Bliz had to do less work on a patch beforehand the next big raids ended up better ie: Ulduar. Now in Cata they are following this suit instead of focusing so much attention on making a brand new 5 man starting from scratch with bosses and lore they redo an old one. Not only are the redone versions probably going to be fun they also give Bliz more time to be creative and make new raids much more interesting and advanced then say a TOC or ICC. While this is just an opinion it seems to make sense to me.

  20. #40
    Blizzard said the encounters are going to be changed, and looking at what they did with Deadmines and SFK which was fucking amazing, I doubt they're lying.

    But anyway, I don't know why people are complaining about a remade ZG and ZA. Keep in mind that a few days ago when we all thought of 4.1, it was just Abyssal Maw and Firelands. You should be thinking of ZG and ZA as a bonus, not full-fledged, legitimate content. You should be happy Blizzard is supplying players with more content, and quite frankly nobody wants to keep with the status quo of having ZG being an empty zone and ZA as some raid no bastard even steps foot in.

    No matter what perks Blizz decides to throw at players, they always find some way to whine and criticize it, citing it as a lack of "creativity." No, they just want to rekindle nostalgia and bring back two very popular instances as level 85 content. Considering the quality of Cataclysm with regards to dungeons and raids, Blizz isn't in a creativity deficit but rather a surplus.

    ---------- Post added 2011-02-25 at 05:42 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Athrai View Post
    Were going to logically assume that:
    1) SFK and Deadmines were the exact same map
    2) Although new bosses, Same boring map
    Who gives a shit about maps? Do you honestly go to dungeons just for the scenery and exotic locales? No, you go for the boss encounters and dungeon mechanics, at least if you're playing the game right.

    ---------- Post added 2011-02-25 at 05:45 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by ralphie View Post
    OMG, I cannot wait for 5man Kara!!!!!

    Right? I mean, I kinda see a pattern here.
    Except there isn't one. If they were going to remake every BC raid into a 5-man they would have started with Kara. But they're not doing that.

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