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  1. #1

    Top 20 most powerful warrior characters Warcraft for all time.

    In the top there will be only canonical characters until the last released "2nd volume of the Chronicles".
    All the characters I will only get for the skills of the warrior.
    Under the characterization of the character, I will leave the source, which I was guided by placing it on this or that place.
    Write what facts about the characters I could miss.
    Worthy mention:

    Illidan Stormrage
    Muradin Bronzebeard
    Magni Bronzebeard
    General Nazgrim
    Phenris Brother Wolf
    Bolvar Fordragon
    Alexandros Mograine

    And weee go!!!! :

    20. Arthas Menethil:
    Before becoming a Lich King, he hoped with hope to become a good palladin. Together with several knights of the Silver Hand, he was able to cut out the entire city of Stratholme from infected people. He could accumulate Malganis, but he escaped.Also, under the influence of Frostmourne, he killed Uther the Lightbringer, but this is already like the Death Knight.
    The source of information:game Warcraft 3, "Arthas: Rise of the Lich King" is a novel by Christie Golden.
    19.Uther the Lightbringer:
    Lord Uther the Lightbringer, or Sir Uther Lightbringer, was the first paladin of the Knights of the Silver Hand who led his Order in battle against the Horde during the Second war.Uther participated in some of the bloodiest conflicts in the Second War, including Orgrim Doomhammer's siege of Lordaeron, in which he aided in the victory over the Horde - weakened by Gul'dan's betrayal and the resultant redeploying of forces. He was named "Lightbringer" by Turalyon, a brother paladin and the lieutenant of Anduin Lothar, after the battle of Blackrock Spire.Uther was on his way to Darrowmere Lake when he was attacked by Alterac pirates, and uncovered a conspiracy which would reveal that Alterac had betrayed the Alliance. Among his other exploits, the Lightbringer led the final assault against the Burning Blade Clan at the Dark Portal alongside Turalyon.
    The source of information:game Warcraft 3, "Arthas: Rise of the Lich King" is a novel by Christie Golden.

    18.Dranosh Saurfang:
    After the oncoming raid, a group of young orcs from Garadar formed a war and went in search of revenge. They reached the Sunspring Post, but most of them were killed by the broken ones. Dranosh was one of the few survivors at this party - he was seriously injured and barely escaped.Over time, the orc becomes a good warrior among the orcs and enters the Warsong Army, the main offensive force of the Horde against the Scourge of King Lich in Northrend. He dies from the single blow of Frostmourne.
    The source of information:game World of Warcraft:Wrath od the Lich ing,"The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm" is the name of a World of Warcraft novel by Christie Golden.

    17.Tirion Fordring:
    He was one of the first five Knights of the Silver Hand selected by Archbishop Alonsus Faol, and was one of the heroes of the Second War.Once Tyrion encountered an old hermit orc who lived in an abandoned tower. A fight broke out between them, and the stones fell on Tirion, knocking him to the ground. He regained consciousness only a few days later.
    Trion realized that the orc had saved him, and went back to the tower. The orc who called himself Eytrigg told the paladin that before the arrival of Azeroth, the orcs were a noble people. Tirion, who observed honor and dignity in the orc, promised to keep his existence a secret. He returned to his people and told them that the orc was not a threat.
    Tirion defended the Chapel of the Later Hope from the Scourge attack several times. And in the end, already in Northrend, the Alliance led by Fordring, together with the Horde forces, stormed the Icecrown Citadel and defeated the Lich King.
    Tyrion heroically fell in battle on the Broken Isles as one of the first to enter into battle with the Burning Legion.
    The source of information: World of Warcraft:Wrath of the Lich King,story by Chris Metzen "Warcraft:Of Blood and Honor".

