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  1. #81
    I'm playing 4+ hours a night in between work, girlfriend and sleep and its still not enough time. I have 4 x 110's and close to a fifth but its impossible to keep a handle on everything, especially order hall resources. Not remotely bored and loving every second of it, especially some 7+mythic dungeons

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by Reyzzz View Post
    At least you aren't doing the same 25 quests daily like previously.
    tell that to f.... "save the crops" , "free suesh " and few others that show up every single >< honestly i wish i could chop this f... dino and serve it on plate with corn ><

  3. #83
    Bloodsail Admiral Xykotic's Avatar
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    I'm still at the point where I'm borderline obsessed with WoW. But ofcourse, WQs aren't all that fun anymore, they're a chore to get a little carrot at the end, and a small sacrifice for the rest of the package. I do hope they introduce more and different WQs soon though.

    Still having tons of fun doing all the other content still.

  4. #84
    Much of it must be getting boring to some people, already had a dozen or so people in my guild drop out citing Legion wasn't what they expected, i guess the honeymoon period is over for them and many others (worth noting the majority of these were social members).

    Personally speaking through if I didn't have a raid to progress through (starting Mythic in a couple of resets) and guild related responsibilities I would be done too, EM as a raid just doesn't light my candle, I find world quests boring, repetitive and pointless beyond a shot at an orange from the emissary box, I've done so many Mythic and Mythic+ dungeons I'd sooner drink bleach than do more and i find the gear rng shitfest (looking at you Legendary item) totally pointless and a mere ploy to keep the grind real and the subs running.

    On top of that the whole AP grind is a whole new level of retardation making alts painful to play and putting you so far behind the crowd should you choose to or have to reroll a total slap in the face.

    Fanbois will hate on this post with zeal, but I can't help having an opinion and finding myself falling out of love with the game right now.
    Last edited by justinhalfout; 2016-09-30 at 08:49 AM.

  5. #85
    It seems most people are just playing to grind gear in this game. I will never understand that. All your work you do now is useless...5 mans for gearing up...for what? As long as you can grind and kill mobs at max level at decent phase what more you need.

    next patch prolly give catch up mechanics and everything.
    Last edited by Djuntas; 2016-09-30 at 08:49 AM.
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  6. #86
    People need to understand that, no matter how much content blizz will deliver, there will be always someone who will blaze through that within few weeks and will start to get bored. There is nothing u can do about that

  7. #87
    Bloodsail Admiral Cien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Just finding myself doing the same thing over and over. World/Emissary quests are getting stale now, Dungeon farming is getting stale and Emerald Nightmare I'm honestly not enjoying as much as I'd hoped. Obviously I'm not speaking for everyone here but I'm really trying to enjoy Legion and well I just can't. I don't want to quit just yet because I at least want to give it more time since my game time doesn't expire for a while.
    take a break

  8. #88
    I am Murloc!
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    Artifact power farming is getting very tiring, especially for alts. Artifact knowledge barely helps - I mean, sure, I could get the first 13 levels for offspec rather easily, but anything higher is still pretty slow. I suppose it will be better "later", when it takes just few days to get several levels, but right now, it's a pain. Can't just respec or try out on alt, nope - it will be missing key traits until you grind quite a bit.

    Legendary lottery also feels like bullshit. Yeah, I got one for myself. It's not a great one, but I don't really feel accomplished - it just poped out of emissary chest. Considering there's like 8 per spec, it still feels like a lottery, where you can get some absolute trash you'll never use, and lower your chance for a good one. Then you see someone loot 2 in two days. And then Nighthold supposedly assumes everyone has it - does it also assume everyone has shitty pvp legendary or the best they can?

    Also, herbalism. Potions were never this expensive before. No, I don't care about smartasses claiming "we got lazy with free herbs in garrison". It's a combination of needing more ingredients per potion, Stormheim/Highmountains being annoying to farm in and annoying rank 3 lottery. Thousands of server hopping herbalists isn't quite something I had in mind with this expansion.

  9. #89
    Only real issue for me is the alt, and offspec one... it still feels too punishing to put more than 13 points in my OS right now on my main.

