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  1. #661
    The Patient Bawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maniac2 View Post
    Ok, lets assume LFR is removed. Then you will demand to remove Normal, just cause people dont want to continue to Heroic. When Normal is removed, you will demand to remove Heroic, because people wont continue to Mythic. And then you are alone in Mythic with 1% playerbase, just so you can be special snowflake with 99% of playerbase looking at you as a god.

    And you will still want 99% playerbase to fund development of Mythic raids thru sub, so 1% can enjoy them. Im sorry, but thats completely unfair to me, too bad if you dont see it (or want to see it). No, I dont want my sub money go to making "your" content.
    Thanks for putting words in my mouth.
    I never said Flex or Normal modes -- in fact I run them on my alts quite frequently. Don't know why I personally would demand Normals and Heroics to ever be removed considering I enjoy playing multiple alts and will use these difficulties in WoD. Plus, they actually make sense as difficulty stepping stones, especially with the Flex tech being used for both raiding modes next expac. LFR no longer has a place in this game.

    99% of the playerbase is definitely not running LFR, I can assure you.

    Don't have to make it into some stuck up 'special snowflake' ignorant post. I just don't think that LFR has brought any positives to MoP. It has shortened the length of tiers and has made pugging this expansion near difficult, even on a high pop server. No one was interested in running Normal mode this entire expansion because why do people need to? Oh that's right, lets queue for LFR and then log for the week. It pretty much encourages players to solo queue into everything in the game and ignore the 'MMO' factor of the game. LFR doesn't challenge or engage the player base because you don't even need a pulse to run it. Why do you think people believe that PvE is easy? They take one step into LFR and win loot off of half the bosses for doing practically no dps.
    Bawkasaur - Feral PvE | Bawk - Feral PvE - Youtube - Twitter - Website - Twitch

  2. #662
    pretty much MoP, pick 5 out of that expansion

  3. #663
    Quote Originally Posted by Bawk View Post
    Thanks for putting words in my mouth.
    I never said Flex or Normal modes -- in fact I run them on my alts quite frequently. Don't know why I personally would demand Normals and Heroics to ever be removed considering I enjoy playing multiple alts and will use these difficulties in WoD.

    99% of the playerbase is definitely not running LFR, I can assure you.
    Sure you never said flex or normal, you WOULD say that if LFR is removed.
    So, you personally run alts thru flex or normal and have your fun, but others cant have their fun in LFR you want removed.
    Your fun can stay, but others fun should be removed. Tell me how is that not selfish?

    And I didnt say 99% play LFR, all I said is that 99% would do nothing if all but mythic is removed.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Bawk View Post
    It has shortened the length of tiers and has made pugging this expansion near difficult, even on a high pop server. No one was interested in running Normal mode this entire expansion because why do people need to? Oh that's right, lets queue for LFR and then log for the week. It pretty much encourages players to solo queue into everything in the game and ignore the 'MMO' factor of the game. LFR doesn't challenge or engage the player base because you don't even need a pulse to run it. Why do you think people believe that PvE is easy? They take one step into LFR and win loot off of half the bosses for doing practically no dps.
    And whats wrong with people solo queue? If thats what people want, why blame them. You know, not everyone want hard encounters, not everyone want play whole week, not everyone want socializing. Some want just have fun for few hours, nothing more.
    And LFR popularity confirms this. I dont want to be encouraged to do harder modes, Im fine with LFR as it is.
    And, sure, it is not perfect, but I can manage all its flaws.

    Also, check this thread, seems like majority is solo players.

  4. #664
    How about 5 things they did right?

    LFG - allowed people to do dungeons that were not end-game. Before this the chance of finding 5 people on the same realm doing a leveling dungeon was just about nil.

    LFR - allowed people who have very little time for raiding to see the content. (Now the bad part is the total dismissal of heroic dungeons due to LFR and scenarios).

    Guild perks - really revitalized guilds and gave a strong reason to join (of course there are negatives, like the NEED to be in a level 25 guild for anything).

    Allowing addons - yes this was at launch, but so many MMOs do not allow addons using open source languages. None are as successful as WoW is.

    Allowing a bunch of options at end-game - from rep grinds, to PVP, to raids, etc. Used to be it was heroic dungeon, rep grinds, PVP, raids. Now there is almost too much to do at level cap.

  5. #665
    The Patient
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Aug 2007
    LFG - using players outside their realm and getting instantly inside.
    Paid Character name change.
    Flying mounts
    new continent every expansion making the old one a desert.

    these are just the top 5 that come to me atm.

  6. #666
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryuutora View Post
    1. Not making Monk as overpowered as Death Knights to draw attention to the class.
    Good point, and agreed. New class should be OP for a short amount of time to draw attention to it. Not sure that is worth a top 5 mention.

  7. #667
    Flying. *Caugh* I mean floating *Caugh*.

