Is Patch 4.0.6 this week?
People are already asking me if Patch 4.0.6 will be deployed on live servers this week and the answer is very likely to be no, some of the changes in the official notes aren't even on test realms yet, don't count on it.

Cho'gall Heroic World 2nd Kill by Paragon
Paragon also killed Cho'gall in Heroic Mode during the week-end and reached Lady Sinestra, the heroic only encounter of the Bastion of Twilight, things might get interesting very soon. To this date, Paragon is the only guild with 11 Heroic boss kills in Cataclysm, followed by For The Horde with 10 kills.

Addon Review - Quest Completist (by Shamanic)
This addon, created by Viduus of Frostmane EU is a quest tracker/finder updated for Cataclysm, allowing you to track all the quests you have completed - and which ones you have yet to complete.

Using this Addon
In order to bring up the console you type /qc

The first thing you want to do is "Perform Server Query" by clicking on "Zones" and it's the final option. This will update to the addon which quests you have already completed. You will need to give the client a minute or two to get all the data but this only needs to be done once.

You will most likely want to select "Hide Opposing Forces Quests" in order to only see quests available to your faction.

Now you can select your zone, including Zones, Dungeons & Raids, Professions, Classes etc. When you open the console, the zone listed will be the one that you are standing in, if you are travelling through zones the console will automatically switch, making it very easy to find the quests for the area you're currently in. The total number of quests found is displayed on the bottom right. If you want to track which quests you have not already completed you can tick "Hide Completed Quests". Now only quests you have not completed are shown. Quests you are already on are marked with a question mark, and quests you have completed but not yet turned in would be highlighed yellow.

An excellent feature is the listing of daily quests. See for example Twilight Highlands. This allows you to keep track of which zones have daily quests. Hovering over the quest will give you information including quest text, objectives, quest giver and the co-ordinates. The addon offers TomTom support.

It is a work in progress and you can help the addon author keep this addon updated by sending your Saved Variable file found in \WTF\Account\Saved Variables\QuestCompletist.lua to

Conclusion: This is a very simple addon with an attractive user interface with a one click setup (query server) required, overall a very easy to use and useful tool for quest hunters and loremasters.

Revenge: Marrowgar Solo Kill by Raegwyn
You probably heard Raegwyn's name a few times in the past, he's that crazy Death Knight who likes to solo stuff that people aren't really supposed to kill alone in the first place. Last time he tried to kill Marrowgar it ended fairly painfully because of the enrage timer but things are now very different with 5 extra levels...

The MMO Report
It's monday and the lovely and cuddly Casey is back for this week's MMO Report!

Dark Legacy Comic #272 and Teh Gladiators #202 + 203 are out!

This article was originally published in forum thread: Cho'gall 2nd Kill, Quest Completist, Marrowgar Solo, MMO Report, Comics started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 119 Comments
  1. Mathaios's Avatar
    I need that achievment ;<!
  1. Ocherend's Avatar
    hunters have been soloing marrowgar for a couple of weeks now.
  1. Haxon's Avatar
    I sure hope 4,0.6 comes this week!!
  1. mmoc37153e3aa7's Avatar
    Graz to Paragon.

    That addon looks good.
  1. Gaudaloht's Avatar
    I think no one care for 2nd Grats to that for that guys: For the horde
    cant wait to see who down sinestra first and some good videos of the fight
  1. Luckylockk's Avatar
    Death Knight soloing Lord Morrowgar, why am I not surprised?
  1. Duticyaa's Avatar
    marrowgar was soloed for the first time a few weeks ago, by a hunter.
  1. Vinhz's Avatar
    So you don't post any other World 2nd apart from world 2nd that are achieved by Paragon
    This is relevant to my interests
  1. Inacup's Avatar
    hunters been doin that for a while now :>
  1. Zokten's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Inacup View Post
    hunters been doin that for a while now :>

    wondering if people know how much Rae has soloed.
  1. Exavie's Avatar
    Vinhz, the reason to that is because it's 11/12 for them and more competition toward 12/12 and Sinestra.

    Anyhow, nice with even more competition, with Paragon being 11/12, FTH being 10/12 but with Cho'gall killed. Looking forward to the Sinestra-race
  1. mmoc443165a3eb's Avatar
    Just wanted to say I've been advising Quest Completist to several guildies the past weeks. Mostly because they were trying to get the zone quest achievements but couldn't find the next steps. The server query filtering is awesome.

    I quite honestly expect Bliz to implement something like QC in the near future in the default game. It's just convenient to see what quests remain in a zone.
  1. mmoc6af618f320's Avatar
    Raegwynn is pretty cool guy I'll say, gratz to him once again! However this time he came a bit late, some lame ass hunter soloed Marrowgar couple weeks ago, there was a video on WCM. The saddest thing is that the hunter was really terrible, not moving out of shit etc.
  1. Zeel's Avatar
    I wonder if they change the way that Golblins and Worgens won't be Bone Spiked. Regarding those hunter-Marrowgar-kills I mean.
  1. Socram's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by reve View Post
    The saddest thing is that the hunter was really terrible, not moving out of shit etc.
    You mean just like Raegwynn?
  1. Exocet's Avatar
    healing nerf is coming ! Bye arthas
  1. Laftaf's Avatar
    Oh look, another Worgen...

    Love the reviews, more gold makers IMO.
  1. Zauber's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zokten View Post

    wondering if people know how much Rae has soloed.
    A lot? Grats for having enough patience to stay awake while soloing as blood
    Quote Originally Posted by Laftaf View Post
    Oh look, another Worgen....
    Also wasn't he a blood elf before cata? From BE to worgen... What can be more pathetic
  1. rettypally's Avatar
    Stop sucking Paragons dick. This is why I have come to hate them. For the Horde gets world first yet you still treat Paragon like they got world first and you have already forgotten about For the Horde. And because Paragon had Blizz nerf Darkflight because those prema donna's wanted to make sure their chosen faction was always the top raid comp. Give For the Horde the respect they deserve, because with this post about Paragon you're spitting on them.
  1. Sledfang's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rettypally View Post
    Stop sucking Paragons dick. This is why I have come to hate them. For the Horde gets world first yet you still treat Paragon like they got world first and you have already forgotten about For the Horde. And because Paragon had Blizz nerf Darkflight because those prema donna's wanted to make sure their chosen faction was always the top raid comp. Give For the Horde the respect they deserve, because with this post about Paragon you're spitting on them.

    The top guild from the previous raiding tier (aka Paragon in ICC) and EU guilds in general, have always gotten better front page treatment. Its subtle enough that its not a problem, but anyone that claims it has always been 100% unbiased has not been following for very long. Whenever a new guild gets the most valued world first-kill of the current tier, theyll get the special treatment too.

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