1. #1

    Trash Ninja hotfix?

    Did anyone else notice last night when raiding, about the time that they hotfixed the uses of guild battle standers, that the drop rate of BoE Epics was lowered?

    Last night my guild was clearing trash, getting tons of drops, both BoEs and patterns while still able to drop the standards. We take a break half way through our raid, to find that we can no longer drop our standards, and that BoEs were dropping much less frequently (we didn't see a single Epic or pat for our remaining 3 hours of raiding)

    Anyone else notice something along the same lines?

  2. #2
    The standards getting fixed was already on the FP, no idea about drops (random loot is random?)

  3. #3
    It's more than likely a case of the trash near the start of the instance having a higher drop rate. When I raid in BoT and BWD, the earlier packs always seem to drop more than the later ones, at least in my experience.

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