1. #1

    Disc Priest 10 mans.

    So, after spending about 2 hours, reading over many posts, doing some math here and there, I haven't gotten an answer yet.

    This is what I have picked up.
    -Mastery scales poorly with PoH, but great with PW:S
    -Haste is better throughput on certain fights, but is often wasted if you aren't chain casting.
    -Crit makes your DA stacks huge, and is a good stat to balance.

    There still hasn't been an answer. My healing comp consists of a resto druid, a resto shaman, and me a disc priest (holy on alysrazor and baelroc)

    Here is my situation. I find myself rarely tank healing, and if I do, it is just pennance, PW:S, and PoM. Flash heal for omg heavy tank dmg.
    I'm the person raid healing, I often over heal with my PoH, but never find myself ooming. I finished Ragnaros with 90% mana... The only fight I come remotely close to ooming, would be Domo.

    As of now, I am stacking int everywhere I can. Reforging all into mastery, with low haste, and low crit. Here is my stats.

    I have 2p t12.

    Spell Power: 8252
    Haste: 4.01%
    Combat Regen: 2796
    Crit: 12.28%
    Mastery: 19.06

    Also, this is probably a dumb question, but since I'm not ooming, I'm assuming I should use inner fire, however, I find inner will's movement speed increase is extremely helpful in many encounters. Thoughts?

  2. #2
    Disc is a very intressting class to gear, because it depends very much on your setup and thus, what your job is, and how you do it (ie which spells you use).

    i would rate our secondary stats as follows:
    Haste: good stat, decent for every job, because it affects every heal we have. (but doesnt acutally increase the heal, just makes it come faster)
    Crit: good throughput stat, that affects every heal appart from PW:S, but loses value when targets do not profit from the additonal heal (obviosly) and the DA's dont get used up. so it's best to use is for tanks, where you can be sure to profit from critheals, or at least the DA.
    Mastery: pushes your PW:S greatly, has a rather small effect on PoH, but nearly no effect on every other heal.

    It's up to you, what you think is best for your playstyle.
    As a raidhealer, I would go for haste as primary second stat. but when you also often support your group and tanks with shields, be sure to not neglect mastery. in this case crit will be your reforge stat.

    The running speed from IW is nice, but you can get 8% run speed from boot enchant (you only lose 15mastery ore something like that)
    If you don't have manaproblems, defenetly go for Inner Fire! (I would always go with IF, but switch to IW for bubble-spamm phases) and get the boot enchant

  3. #3
    I'm running the same setup as You, we're 1/7 hc ( almost 2 ).
    I tested both full haste, full mastery. I found out balancing mastery and haste ( with a bit more mastery over haste ) and totally ignoring crit is the way to go.
    I am mostly raid healer.
    I'm pretty much undergeared comapred to others healers and I'm acutally able to 2men heal Lord rytho hc, without almost any problems (tho we're still progressing on it ).

  4. #4
    Why, for gods sake, does anyone go Holy for Alys and Bael?

    - bael: no raiddamage, but you need some Singeltarget-HPS on both the Shardtarget AND the tanks. Holy might not be bad, but a ToT-Disc is far superior

    - Alys: a shaman and druid should be enough to HPS in the fourth phase. Your barrier is greatly appreciated at this point of the fight and your PoH won't go to waste, Power Infusion and go for it. Aside from this phase, there shouldn't be any serious raiddamage - but there will be tantrumspikes on your tanks. If you're assigned to "help out" on different sides of the fight... don't do it. The shaman is far superior in this aspect of the fight. Ghostwolf and his ability to Tide + GHW + GHW and the way his mastery works makes him the ideal first aid-Healer

    Aside from that: in your setup you should be rather often on tank healing duty. You should have AT LEAST 15% haste (incl. raidbuff) and balance out mastery with crit. One point in SoS should be doing the job. Don't spam shields, but shields and aegis will be a solid contributor to your healthroughput. This mixed gearing makes you flexible in the way you counter certain raidmechanics. preshielding the stomp of Rhyo? No prob. Keeping easily the tank alive besides of preshielding? It's a given.

    Crit is a great stat. Surely, a critical greater heal might be overhealing. But with ToT it is NOT wasted mana. And your aegis won't overheal at all.
    At iLvl 370+ I would try to reach 20% and a balanced set of mastery and crit.

    If you find yourself uncomfortable with your hasteamount/state of your manabar/shieldingcapabilities etc. , react accordingly. To learn what's going on in your raid and to act accordingly is one of the main aspects of this game. Without logs and/or vids it's hard to judge for spectators like us.

  5. #5
    With that setup as a raid healer primarily I would do the following;

    Make sure I had an AA/A spec. Phenomenal talent for raid healing disc priest and great damage utility in 10 mans.

    You can gear two ways with a resto druid.

    Get your PoH, GH and H to a 2.1 second cast, then either focus on crit or mastery (for raid healing I prefer crit.)


    Focus on haste and try to balance out another secondary stat, leaving one in the wind. For this method I would suggest mastery and would suggest picking up regen trinkets ie: SoW if available or Jaws/Quintessence etc.

    GL, hope this helps.

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