1. #30761
    Quote Originally Posted by Yami View Post
    Seems more the one person is being effected by it seems to be an issue on Riots end that is all I can think of.
    Any idea of how they'll handle it? Are they going to give us(me) the LP im missing?

  2. #30762
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBro View Post
    Any idea of how they'll handle it? Are they going to give us(me) the LP im missing?
    I think the best way to get an answer is to go to their support page and send in a ticket that explains your problem. Hopefully they will reimburse your lost points.

  3. #30763
    Quote Originally Posted by Kilz View Post
    That isn't the biggest nerf to it imo. They made it so Kha'zix can no longer cast his W while leaping. So you cant get all of your burst off the second you land anymore.

    Also they made W cost less mana because they nerfed it so much. Without that passive proc it will do a lot less damage when you're poking people. The AD ratio increase will never overcome the nerf to that.

    So pretty much his ability to burst instantly has been removed and he loses out on some damage when it comes to poking. It's a pretty big hit to him considering his W was mandatory for him to survive laning. I don't see maxing Q first as something that will work, because when Kha'zix first came out everybody tried that and they all thought he sucked because of that.

    I wouldn't be surprised if people continue to level and evolve his W first just for the ability to farm. Sure it wont be as effective for damaging the enemy, but that's a pretty big part of what allows Kha'zix to farm himself up in early game. It's not really uncommon for Kha'zix to fall behind in CS from 1-6 and then catch back up once he has his W evolved.

    As for the new Q evolve, I don't really understand why they want to try to switch focus from current way of evolving. Personally I think his Q evolve is the most boring out of the 4. You get resets and long range mobility with E, the ability to farm and poke with W, and his ultimate becomes a damage reduction ability. What does his Q evolve do? Gives him some more range on Q and more damage.

    If his Q becomes mandatory to evolve I would probably just forsake his ult evolve instead of W because of how effective it is at getting Kha'zix farmed.
    Yeah, the only thing the changes will do is make you take Q over R evolution in some situations, but I very much doubt anything is gonna come anywhere close to the utility/power of W and E evolutions. Resets and increasing his poke/farm massively is just way too important.
    Laughing Skull-EU

  4. #30764
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kilz View Post
    I feel sorry for the aggressive junglers that don't build full tank. They keep getting spirit lizard and spectral wraith nerfed. Also Mandred's and Wriggles apparently wont work against lane minions so I don't know what the point of that item is anymore compared to getting a spirit stone which works on everything. Not being able to clear a wave fast as a jungler hampers their ability to get gold by lane taxing when an ally dies in lane and also they need to be able to shove waves into the turret if a gank was successful to deny the enemy the minions.

    I thought they wanted to make junglers be able to farm a decent amount of gold and become a threat themselves instead of becoming support tanks.
    They said that junglers would get good farm, but only if you farmed your jungle outright. But by doing so, it gives free reign for the enemy Xin Zhao, Lee Sin, or Shaco jungler, and then they get 15 successful ganks off by 20 minutes while your team yells at you for not ganking, they Surrender at 20, and then your team mass reports you for "Assisting Enemy Team", you end up in the Tribunal, the mass-punish spammers vote on your case, and you get permanent banned. Just because you wanted to farm your jungle out.
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
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  5. #30765
    Quote Originally Posted by Thallidomaniac View Post
    They said that junglers would get good farm, but only if you farmed your jungle outright. But by doing so, it gives free reign for the enemy Xin Zhao, Lee Sin, or Shaco jungler, and then they get 15 successful ganks off by 20 minutes while your team yells at you for not ganking, they Surrender at 20, and then your team mass reports you for "Assisting Enemy Team", you end up in the Tribunal, the mass-punish spammers vote on your case, and you get permanent banned. Just because you wanted to farm your jungle out.
    That escalated quickly.

    But yeah. I don't see farming junglers working anywhere but in competitive play, where they can countergank and the team will expect him to not gank.

  6. #30766
    Quote Originally Posted by sarasun View Post
    But yeah. I don't see farming junglers working anywhere but in competitive play, where they can countergank and the team will expect him to not gank.
    The thing is, if you have a half-competent team (that is premade), people might not expect you to camp their lane. Also remember that farm-junglers like Shyvana clear those camps insanely fast, so even after the shorter respawntime, you should still have time to pressure lanes or counterjungle. And with proper warding, many attempts at ganking wont work, so you can either prepare a countergank while their jungler is sitting on a ward, or go and clear half his jungle and still be back in time to clear your own camps.

    I'm actually really looking forward to playing Shyvana, Mundo or even Yi a lot more, because all of them melt camps.

    Then again, in soloQ, everyone expects you to be their bitch and camp their lane for the first 25 minutes of the game, and don't you dare not be ready for a countergank....

