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  1. #1

    Is Blizzard schizofrenic?

    So let's start with the positives, the leveling experience is the best one so far, amazing beautiful zones, great quests and class hall/artifact quests were amazing and much rewarding. Suramar looks amazing, i'll give u that. But things pretty much end there, once u hit 110, the nightmare beings.

    After MoP Blizz admitted that MoP daily quests were way too grindy alt felt like chores and removed that in WoD. What do they do in Legion? The biggest fucking grind of a lifetime. I don't mind the type of grinding for elitists and people with no jobs. By all means, those people need to feel some sort achievement in life, cause they don't get any IRL. Give them cosmetics or mounts that takes 6 months of 7h grinds a day, or even throw them some a ring. But artifact power grind, are u fucking kidding me? In order to play my class the way it's designed to be played, i need to spend 3 months grinding quests, and that is to play ONE specc? The classes are tuned around full artifact power, and u need to grind that even play your class fully?

    Then u have pvp, so u remove gear, and disable PvE cause u want to remove the farming aspects from PvP. But what to u introduce instead? Meaningsless honor talent grind. The best ways to do is is to spam solo skirmish as Dps and hope u get another dps, u either win in 30 sec and loose 30 sec, and it matters little, cause u get honor both ways. No point in playing serious, cause some classes needs to have their honor level 46 talent to even function properly in pvp. NOT TO MENTION, the game is balanced around having full artifact power, which takes 3 months to grind, for ONE specc.

    So this is your way of giving people stuff to do? Stuff to do is getting quality raids and dungeons out, or maybe epic quest lines, not a mindless daily quest farm, mind u, this grindfest is not to have BiS gear, but to freaking play your class properly.

    I don't know about most people, but for me, on way to not get tired of an expansion is to play 2-3 alts, but who is going to level alts this expansion? Want to change class for a new arena season? Nvm need to farm 3 months of artifact power first.

    Whoever is in charge of this game design needs to see a doctor. And in before some of the replys;

    1.Yes, i've played since vanilla, and i've done grinding through all the previous expansions, nothing comes close to this level of stupidness.
    2. No, grinding does not equal stuff to do, just cause u have no life.
    3. I play the game cause i try to enjoy every new exp hoping blizzard learned something after 11 years.
    4. MMO does not equal grind, it does not stand for Massive multiplayer online grinding game. U should do content together with other people, not grind 5h a day for 3 months BEFORE u properly can do content with other people.

    /end of rant.

  2. #2
    I'll grind you from behind.

  3. #3
    Immortal Flurryfang's Avatar
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    I like the new WQ system. I also like the current "endgame" content so far So i will disagree with OP
    May the lore be great and the stories interesting. A game without a story, is a game without a soul. Value the lore and it will reward you with fun!

    Don't let yourself be satisfied with what you expect and what you seem as obvious. Ask for something good, surprising and better. Your own standards ends up being other peoples standard.

  4. #4
    Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand what is real. Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, hearing voices, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, and a lack of motivation.

    You decide.

  5. #5
    Obviously you haven't heard of any of the catch up mechanics blizzard added to help with these grinds. First off is artifact knowledge, which increases the amount of AP you receive. This makes it so once you are at knowledge level 25 (the highest) I think I saw that it will take less than 2 weeks to max a new artifact. From an image that has been floating around, after 27 weeks you can have a max 54/54 artifact, and on the 28th week you can have an off spec artifact at 34/54. To go along with that for alts, the work order time for artifact knowledge will be reduced slightly for those who come late. So while it takes 5 days now, those starting next month, it may only be 3 days for each one. This expansion is incredibly alt friendly in my opinion, and blizzard has put a lot of work into making sure that if you fall behind or get a late start, you aren't screwed.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreveryang View Post
    So let's start with the positives, the leveling experience is the best one so far, amazing beautiful zones, great quests and class hall/artifact quests were amazing and much rewarding. Suramar looks amazing, i'll give u that. But things pretty much end there, once u hit 110, the nightmare beings.

    After MoP Blizz admitted that MoP daily quests were way too grindy alt felt like chores and removed that in WoD. What do they do in Legion? The biggest fucking grind of a lifetime. I don't mind the type of grinding for elitists and people with no jobs. By all means, those people need to feel some sort achievement in life, cause they don't get any IRL. Give them cosmetics or mounts that takes 6 months of 7h grinds a day, or even throw them some a ring. But artifact power grind, are u fucking kidding me? In order to play my class the way it's designed to be played, i need to spend 3 months grinding quests, and that is to play ONE specc? The classes are tuned around full artifact power, and u need to grind that even play your class fully?

