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  1. #1

    YOUR preferred Mythic+ setup



    Hi everyone. I appreciate all of the feedback that each of you has offered, it has helped a lot with my group in building a setup. The group itself has changed around, so I'd like to see what THIS potential group would be good paired with; Thanks again for the continued feedback.

    DPS Warrior
    Resto Druid OR Holy Paladin
    Brewmaster, Blood DK, or Vengeance DH

    Our Warrior was going to Tank, but decided to run as DPS instead, so my main question is; Which Tank is stronger for Mythic+? I understand they are all very close in balance and all have strengths/weaknesses, but just looking for good comp suggestions now that Prot Warrior is out of the question. The Holy Paladin is also willing and considering Resto with that in-mind, what comps would be most competative? (IE: 15+ Mythic+). Since our Warrior is now DPS, I feel like it's safe to assume the other 2 DPS would be better off as ranged??

    I welcome any and all feedback, thanks again guys.
    Last edited by Blaek; 2017-03-02 at 05:57 PM.

  2. #2
    they should roll a dh and a monk

  3. #3
    DH or Monk for good AE then Hunter or rogue for good damage and misdirects for Skittish. Hunter might have more utility via pets.

  4. #4
    I'd vote DH and either hunter or lock

  5. #5
    2 more ele shamans no need to worry when everything is sitting on it's ass all fight.

  6. #6
    I would highly recommend a Death Knight or a Druid so you can have a battle res. Personally I would recommend a Frost Death Knight, but I am biased since that is one of my mains. They do great aoe and sustained damage, and have an aoe stun.

    As to the last slot available anything can work honestly, DH and monks both do great burst and come with a stun as others have recommended. I would also add Shadow Priest or a Marksman/Beast Mastery hunter to the list. In high level Mythic+ shadow priests do very good damage and have a short cd aoe stun, and hunters can come with some useful utility from their pets and have Misdirection for weeks with Skittish which is nice for the tank.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by melodramocracy View Post
    I'd vote DH and either hunter or lock
    Thinking of playing my lock.

    What are the benefits of a lock? What spec?

  8. #8
    Dreadlord ItsTiddles's Avatar
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    Definitely a battle rez class as one. Other than that, it's really more important that it's something that they're comfortable on and can fully utilize. Knowing your group comp and it's strengths and weaknesses and working around them is more important than just picking whatever is best for other people.
    A hybrid class with a healer off-spec could be extremely useful on Overflowing weeks where holy paladins have the most difficult time out of any healer.
    Hunters can be very versatile. Resetting bosses, kiting and resetting trash to skip, BM pet utility. All that fun stuff. (example of the boss reset: we have our hunter tag Serpentrix and then feign so he disappears for a some seconds while we pull trash near him, so he's not accidentally aggro'd).
    Shadow priests are extremely high single target damage and vampiric embrace is insanely helpful, especially on higher tyrannical bosses. Think CoS last boss.
    Boomkins have a lot of CC with knockback, roots, vortex, beam. They can battle rez and do a ton of AoE. Their affinities can make them good on necrotic week, allowing them to taunt off the tank if their running guardian. Even overflowing week, since only the hpal's healing causes overflowing, ysera's gift and other small heals can chip away at any overhealing shields.
    DH has a short cd interrupt, darkness is insanely useful on plenty of fights.
    Death knight has a grip, a battle rez, and a stun.

    I wouldn't recommend more than one melee, if it's avoidable. If one of your friends wants to be a hybrid, feral/boomkin is a good choice so s/he can switch to boomkin on instances where double melee will cause problems. Also having rdruid as a back choice is handy, as they're the overall best healer for m+.

    Retired Shaman
    Signature by Winter Blossom

  9. #9
    Demon Hunter, Monk, Hunter, Elemental Shaman, and Fire Mage are all pretty great for M+. Also, if I recall, Affliction or Destruction Warlocks do quite well.

    If you're trying to just clear +15s every week, really any class/spec will do fine. If you're trying to actually use M+ for progression (i.e. trying to push 20+, 25+, etc) then not that many people here will be able to help. The theorycrafting for M+ isn't very flushed out yet, and a good "meta" hasn't really been established.

    Looking at the best groups, clearing 20-26 in M+, the best tanks are DK/Druid, Holy Paladin for healer, and three of the following dps: Warrior, DH, Hunter, Mage, Rogue, Paladin, Shaman.
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  10. #10
    High Overlord randprin's Avatar
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    have a hunter in your group, he can provide bloodlust and combat rez as long as he has a corehound (BM only) and crane captured. provide misdirects and burst on demand

  11. #11
    Please wait Temp name's Avatar
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    DH can bring insane AoE and cleave, which is very important for M+.
    Other than that, think about what utility you want. You have hero, but no BR, so something with a BR would be nice, Hunter/Warlock/DK are all fairly decent.

  12. #12
    I like DH in the mix for solid AE and Darkness, which if you your ele shaman back up with Resto you can cheese SLT+Darkness+LoH with a pally and have basically an invincibility moment for anything. But you really should have B rez in the mix. It is just way way too handy. Especially on Tyrannical weeks where some tank mechanics might just put and end to your tank if there is a failure anywhere in the group.

  13. #13
    as many demon hunter, death knights and monks as possible

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Reachie10 View Post
    Thinking of playing my lock.

    What are the benefits of a lock? What spec?
    AoE stun, good output (the one in my guild does stupid dps in mythics / raids), soulstone, 2 demon cc's which can be useful in a few dungeons.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Reachie10 View Post
    Thinking of playing my lock.

    What are the benefits of a lock? What spec?
    There aren't any. They are slow, have bad aoe mechanics and their damage is surpassed by far by dhs and monks. Especially at beginner level

  16. #16
    Thank you for all the input everyone, I do agree that a BREZ is for sure needed. How well are Boomkins fairing now in 7.1.5? I know they aren't FOTM, but if they perform well enough that's all that's probably going to be a toss-up between DK/Boomkin on the Brez class

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaek View Post
    Thank you for all the input everyone, I do agree that a BREZ is for sure needed. How well are Boomkins fairing now in 7.1.5? I know they aren't FOTM, but if they perform well enough that's all that's probably going to be a toss-up between DK/Boomkin on the Brez class
    When m+ is your concern boomkin isnt really able to compete.

    I would suggest your friends to decide for a Hunter as range, and the other one to go for either DH, if not DH then definitely monk. That way you would be well suited for every affix dps wise. Only drawback would be your Warrior tank, but either way will do nicely if you are just going for the usual +17/19 runs each week.

  18. #18
    Prot Warrior/Feral Druid, 3 Affliction Warlocks, some healer.
    I'm not joking.

  19. #19
    nvm 10 chars
    Last edited by mmoc70389194d2; 2017-02-14 at 06:09 AM.

  20. #20
    Get a deathknight DPS for Brez, or run a guardian druid for it, allthough you seem locked in tanks, so having a good frost DK can work wonders.

    My personal favorite is having 2 Brez. Fx frost DK and resto druid, because then you can pretty much recover from an otherwise certain wipe, no matter who dies first.

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