    He is an aging but still powerful orc warrior currently in his late fifties, who was born into the Blackrock clan and served with valor and distinction during the First and Second War, losing two battle. After he learned the truth of Gul'dan's? betrayal and his bargain with Kil'jaeden? , Eitrigg fled into the wilderness of Lordaeron, forsaking his race and determined to live out the rest of his days in peace.
    He was discovered years later living in the ruins of an abandoned watch tower by the paladin Tirion Fordring? . At first regarding each other as nothing but enemies, the two began to fight one another. Their fight caused the tower to collapse, and Eitrigg ended up saving unconscious Tirion's life by pulling him out of the ruins. From that point forward, Tirion felt he owed a debt of honor to the orc.
    The source of information: story by Chris Metzen "Warcraft:Of Blood and Honor"

    15.General Turalyon:
    He is a famous paladin who served the Alliance army with distinction during and immediately after the Second War. He was second in command to Lord Anduin Lothar, the Supreme Allied Commander, and commanded half of the Alliance forces during the Second War while Anduin Lothar commanded the other half. During the assault on Blackrock Spire, Lord Lothar was struck down in combat by Orgrim Doomhammer. It was General Turalyon that picked up Lothar's battle standard and broken sword, and rallied the army of the Alliance to victory over the Horde, eventually capturing Doomhammer, and driving the orcs back to the Dark Portal.
    Turalyon also managed to break through and lead the expedition to Draenor, where he managed to destroy the Dark Portal along with other characters.
    At the moment he is an exarch and heads the army of Light in the war with the Burning Legion.
    My opinion: Turalyon takes such a far place because he used the light in battle with Orgrim. Without the use of Light, I think he would have lost to Doomhammer.
    The source of information: game "World of Warcraft:Legion", "Tides of Darkness" is a novel by Aaron Rosenberg, "Beyond the Dark Portal" is a novel by both Aaron Rosenberg and Christie Golden.

    14.Kilrogg Deadeye:
    Kilrogg Deadeye was a legendary orc warrior and chieftain of the powerful Bleeding Hollow clan.At the time of the creation of the first Horde, Kilrogg was the oldest of the legendary chiefs of the Horde. He passed the sacred rite cutting out his left eye thus seeing the moment of his death that made the orc a foolless warrior. But despite the age, the orc and his clan were the few who were not captured to the Alliance after the 2nd war. After some time he returned to Draenor and at the time of the death of the planet, Kilrogg and his clan defended Ner'zhul from the heroes of the Alliance in the labyrinths of Auchindon. He also fell down from the knight of the Alliance named Danath Trollbane. His last words were: "With my blood Horde bu to live. "
    The source of information: "Rise of the Horde" is a novel by Christie Golden, "Beyond the Dark Portal" is a novel by both Aaron Rosenberg and Christie Golden,"Tides of Darkness" is a novel by Aaron Rosenberg.

    13.Danath Trollbane:
    He is member of the House of Trollbanes, the ruling family of Stromgard. During the Second War he served as captain of the Stromgarde militia, and later, during the expedition of the Alliance to Draenor, a military adviser and assistant to General Turalyon, the supreme commander of the Alliance. After the Dark Portal was sealed, it is the head of the Honor Hold, expeditionary headquarters in the Hellfire Peninsula.In the labyrinths of Auchindoun killed Kilrogg Dead Eye, d recognized the honor of the orc.It is a pity that according to this character a little information about the warrior.
    The source of information:"Beyond the Dark Portal" is a novel by both Aaron Rosenberg and Christie Golden.

    12.Thrall (birthname Go'el):
    Thrall is the son of the leader of the Frostwolf Clan Durotan, but he grew up in slavery among the people and reached the age to fight it began to be released for gladiatorial fights, where he performed well. After fleeing Blackmur's forces and meeting in the Frostwolves Clan of an aged Orgrim whose young Jesus defeated , then the orc kills Blackmoor and finally releases all the forces of the Horde in the Eastern Lands.
    My opinion: he could have been a stronger warrior if he had not become a shaman.
    The source of information: "Lord of the Clans" is a novel by Christie Golden.