    Then u have pvp, so u remove gear, and disable PvE cause u want to remove the farming aspects from PvP. But what to u introduce instead? Meaningsless honor talent grind. The best ways to do is is to spam solo skirmish as Dps and hope u get another dps, u either win in 30 sec and loose 30 sec, and it matters little, cause u get honor both ways. No point in playing serious, cause some classes needs to have their honor level 46 talent to even function properly in pvp. NOT TO MENTION, the game is balanced around having full artifact power, which takes 3 months to grind, for ONE specc.

    So this is your way of giving people stuff to do? Stuff to do is getting quality raids and dungeons out, or maybe epic quest lines, not a mindless daily quest farm, mind u, this grindfest is not to have BiS gear, but to freaking play your class properly.

    I don't know about most people, but for me, on way to not get tired of an expansion is to play 2-3 alts, but who is going to level alts this expansion? Want to change class for a new arena season? Nvm need to farm 3 months of artifact power first.

    Whoever is in charge of this game design needs to see a doctor. And in before some of the replys;

    1.Yes, i've played since vanilla, and i've done grinding through all the previous expansions, nothing comes close to this level of stupidness.
    2. No, grinding does not equal stuff to do, just cause u have no life.
    3. I play the game cause i try to enjoy every new exp hoping blizzard learned something after 11 years.
    4. MMO does not equal grind, it does not stand for Massive multiplayer online grinding game. U should do content together with other people, not grind 5h a day for 3 months BEFORE u properly can do content with other people.

    /end of rant.
    If it's too much for you to handle, maybe this isn't the game for you. Seriously, your complaints sounds schizophrenic. " For me to play my class to fullest potential, I have to grind out AP." Followed by " I like to switch between multiple alts to enjoy the game " so which is it? Are you a serious hardcore raider who must have his spec min-maxed asap, or are you a relaxed altoholic who switches classes to enjoy the game? More importantly, complaining because they give you stuff to do is ridiulculous. You should really look to another game

  7. #7
    Bloodsail Admiral Grumpy Old Man's Avatar
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    Blizzard releases an expansion with very few content, the playerbase whines there isn't enough to do.

    Blizzard releases an expansion with lots of content, the playerbase whines there is too much stuff to do.

    The playerbase is schizofrenic.
    Quote Originally Posted by MoanaLisa View Post
    YouTubers are a plague. Fuck 'em. All of them.

  8. #8
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    First of all, YOU. Y - O - U, you.

    Second, the expansion has just started, if you're burnt out now, then you haven't taken care of yourself. Or your playstyle isn't that of what you might want for optimized gaming. There's a ton to do in this expansion, even for newly dinged 110's. The expansion feels quite alt friendly to me, and if the 'moaning' is about leveling the artifact, tough luck - it isn't that hard.

    Third, you claim you played from back in vanilla and you call this too grindy? Yeah, no, this feels quite easier handled.

    Fourth, slight insulting to connect your rant to schizophrenia, just saying from experience.

    Fifith, answers for the fun.
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreveryang View Post
    1.Yes, i've played since vanilla, and i've done grinding through all the previous expansions, nothing comes close to this level of stupidness.
    If you have done the grinding of previous content, and compare it to be less than now, then you haven't done all grinding of previous content.

    Quote Originally Posted by Foreveryang View Post
    2. No, grinding does not equal stuff to do, just cause u have no life.
    Yes, grinding does equal stuff to do, depending on what your goal is. Grind is a very wide spread word but in the end, it does go on the list of things to do. New content, new hunts, now searches, new limits.

    Quote Originally Posted by Foreveryang View Post
    3. I play the game cause i try to enjoy every new exp hoping blizzard learned something after 11 years.
    I play the game because I find my enjoyment in it, I do look in to the expansions, and everyone has had positives and negatives (even WoD). And seeing Legion, they have learnt something of the Warlords of Draenor mistakes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Foreveryang View Post
    4. MMO does not equal grind, it does not stand for Massive multiplayer online grinding game. U should do content together with other people, not grind 5h a day for 3 months BEFORE u properly can do content with other people.
    How can this 3 month thing be a topic, currently, we don't know fully how long it'll take, if I recall?
    MMO doesn't equal grind, but it doesn't exclude it either. ArchAge and Guild Wars 2 would gladly educate you on that.
    You are thinking too much ahead and not enough around you and the people you play with. If you need to complete the artifact now to be of some proper use in content, so does EVERYONE else.