    3 weeks in and I just don't think I can be bothered leveling another alt because of how far behind it will be. Still enjoying it on the 4 110's I do have, though.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Djuntas View Post
    It seems most people are just playing to grind gear in this game. I will never understand that. All your work you do now is useless...5 mans for gearing up...for what? As long as you can grind and kill mobs at max level at decent phase what more you need.

    next patch prolly give catch up mechanics and everything.

    Yeah but WoW and most MMOs are nothing but gear treadmills/ carrot on a stick games
    The issue is that the game is just a giant gear treadmill, there is barely anything else to keep you playing once you have done a raid once or twice, a dungeon once or twice, you just get bored. PvP is different but its so badly designed it fails too.

  11. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by det View Post
    Hmm...okay. Could be the scaling introduced in Legion will one day be applied to all old content. But ofc by that time all that content has already been played through by alts a million times.
    They'd have to be insane not to do it if they're serious about trying to improve the leveling game. The experience of almost all expansions is completely ruined by "halfway through Uldum? you're level 85 now, FUCK OFF TO PANDALAND"
    If you are particularly bold, you could use a Shiny Ditto. Do keep in mind though, this will infuriate your opponents due to Ditto's beauty. Please do not use Shiny Ditto. You have been warned.

  12. #92
    Uhm. Second week of playing Arena seriously. Second week of Mythic+ with many levels to go there. Looking forward to doing the Emerald Nightmare for a second time although raiding will not be a huge part of Legion for me. The World Quests still keep me engaged since I am very motivated in getting Artifact Power to improve my Artifact weapon. Killed my second World Boss. And I haven't even had the time to start leveling my first alt, let alone my Demon Hunter... far from bored. Far.

  13. #93
    Well, I still have some things to do on my main, but if I give up on raids beyond LFR and dungeons beyond mythic0 because I cannot find groups on my server when I have the time to play, then I will resort to playing alts again, just like in WoD. Have one of these already at 110 and working on the class campaign...

  14. #94
    I do feel like the excitement of World Quests and EN died down a little too quickly but I have yet to try out PvP and Mythics+ so I can't really complain.

  15. #95
    Sounds like you're burnt out - too much, too soon. Take a break for a while. WQ's are not really meant to be spammed, just pick high priority ones and focus on them only. You don't need the rep. People seem to forget that this expansion will last at least 2 years so there's no point rushing every part of it.

    As for those saying Legion is alt unfriendly, when has an expansion ever been alt friendly in the first couple of months? Even WoD was branded as alt unfriendly at the start and look how that turned out, lol. You only need up to the second golden trait in your artifact which is obtainable without AK, then with AK you'll be swimming in AP in the coming months. So yeh, I'm really not seeing the problem there, unless you are one of those morons that expects gear mailed to you because you did it on your main.

  16. #96
    Not bored so far. Only at 4/7H with my guild, so there's lots of stuff to do! As of now, I don't do WQs and I'm still on friendly with Suramar. I spend most of my time doing keystone runs, which is challenging, or raiding.

  17. #97
    nah iam fine. having fun with guildies and finding new stuff with all the hidden stuff. Trying out various classes, etc.

  18. #98
    i want to reroll a toon. sadly the grind and effort i have put into my main. doing all that again scares the bejesus out of m iv invested many hours of farming ap and frankly i dont have to time to do that again.

  19. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by Katchii View Post
    Yes, very bored. Farming ancient mana is tedious, as are order resources, and world quests just feel... forced. I keep trying to start leveling alts, but the prospect of spending as much time on them as I did on my main just to get to the same end result just kills it for me.
    Yeah, I feel you on that. I'm on my 5th alt, and that'll be it for awhile. It's been difficult to power through and keep doing world quests for gear and order hall resources (I'm not even bothering to do AP WQ's except on my main). On the other hand, once I've got enough order hall resources, and since they've all got AK research going, it'll be worth it. Lot of upfront time investment, but looking forward to getting to the point where I can just let the Emissary quests bank and then do gold and AP WQ's to finish them

  20. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by Selky View Post
    I'd be enjoying this expansion a lot more if the alt situation wasn't so brutal.
    "i know ill make an alt ohwait suramar, no and fuck no, oh and all the artifact power hunting, well i guess i didnt want to make an alt afterall "

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