So, everyone is dissatisfied with perpetually doing dailies for charms, if for no other reason (rep, mounts, etc.) Obviously some people quite enjoy the dailies, and to be honest I don't mind doing them since I only raid LFR which takes up a scant amount of my play time each week. Now they are adding these new Zandalari elite scouts in 5.2, why not make a weekly quest for these guys that rewards 3 Elder Charms? Or maybe three weekly quests that each reward one? These are meant to be taken down by a group, but I'm sure that if this change went in it wouldn't be much work at all to find a group. That way people who enjoy dailies or are solo players can do their own thing, and people who are group-oriented or fed up with dailies can get their charms each week as well.

The other option I thought of would be the same idea, make a weekly quest that requires you to complete three scenarios, which rewards you with your three charms. It has the double bonus of not doing dailies along with getting more people into the scenarios queue.

Just bouncing these ideas off of this community before I make a post on the suggestions forum, so give me your feedback.

inb4 "QQ I like doing dailies"