    11.Varok Saurfang:
    He is a legendary Horde warrior who is a veteran of the First, Second, and Third Wars. He was also a part of the Blackrock Clan, and was put second-in charge during the wars. He served as Supreme Commander of the combined war effort against Ahn'Qiraj in Kalimdor and now leads the Kor'kron against the Scourge in Northrend.It is not known how powerful Varok was as a warrior, but since he threatened Garrosh himself in Northrend and was in charge of not one army. And now he is the main person on Azeroth representing his race.
    The source of information:"World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume 2","World of Warcraft:Wrath of the Lich King"

    10.Varian Wrynn(Lo'Gosh):
    Varian was a good master of the blade, in the battle with the black dragons of Onyxia, his two personalities merged into one and he killed Shalmein the daughter of Deathwing.Also, after he learned that he was blessed by the demigod himself, Goldrin, he entered into a battle with Garrosh, near the Ashenvale forest, along with the worgen army, which he nearly won.I was able to kill the Felbot in the battle Broken Isles, and also to kill the "heap of cannon fodder" Legion has not yet become a victim of the magic of Gul'dan.
    This is one of the best warriors in the human race.
    The source of information:"World of Warcraft: Wolfheart" is a novel by Richard A. Knaak.

    9.Rehgar Earthfury and Kargath Bladefist:
    He was young orc killed his first enemy long before the usual age, in which the orcs undergo a rite of initiation. However, the ogres captured him and did not kill him, so that the orc served as a training for young ogres. Although they expected him to die soon, Regar managed to grow up a mighty warrior. When he began to win too often, killing the growing ogres, the gang leaders decided to sell him as a slave to the orc arena to compensate for the loss of the detachment. Regar proved that he is an excellent warrior, and he was included in the army of the Horde, sent to conquer Azeroth.
    After Rehgar and the entire Horde showed themselves liberated from the captivity of the Alliance, the orc decided to become a fighter in the illegal arenas, and after some time he earned on the battles and battles of his charges, decided to become a shaman after leaving the fighting arenas.
    He was the leader of the Clan Shattered Hand.Before becoming the leader of the clan,Kargath was a slave-gladiator in the ogrian arenas. While Kargat was winning all his opponents, he deserved freedom, but he was deceived by the ogre emperor, and he was again imprisoned. After that, Kargath chopped off one's hand to free himself from the shackles and raised the orcs' revolt, which were also slaves. all the ogres who captured them, Kargath raised the severed head of the ogre emperor and proclaimed the birth of a new clan - the Shattered Hand Clan.
    Kargat did not participate in the first two warriors against the Alliance, as his clan was too insane and dangerous for the rest of the Horde. Later, on Nerzul's orders, he, along with other clans remaining on Draenor, began a new invasion of Azeroth. But after the defeat and destruction of Draenor, he returned to the Hellfire Citadel where he began to serve Illidan. He was killed by us in one of the raids.
    The source of information:Comics and manga on the Warcraft universe,"Rise of the Horde" is a novel by Christie Golden","Beyond the Dark Portal" is a novel by both Aaron Rosenberg and Christie Golden,game WoW:The Burning Crusade,"World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume 2","Lords of War" Part 1.

