1. #1

    Sunfire does not work.

    I really hope I post this in the right place, if not sorry!

    I play a moonkin, and for about a month now, my sunfire does not work. Every time i go to use the spell at the proper time during a Solar Eclipse, I do see the moonfire change to a sunfire, but when I use the ability I get a red message saying "Spell Not Learned" and doesn't let me use the ability at all. I've posted this problem on several druid forum and the closest I've come to is this forum post /us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1020864127 (sorry the link is broken up, mmo wouldn't let me post a link since it's my first time posting something)

    For those of you who are lazy, post basically says that this is a bug, not only happening to moonkins, but to hunters and priests as well. The closest fix to this problem so far is to make a macro to use whatever ability. In this forum post it gives macros for hunters and priests, but fails to give one to moonkins, except for "/cast moonfire" which does not work.

    If anyone knows of a macro that will work, or another way to fix this, I would so thankful and happy, because a month without casting sunfire has been horrible!

  2. #2
    Try putting moon/sunfire on a separate action button and simulate a button press from your macro with /click ButtonName. Won't work with castsequences or mouseover macros.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Knarko View Post
    Try putting moon/sunfire on a separate action button and simulate a button press from your macro with /click ButtonName. Won't work with castsequences or mouseover macros.
    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to tell me. My moon/sunfire is bound to my number 2 key and every macro I have made so far(and hasn't worked) has also been binded to a key, I haven't been using castsequences or mouseover macros.

  4. #4
    So moon/sunfire isn't working even when not in a macro?

  5. #5
    It's similar to the Chakra bug. The spell only changes on your bars, but the actual spell in the spellbook is the same. So either

    Put the spell unmacroed on your bar, or
    Have your macro /click your unmacroed button like this: /click MultiBarRightButton1 etc.

    Gershuun @ Borean Tundra US - Interface & Macros Moderator

  6. #6
    Use /framestack to get the frame name.
    Last edited by mmocba105e19de; 2010-12-14 at 05:37 PM.

  7. #7
    That's /framestack or /fstack in case you wondered.

  8. #8
    maybe I did something wrong, because I use a bar addon called Macaroon, but I put into the macro what the framestack said and it still did not work.

  9. #9
    Hmm never had a problem with mine idk would make a post on offical wow forums see what dev's say

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by edanna View Post
    Hmm never had a problem with mine idk would make a post on offical wow forums see what dev's say
    There's been posts on the official forums for awhile now, and nothing has been done about it.

  11. #11

    For Macaroon users who are having trouble using the /click solution

    Ok, sorry for being so late in my reply here but this thread really does answer the question of how to fix this, even using Macaroon (my fav!)

    First off go to your interface menu, actionbars section and put a check mark next to right bar.
    clear any spells you have on this bar.
    Open your spellbook and drag the spell moonfire onto the topmost button on this bar
    In your macaroon button edit the button and in place of /cast Moonfire use instead /click MultiBarRightButton1

    For the macro I want to use it reads like this:
    /click MultiBarRightButton1

    (I use this when I want to spread the moonfire and or sunfire dot to multiple targets with out having to tab to new targets)

    Finally return to the interface menu, actionbars section and remove the checkmark from right bar. (ensure you do not remove the spell from the bar)

    Your macro (With the exception of castsequence macros) will function perfectly.

    I hope this replay helps you out, I know this thread really made my day once I tested the /click suggestion

    Take care and happy booming

  12. #12
    I use this for Moonfire/Sunfire on my Druid with Macaroon:

    #showtooltip Moonfire
    /click SpellBookSkillLineTab2
    /click SpellButton8

    Basically what it does is tell your spellbook to open Tab 2 (Balance) and then click button 8 (Moonfire/Sunfire). No frame stack needed.

  13. #13
    If that's your entire macro, why macro it in the first place?

    Gershuun @ Borean Tundra US - Interface & Macros Moderator

  14. #14
    I just saw this had a reply, and I found a solution to my problem a long time ago, and I should have posted it here, and I'm sorry, but i will now.

    The root of my problem was with my bar addon, Macaroon. So if you have this addon, and this problem, this is how you fix it.

    Go to Button edit
    Click on the button where you would like your ability to be
    set it to action ID
    drag your ability to the spot
    save on profile.

    Now it will work. If it is an ability you use on every profile, you need to change it on every profile.

    If any problems with this, feel free to ask me, or go to the Macaroon forums, which is where i originally got this from.

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