  8. #668

    Currently Playing: Eldevin

  9. #669
    1.Big bad changes in class mechanics.Shaman totems f.e. Including class homogenization.
    2.LFR.It made an access to raids easier but at the cost of alienating people who play on the same server.
    3.Balancing Death Knights.Almost every major patch folks like Raegwyn solo additional raid content,if this doesnt scream IMBALANCE in your face,then you are probably DK player yourself.No other class can keep up in this sort of competition with DKs,and its been going since launch of WotLK.Not to mention that DK is a top tier class for PVP as well.
    4.Rehash of older raids, like Naxx,Onyxia,Zul Aman.Instead of keeping the original difficulty,Blizzard dumbed them down.
    5."Heroic" difficulty over Ulduar optional boss mechanics.I myself and i think the majority of raiding guild members hate to do pretty much same content several times per week.
    6.Daily quests.Dungeon based ones are ok, but everything else turns into routine very fast.
    Last edited by Kaynot; 2014-02-09 at 04:08 PM.

  10. #670
    1. Flying mounts
    2. LFG / LFR
    3. Cash shop
    4. Class homogenization
    5. Removal of skirmish arenas

    Not in that order, and just my opinion.

  11. #671
    Having several versions of the same raid
    Pressing buttons to go everywhere - no fighting over meeting stones
    Making heroic dungeons the least heroic thing I can think of
    The insanely high increase in item level / power over the course of an expansion, but that's a side effect of the first one
    Having item level instead of epic quest lines as attunements

  12. #672
    Quote Originally Posted by Espada View Post
    What? Are you going to read me aloud a non-tampered log of every conversarion you had in wow? I don't think that's needed. Basically you are telling me that you called someone, no ignorine evade, a bot, poo-head or buttmunch, and went from no warning to your account to a permaban.

    Unless you told that "bot" that you had found his name, living place and you where going there with a knife right now, it seems a liiittle bit strange. Yeah, no, forget it. I believe you, let it go.
    Telling another player their name, address and you're coming to their home to do something to them just doesn't get your account closed. It gets a visit from your local police too.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Marema View Post
    4) changes to abilities/spells because of PVP related imbalance
    stupid shit yea. don't EVER nerf something because it becomes a PvP imbalance issue when it affects PvE. PvE is meant to be OP. spells/abilities/etc should work different when flagged. keep it balanced for PvP but OP for PvE. if balance cant be achieved for PvP without nerfing PvE then tough shit. really just remove 2v2 (or arena altogether) then its easier to balance things out. oh yea and fire kalgan for his clusterfuck bs.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by cabyio View Post
    No one is forcing you to go galavanting into an enemy town. Getting flagged for 5 min is your punishment for going where you don't belong.
    well thats getting fixed with WoD. only way to get flagged on a PvE realm will be for you to enable your PvP. right click a flagged player all you want, you wont attack them. thats a big FU to all those to them i say.....HA.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Pencil View Post
    1. Shared lockouts

    2. Tom Chilton

    3. Aggra

    4. Lack of 5mans

    5. No weather updates (including weather in cities) since launch
    chilton is 1-5, since there would be no other fuckups to list with that idiot gone from blizz.

  13. #673
    Epic! Wayne25uk's Avatar
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    1: Guild Levels
    2: LFG tool
    3: PvP unbalance
    4: Mastery
    5: Talent revamp

  14. #674
    My 5 worst decsions:

    - LFD
    - LDR
    - Old World "revamp" with linear questflow and messing up every zone.
    - Talent tree revamp starting with Cata (forced 31 points) + MoP
    - Alterac Valley changed to a PvE Battleground due to ressources.

  15. #675
    Epic! Wayne25uk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by plat0nic View Post
    Dude fucking get over it,so sick of this argument,you played Orcs Trolls Night Elves UNDEAD!!! Worgen Goblins Dwarfs, TAURENS!!!! A COW FOR GOD SAKE! and yet a simple panda even though its been in the game since WC3 bothers you. Its like those idiots that shout on trade "THIS GAME IS SO UNREALISTIC" response = "Dude your on a flying horse and your undead....."

  16. #676
    1. The introduction of PvP (BG's and arenas) and the way that it affected the PvE content.

    Not sure if there is so much more if they never introduced organized pvp it would pretty much fix all of the problems we had to date.

  17. #677
    Only two complaints I have is the way PvP effects PvE and the way they handled 5 man content in MoP.

    Everything else has been addressed and fixed from MoP since Cata and I have a feeling one of these two things will be addressed in WoD.

  18. #678
    1. LFR
    2. All of the paid services + store. This is a subscription based game after all... not some F2P korean mmo
    3. The new "talent" system
    4. Overall dumbing down the game
    5. Letting mounts like Invincible/Mimiron's head/Ashes of alar still drop. Items like this should be a FOS and be unobtainable after their current expansion.

  19. #679
    1. Allowing gear inflation to get out of hand. The jump in item levels from vanilla to TBC was too big, and it got worse with each subsequent expansion.
    2. Adding the 'cloud' animation when you mount or dismount, it's really annoying and wasn't even needed.
    3. Removal of class quests.
    4. Flying mounts.
    5. Changing raid size from 40 man to 10/25 man in TBC. They should have picked a single size and stuck with it, instead of creating a two tier raiding community. 20 man would have been my preference, it would have enabled the vanilla 40 man raiding guilds to swap to running two raid teams without losing members, helping to keep guilds together.

    Thinking about it, as much as I loved playing TBC, it was that expansion that created most of the issues that we still have today.

  20. #680
    1. WF Totem removed.
    2. Removal of Grouped Quests/Elite Mobs.
    3. LFD.
    4. Mage Portals removed.
    5. Class Homogenization.

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