1. #1

    Hunter keybinds advice/help - PLEASE :D

    Hey there, I am after help with keybinding for my new BM hunter. I am wanting to keybind abilities that are similar to my main (mages) abilities in the same exact keybind. But I am having trouble as I know ZERO about the hunter class. I am planning on using my BM hunter for fun but I don't like playing without my perfect bind set-up. I have a list of my top 32 most important keybinds on my mage. Here is what I am basically asking help for....

    1. As a BM hunter, what abilities do I NOT use at all? This will help me eliminate and free up binds for more useful things.

    2. This is a bit of an ask, but I am going to post my 32 most important binds that I use on my mage. If you're able to edit my list (but change the mage spell into a SIMILAR hunter spell) that would ALSO help me very greatly. For example, the keybind I use for Proc's on my Frost mage is "G". That is for my instant-cast brain-freeze proc, so naturally if I was playing a survival hunter, I'd put explosive shot as my "G" keybind ETC!

    1 - Blink
    2 - Frostbolt
    3 - Icelance
    4 - Icebarrier
    5 - Pet Nova
    6 - Frost Nova
    T - Fireblast
    G - Frostfirebolt
    V - Summon Waterelemental
    F - Cone of Cold
    R - Sheep
    Q - Ice Block
    E - Counter-spell
    Z - Scorch
    Shift+2 - Mageward
    Shift+3 - Coldsnap
    Shift+4 - Deep Freeze
    Shift-X - Mirror Image
    Shift-T - Flame Orb
    Shift-G - Escape Artist
    Shift-V - Arcane Explosion
    Shift-F - Icy Veins + Trinket
    Shift-R - Ring of Frost
    Shift-C - Evocation
    Shift-E - Spellsteal
    B - Mana Shield
    Shift-D - Invisibility
    Shift-W - Mana gem
    H - Drink
    Middle-mouse - Trinket
    ` - Decurse
    Shift-A - Healthstone

  2. #2
    I think it depends on if you want to pvp or pve.

    For PVE I don't keybind any melee abilities. I do have raptor strike on a bar though so I can click it for the reduced damage from the glyph on certain fights. I also don't have camo and some traps keybound. I have 2 keybinds for traps - generally it's a macroedd trap launcher for frost trap and explosive. I have aspect of the fox and hawk keybound and the others on a bar that I click.

    Don't worry about keybinding stuff like window venom, tame beast, scare beast, revive pet, dismiss pet, flare, scatter shot (unless you have to interupt something - but then you have intimidation).

    Pretty much ever other ability is something that you will use - in addition to your damage shots, you should bind deterrence, disengage, distracting shot, tranq shot, rapid fire, masters call (situational but being able to use it quickly can really help), racial abilities, send pet, recall pet, mend pet, hunter's mark, conc shot, feign death, misdirect

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