    Quote Originally Posted by Foreveryang View Post
    /end of rant.
    Rant threads generally doesn't go well.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  9. #9
    No, it's fine. You've clearly failed to read up on the catch up systems put into the game to help with a lot of the problems you've listed. The grinds are pretty minimal and not problematic. Hell, I'm already honored with everyone except the Nightfallen which I will be honored with them the next time their WQ pop.

    What Blizzard has done, and which you seem to be missing, is created a large variety of content (e.g. new PvP system, WQ, improved 5 mans, Suramar, rep work, class hall campaigns, professions ect.) and slowed down your consumption of any one form of content. They've given players a reason to keep logging in day after day. This is all very good. Nothing in this expansion is "OMG I'm going to die" hard, but it is paced very well.

  10. #10
    If the things are as OP says, then I'm not buying Legion. I don't wanna grind again.

  11. #11
    Isn't it spelled "schizophrenic"?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreveryang View Post
    2. No, grinding does not equal stuff to do, just cause u have no life.
    Funny how that's always the default argument... Rather than trying to insult people who maximize their play time, maybe you could just admit you don't know how to properly manage your time with the game. You absolutely don't need to spend your entire day doing content in order to progress at a reasonable pace, you just need to understand what's a priority and what can wait for later.

  13. #13
    With all due respect you haven't played shit in Vanilla if this type of grinding is too hard for you or even mentioning alt's as viable.
    Remember Hydraxian Waterlords or Cenarion Circle reputation grind ( Ahn Qiraj pre-event ) from hated to friendly by killing bugs in Silithus only ? Those bugs were killable solo only by frost mages and skilled hunters, for rest you need huge groups. Winterspring Frostsaber if you were alliance as well, 50 reputation per turning a quest for which you need to do 15 minutes at best and you needed exalted.

    Yes, this last has nothing to do with "artifact power" or anything main game related but as cosmetic it was pain to get. Rockfury bracer quest in Silithus? Took not days, took bloody months due to competition, ganks and whatnot to get piece of bracers you could change in Blackwing Lair but requirements to get pre-BWL were at the time constant on my server and difference was what ? 3 intellect and 2/3 stamina.

    Just choose one spec to play as main and if you find time for more - you grind power for another spec, what's the big deal. People are so used to have so many choices...

  14. #14
    Scarab Lord Wries's Avatar
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    I think it's perfect. Reminds me of early WoW where you logged on and had endless of varying things to do so you just did stuff 'until you were tired or had to leave. I am nowhere close to finished with any aspect (dungeons, dailies, professions, secondaries, alts) when I log out and you know what? That's completely OK! Because this is an MMORPG and you're just never supposed to feel like you've finished it.

    Problem with Pandaland (5.0 specifically) was that the dailies were extremely dull and boring. And the variation was a joke. Also they locked dungeon emblem rewards behind rep grinds so even if you took some of your time and ran dungeons you didn't get the gear you "deseved" because it was locked behind dailies as well. Some simpler folks or people who didn't spend much thought on what they were saying might have explained them as "too much to do", but that is a a gross over-simplification.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Gambit5555 View Post
    If it's too much for you to handle, maybe this isn't the game for you. Seriously, your complaints sounds schizophrenic. " For me to play my class to fullest potential, I have to grind out AP." Followed by " I like to switch between multiple alts to enjoy the game " so which is it? Are you a serious hardcore raider who must have his spec min-maxed asap, or are you a relaxed altoholic who switches classes to enjoy the game? More importantly, complaining because they give you stuff to do is ridiulculous. You should really look to another game
    Where did I say something about hardcore raiding and min-maxing? In arena the game is balanced around having full artifact power, right now i am playing with 20% of my class potential unlocked, how the fuck do i play my class to it's full potential then? So i am practicing my class and setup now, then 2 months later I suddenly get 3 more abilties, and so does every other class. Some classes get their first gold trait at artifact 10, others at 14, the diff in grind between those levels is like 3-7 days of grind, depending on how much u play. Some of these talents are gamechanging to your a class, other classes gain maybe less.

    In WoD i could play 3 classes in arena and have the same abilities and the other guy playing the same class, he might have better gear, but atleast he had the same abilities. Right now, someone else can be playing the same class as me but have 1 min CD instead of 2 on an ability that does 30% more dmg than the same ability i am using, IN WHICH FUCKING WORLD is that good game design, please enlighten me? U might aswell make it so that if u made your char has /played 10k hours it's stronger than if u have /played 5k hours cause u know, that would really separate the casuals from the hardcore.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Rondalf View Post
    With all due respect you haven't played shit in Vanilla if this type of grinding is too hard for you or even mentioning alt's as viable.
    Remember Hydraxian Waterlords or Cenarion Circle reputation grind ( Ahn Qiraj pre-event ) from hated to friendly by killing bugs in Silithus only ? Those bugs were killable solo only by frost mages and skilled hunters, for rest you need huge groups. Winterspring Frostsaber if you were alliance as well, 50 reputation per turning a quest for which you need to do 15 minutes at best and you needed exalted.