  7. #30767
    Quote Originally Posted by Elendoil View Post

    Then again, in soloQ, everyone expects you to be their bitch and camp their lane for the first 25 minutes of the game, and don't you dare not be ready for a countergank....
    In yoloQ a jungler is a support for all 3 lanes during laning phase. A jungler is almost always expected to carry a losing lane to victory. Just today i had a game where our jungler made us win top and mid, but botlane lost by a little bit. Obvioulsy our jungler got shit thrown at him from our botlane for this...We won thanks to great jungle zac who won mid and toplane for us, aswell as being great in team fights.

  8. #30768
    I think especially in a lower elo range it's pretty common that players develop some kind of tunnel vision on their lane.
    They see their lanes, see the enemy jungler come x times and their own jungler only visit x-2 times, and suddenly it's the jungler's fault. Doesn't matter how often (and successful) the jungler was in other lanes.
    In some extreme cases it almost seems like they expect every jungler to be able to teleport.

    Note that I don't mean all or even most players with that.

  9. #30769
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    The life of a jungler in ranked is a hard one. My last game the Singed top was complaining about being camped, when he was pushing lane all game and never bought a ward. I just let him suffer and focused on the other lanes because he was too stupid to listen to my advice (don't push and buy a ward). I help mid and bot win harder (they were already winning) and just farm up the jungle since I'm Tiger Udyr. I get fed, my APC gets fed, and we win the game.

    Good junglers help their lanes win. Great junglers know when a lane is lost and focus elsewhere.

  10. #30770
    Quote Originally Posted by Axethor View Post

    Good junglers help their lanes win. Great junglers know when a lane is lost and focus elsewhere.
    But when is that? The thing is, should i just ignore, lets say top, where the enemy is free farming and will become a considerable problem later on, and just focus on making mid and botlane winning? I dont want my toplaner to be lvl 12 vs their lvl 16 aswell as 50 farm vs 150. Then is practically a 4v5 due to how underfed ours is and how fed their toplane is.

    This is where i fail as a jungler. I feel like i HAVE to try and help a lost lane winning, but it usually ends up with me wasting time trying to gank a lane where the enemy could kill us 2v1 with a laner flaming me because they fucked up.

  11. #30771
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kilz View Post
    You have to ask yourself this when thinking of the late game. Do we have anybody that become the carry if I help them? For example I just got out of a game where both top and mid lost and I didn't bother to help them at all, instead I helped bot lane which had a Vayne and I was Nunu. So I bet on late game Vayne with Nunu being strong enough to carry those who have lost. If I tried to help top and mid I would have to ignore bot and no matter how much I helped I would never be able to make those lanes snowball, at best I would get them to go even.

    Another thing is you can tell where you want to gank just by looking at the champions. If there is a Darius in the game and he isn't brain dead then you normally want to pay a visit to his lane early regardless of what side he is on. However do be careful that you're not walking into a countergank. The reason Darius gets so much focus is because he is easy to gank for and easy to gank and is a very snowbally champion that doesn't need his hand held constantly. So if he is on your team and you get him an early kill his lane becomes the slaughter house. If you gank a Darius early then you can shut him down.

    An opposite example is Teemo and Nidalee. You don't really bother with them if they're in the game unless it's ganking them pre 6. Because if you gank for them they dont offer a lot of burst and have no way to hold someone down, and they aren't some scary late game threat. So getting a kill for them is more about keeping the other guy down rather than getting them ahead. However once they hit 6 you kinda just want to ignore their lane in most cases.

    Now there are always exceptions to these rules. Like if a guy is trying to win the lane early by being stupidly aggressive and is overextended, you can easily just gank him for the gold and exp advantage unless you feel that you wont be able to kill them because your guy in lane is too weak at the moment.

    Telling when and who to gank is just about using your experience and sometimes your gut feeling. If you feel that one of your guys is going to get ganked and that you would win a 2v2 or a 3v3 then you will get a HUGE advantage if you countergank successfully because you deliver the final blow to a lane and set back the jungler.
    Then again, the opposite is true, where you have an early game bot lane (i.e. Graves & Soraka), and the fed enemy toplaner is a late-game monster like Irelia or Jax.
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
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  12. #30772
    Quote Originally Posted by Hybr1d View Post
    I can take Jayce for his laning phase. He has a relatively easy one since he can last hit ranged, be a pain in the ass, and disengage easily Nice if you don't feel like fighting face-to-face constantly.
    Crossing of wires here. I meant, you don't take Jayce to constantly kill an opponent (ala Khazix for example) - you take to do the safe farm and be a late game powerhouse (ala Susan)

  13. #30773
    Sad to see that the Tribunal does actually punish based on numbers alone.
    There is always a difference between someone having a bad game, someone of lower skill/level playing with friends and therefore facing off against better opponents, someone who tries a (working!) tactic and someone who is intentionally feeding.

    You can't see whether the player in question is new (to the game or that character), has a bad game or is running straight into the enemy to die, if you just look at numbers.

    Obviously some intentional feeders won't write in the chat that they are feeding, but many are in some way already upset and feel the need to let their teammates know. So it would be better to take a close look on the chat and punish/pardon with that information in mind and not only the numbers.

