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  1. #561
    the hunter i raid on to this day was my first toon, true story .was on orc hunter that i took up to 60sumthin back in wrath then rolled DK and he became my main all through wrath and most of cata, then got back into my hunter, lvled him to 85 and havnt looked back. . .

  2. #562
    Roommate of mine back in university was playing, let me make a toon on his account as a "trial" just to see if I liked it. I did so he gave me his 10 day trial. One day during summer vacation I remembered I had the trial card lying around so I punched it in and made an Undead Rogue named Soulvex. He was my only character until late TBC where I created a warrior, also UD, that wouldn't actually get to any sort of max level until Cata. I don't play anymore, and haven't for a while, but he will always hold a special place in my heart and was always my #1 toon. Also, last time I checked his armory, he was naked or near naked so I'm sure he's been hacked. Oh well, we had a good run .

  3. #563
    the good ol' days hehe. Back then i was 15 years old starting with a gnome lock (boy do I regret chosing a gnome ). took me half a year to get to 60 , not knowing wtf to do the first 30 lvls haha. altough it was a great experience, Probably the most fun i'll ever have had in this game just because the world was full and not empty (and harder for a tiny stretch).

  4. #564
    My first character was made on private server named Outofdate, patch 1.8 in june 2006 if I am correct. It was human warrior, I don't remember his name... I didn't knew what the quests are, so I leveled him to 12 by just grinding. And my first character on Blizzard servers was dwarf hunter, Reffan on Agamaggan EU. I made him on december 2007 and leveled him up to 39. I deleted him couple months ago...

  5. #565
    Human mage, named her magestical got her to level 60 and ran molten core thinking I would never get bored of that raid, lost that account along time ago :*(

  6. #566
    USA Beta, Phase 1. I made a paladin, and i still remember that Blessing of Might was an offensive spell haha

  7. #567
    Mechagnome terminaltrip421's Avatar
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    nelf feral druid on a froob account. ended up getting them to 39 before deleting them to restart them with a different name.

  8. #568
    Orc shaman, made in 2005 the first day I started playing. He was my main all the way up until I stopped playing a few days after MoP released. Except for about three months during WotLK, when my guild needed a druid healer because we didn't have one. So I took a few days off of raids and leveled one up. As soon as LK went down, I went back to the shaman. Because for me, resto shaman is the best healer available. In any expansion. Never had a single issue with how they are played. I'm a very aggressive healer.
    A true Patriot fights for their country, not for their government.

  9. #569
    Thinking that was Azhrael the Human Warrior on Ravencrest-EU back in Feb. 2006... Got to about lvl 21-22 and then I think I quit since I was all alone with no clue what to do (my cousin, who got me into the game, only helped me in the starting area). Got back at the start of Burning Crusade somehow.

  10. #570
    Pandaren Monk
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    Jun 2010
    Dream of the 90s
    My current main, a Troll Shaman Engineer, created late March or early April of 2005. Whenever the "Dire Maul" patch came out, I started right after that. I had no idea what I was doing, and hit 60 around June in my "of the Gorilla" pants, blue BOE leather Spirit chest, and epic level 48 2h mace (on which I spent all my gold). My talent tree looked like I threw darts at my screen, and I had no idea what "rotation" was -- I just played by facerolling Frost Shock (and sometimes Chain Lightning).

    160 days /played later, plus 4 realm transfers, a couple server firsts, and 2 years off (I hated Cataclysm), I have a slightly better idea of what the buttons do -- though, only slightly, since I'm elemental.
    Last edited by Vulcanasm; 2013-01-13 at 09:05 AM.

  11. #571
    Human paladin.

    Character swapping around for years and now I've favored my mage.

  12. #572
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    This happy little fellow. Right before the Ahn'Qiraj war effort started up. Been my primary guy up 'til MoP. He has since taken a back seat to my tank toon. But I'll get back to him, one day...

  13. #573
    About 2 months before BC I rolled a Nelf male Druid named Arnonius EU as my first toon.

    Leveled him up to 85 then rolled a dwarf hunter named peekaboom also on scarshield EU. Was my primary pvp toon.

    Now I'm taking a break for my exams when I'm done I'll level my druid up to 90 same for my hunter to then roll a monk :P

  14. #574
    The Patient Hilde's Avatar
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    Norway, Draenor EU
    I started WoW during cata when the "free to 20" thing was implemented, and I actually don't use that account anymore. The first characters I rolled were shaman and druid. I leveled my shaman to like level 12 and my druid to level cap(20), Druid was the first I got to level 85 and shaman the second.

  15. #575
    Human Paladin, 2 weeks before the end of the closed beta.

  16. #576
    human lock bornlande on EU english beta 9. went to l. 14 over a week or so, then beta ended.

  17. #577
    my first toon was my lock that i still play as my main now ^^ (but she has changed from human, to worgen, to gnome, back to human, and now she's undead)

  18. #578
    Tauren Shaman, rerolled at lvl14 cause I couldn't see shit with that thing in the way.

  19. #579
    Nightelf Druid.

  20. #580
    My first char, made on day 1 of EU servers opening is still my main now - Knight Lieutenant Skalf (dwarf warrior)

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