    Yes, this last has nothing to do with "artifact power" or anything main game related but as cosmetic it was pain to get. Rockfury bracer quest in Silithus? Took not days, took bloody months due to competition, ganks and whatnot to get piece of bracers you could change in Blackwing Lair but requirements to get pre-BWL were at the time constant on my server and difference was what ? 3 intellect and 2/3 stamina.

    Just choose one spec to play as main and if you find time for more - you grind power for another spec, what's the big deal. People are so used to have so many choices...
    U basically said it for me, it was cosmetic. I am all up for grindy stuff like cosmetics and mounts etc. I have grinded retarded stuff back when I had no job and stayed at my parents house. Grinding is not hard, it just takes time. There's a diff between something req skill and something just plainly req time. People that put in more time should be rewarded and be able to show off their achievements, BUT grinding should NEVER be forced into core game mechanics, that's really shitty game design. Gating content or core mechanics behind time grind is stupid. A class should not have more abilties or better abilties cause u have more time to grind. That's so retarded i don't even know where to begin.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreveryang View Post
    Where did I say something about hardcore raiding and min-maxing? In arena the game is balanced around having full artifact power, right now i am playing with 20% of my class potential unlocked, how the fuck do i play my class to it's full potential then? So i am practicing my class and setup now, then 2 months later I suddenly get 3 more abilties, and so does every other class. Some classes get their first gold trait at artifact 10, others at 14, the diff in grind between those levels is like 3-7 days of grind, depending on how much u play. Some of these talents are gamechanging to your a class, other classes gain maybe less.

    In WoD i could play 3 classes in arena and have the same abilities and the other guy playing the same class, he might have better gear, but atleast he had the same abilities. Right now, someone else can be playing the same class as me but have 1 min CD instead of 2 on an ability that does 30% more dmg than the same ability i am using, IN WHICH FUCKING WORLD is that good game design, please enlighten me? U might aswell make it so that if u made your char has /played 10k hours it's stronger than if u have /played 5k hours cause u know, that would really separate the casuals from the hardcore.

    - - - Updated - - -

    U basically said it for me, it was cosmetic. I am all up for grindy stuff like cosmetics and mounts etc. I have grinded retarded stuff back when I had no job and stayed at my parents house. Grinding is not hard, it just takes time. There's a diff between something req skill and something just plainly req time. People that put in more time should be rewarded and be able to show off their achievements, BUT grinding should NEVER be forced into core game mechanics, that's really shitty game design. Gating content or core mechanics behind time grind is stupid. A class should not have more abilties or better abilties cause u have more time to grind. That's so retarded i don't even know where to begin.
    Actually, Blizzard specifically said that classes were balanced without their artifact power so... You're wrong on that one to.

    RPGs might not be your thing.

  17. #17
    The game is balanced at various points. No, the game is NOT balanced around fully unlocked artifacts. Maybe mythic raiding will be but nothing else.

    I will agree though that it feels completely shitty to be playing half a spec until all major traits are unlocked and that some baseline important abilities are locked to pvp and others that really REALLY should be baseline since they swing your dps by a massive 30-50% are on legendaries.

    But the grind is something YOU put yourself through.
    Quote Originally Posted by High Overlord Saurfang
    "I am he who watches they. I am the fist of retribution. That which does quell the recalcitrant. Dare you defy the Warchief? Dare you face my merciless judgement?"
    i7-6700 @2.8GHz | Nvidia GTX 960M | 16GB DDR4-2400MHz | 1 TB Toshiba SSD| Dell XPS 15

  18. #18
    OP you have already been given numerous examples of how your conclusions are based on false assumptions and outright wrong information. Cut the ridiculous hyperbole and have a real dialogue for once. If you're not going to be an adult and listen to their responses then just go sell your crazy in the general off topic section. I mean, how many accounts have you gone through on this board?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreveryang View Post
    1.Yes, i've played since vanilla, and i've done grinding through all the previous expansions, nothing comes close to this level of stupidness.
    A WoW player commenting on a grind. How quaint.

  20. #20
    Yes. A company is schizophrenic.

    I am the one who knocks ... because I need your permission to enter.

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