    Luckily those bans are rare. Yes, from time to time we hear about them in forums, but it only seems to be that many because people usually don't post when they get banned for good.

    I hope that Riot takes a good look on those cases to decide whether to unban them.

    In this specific case it would probably be best to warn your team before the match and if they are against it, resort to a normal tactic.

  14. #30774
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    While I normally would happily agree this is a shame... I'd be glad to see this stupid strat go extinct.

  15. #30775
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    While I normally would happily agree this is a shame... I'd be glad to see this stupid strat go extinct.
    I can't and don't ever play Singed, I also hate playing against him. However, it is a very clever strategy and things that require inventive thinking should be rewarded as opposed to being punished. The Trollcrank strategy is one of the most entertaining things to come out of League of Legends I've ever witnessed, and many people agree. I think the same about proxy Singed. The problem stems entirely from people not understanding exactly how it works, instantly assuming said person is a feeder.

    Whilst I don't think the strategy should ever be used vs someone such as Zed/Kha'zix who can entirely snowball and roam from ~2kills, it is an entirely viable tactic vs champions who rely on winning and pushing their lane constantly.

    ne porvivajo nur mortigi tempo

  16. #30776
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    I don't like lose-lose strategies.

    Kill singed? He wins because the rest of the map doesn't get any pressure and he's worth nothing.
    Don't kill singed? He wins because he gets free farm and your turrets will just topple over from constant minion pressure.

  17. #30777
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBro View Post
    But when is that? The thing is, should i just ignore, lets say top, where the enemy is free farming and will become a considerable problem later on, and just focus on making mid and botlane winning? I dont want my toplaner to be lvl 12 vs their lvl 16 aswell as 50 farm vs 150. Then is practically a 4v5 due to how underfed ours is and how fed their toplane is.

    This is where i fail as a jungler. I feel like i HAVE to try and help a lost lane winning, but it usually ends up with me wasting time trying to gank a lane where the enemy could kill us 2v1 with a laner flaming me because they fucked up.
    Kilz covered a great many points, but I still have a few of my own to add on the matter.

    Sometimes ganking a lost lane can result in a double kill for your opponent if they are fed enough or the enemy jungle pulls off a counter-gank. This not only gives that laner a greater advantage, it sets you behind and makes it a little harder for you to snowball the other lanes. Also while that one person may be ahead, your focus on other lanes gets the rest of your team mates fed. 1 compared to 3-4 is better than letting that lane go even and hope the others win.

    Your also not completely letting that enemy laner off. In the Udyr game I mentioned before, I waited until Singed lost his tower and I had a few kills before heading top. Luckily the enemy Elise top was not to smart, and she continued to push and farm instead of roaming. She pushed to where the tower used to be, then I come in and she has no chance to escape since it is 2v1 and the other jungler was no where nearby. Rinse and repeat with the help of mid or bot lane and the only person on the enemy team worth a damn is shut down.

    It's only natural to want to help the failing lanes. Learning when a lane has become a lost cause is part of learning how to be a great jungler.

  18. #30778
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    Patch will be tonight.

    As for this proxy Singed debate, I'm surprised a red hasn't discussed it yet.
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
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  19. #30779
    Aatrox will probably be released this weekend, as well, since he's in the patch, just not activated immediately.

  20. #30780
    Titan Charge me Doctor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scaeva View Post
    Sad to see that the Tribunal does actually punish based on numbers alone.
    There is always a difference between someone having a bad game, someone of lower skill/level playing with friends and therefore facing off against better opponents, someone who tries a (working!) tactic and someone who is intentionally feeding.

    You can't see whether the player in question is new (to the game or that character), has a bad game or is running straight into the enemy to die, if you just look at numbers.

    Obviously some intentional feeders won't write in the chat that they are feeding, but many are in some way already upset and feel the need to let their teammates know. So it would be better to take a close look on the chat and punish/pardon with that information in mind and not only the numbers.

    Luckily those bans are rare. Yes, from time to time we hear about them in forums, but it only seems to be that many because people usually don't post when they get banned for good.

    I hope that Riot takes a good look on those cases to decide whether to unban them.

    In this specific case it would probably be best to warn your team before the match and if they are against it, resort to a normal tactic.
    A friend of mine was banned for several weeks for flame. All games i played with him on skype was filled with rage, swearing and blame. He blamed everyone for dying, for not doing what he thinks is right, for not calling missing players in right way and yelling that he carries a game while everyone is retarded.
    After he've got unbanned, he started doing it again and was banned after 3 days.
    The fun thing is that he don't think that he deserved this bans
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    Russians are a nation inhabiting territory of Russia an ex-USSR countries. Russians enjoy drinking vodka and listening to the bears playing button-accordions. Russians are open- and warm- hearted. They are ready to share their last prianik (russian sweet cookie) with guests, in case lasts encounter that somewhere. Though, it's almost unreal, 'cos russians usually hide their stuff well.

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