    8.Garrosh Hellscream and Cairne Bloodhoof
    Cairne Bloodhoof is an excellent warrior and wise leader of his ancient people. And although over the years his attacks have ceased to be so fast, he is still full of strength and valor.The strength and wisdom of Cairne and the power of the tauren warriors helped Thrall free Grommash Hellscream. All three had to unite their magical abilities to purge Thunder from demonic influence. Battling side by side with Thrall, Cairne swore an oath of loyalty to his Horde, and together they defeated the Burning Legion.Cairne joined a group of Rexar warriors and went with them to the Dustwallow Marsh and helped break down the forces of Proudmoore. Inspired by the victory, they went to the base of people and put an end to the rule of Proudmoore - the rule of hatred. Then Cairne returned to Mulgore.When there were rumors that the new Horde Leader was destroying the peaceful druids, Cairne summoned Garrosh Hellscream to an honorable duel, which took place in the arena of Orgrimmar. Magatha took advantage of the fact that Garrosh does not know her personally, and under the guise of the blessing ritual she covered the blade of his ax (Gorehowl) with poison.
    During the battle, the ancient rune spear of Cairne was destroyed by the Wedge, and the poison wounded on his chest, causing partial paralysis. Dying, Cairne realizes the betrayal, his last thought, before Garrosh's ax split the tauren's breastplate, was: "And now I, living with honor, die a devotee." Cairne died before his body fell to the ground.
    Garrosh Hellscreamwas the leader of the Warsong Clan.He having grown up on Draenor, Garrosh came through the Dark Portal upon its reopening, and was invited into the Horde by Thrall himself. Garrosh became known for his impulsiveness, the desire for battle and the thirst for battles inherent in his father. During the war with Scourge Garrosh, the disgruntled ruler of Thrall fought with him on Mak'gora and almost triumphed over the Horde leader until the Scourge attack on Orgrimar interrupted them. from Northrend, Garrosh becomes the hero of the Horde and receives the Bloody Howl from Thrall's hands. Later he becomes the leader of the Horde in the absence of Thrall and begins to seize neighboring lands by force.Cairne Bloody hoof, displeased with Garrosh's rule, summons him to Mak'gora, but in a secret from both participants, Magatha smears Garrosh's ax with poison, which is not Garrosh's most vivid victory over Cairne Later Garrosh himself confessed to Cairne's son that he would like to honestly fight with his father. Several times he fought with Varian Wrynn, but each time their fight was interrupted by the allies. Also, Garrosh defeated Taran Zhu- the strongest monk of Pandaria.Garrosh repeatedly defeated Thrall, although he died from the elements called by the shaman.
    The source of information:game Warcraft 3,game WoW:Cataclysm, "Heart of War" is a short story by Sarah Pine,"The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm" novel by Christie Golden
    My opinion:I can not put any of these characters above or below, since I do not know how their battle would end, do not hate the poison.

    Durotan was the son of Garad and heir to the title of the leader of the Frostwolf Clan. He was an exemplary orc of honor and sought the best for his clan. He was considered the leader of the Horde. Even as a teenager, Durotan sometimes won in Orgrim's training from the Black Rock clan. Later, refuse, Durotan was forced with his clan to attack the draenei town of Telmor.Durotan was one of the few who rejected the blood of Mannoroth. Because of what his clan eventually was expelled from the Horde.Thanks to Durotan, the killers could not kill his son - Thrall..
    The source of information:"Rise of the Horde" is a novel by Christie Golden
    My opinion:I think he would have had enough strength to pile up the characters above.

    6.Blackhand Destroyer and Broxigar Saurfang "Red":
    He was the leader of the Blackrock Clan, a strong warrior and strategist. At the time of the creation of the Horde, his clan was the most numerous among the orcs. He was part of a group of wolf riders. He and his warriors were one of the first to attack draenei, Gul'dan used these victories as the promotion of Blackhand to the post of Chief of the Horde. He, like almost all the leaders, was one of the first to drink the demonic blood. Under his leadership, the Horde defeated the army of Stormwind in the First War.
    Broxigar Saurfang was a member of the Black Mountain Clan, like his brother Varok, a veteran warrior who survived 2 wars against the Alliance. This orc is known for keeping the pass on Mount Hyjal, where he, along with a squad of warriors, killed demons, and by the time his last companion fell reinforcements, which saw one of the healed Orc - Brox.Thrall later sent him to the Stonetalon Mountains, where he was abandoned during the Ancient War. Now Broxigar became on the side of the night elves and other defenders to help defeat the Burning Legion. Thanks to the magic ax that Cenarius had created for him, Brox managed to protect Malfurion, and later, he jumped from the red dragon to the Twisting Nether and began chopping down a bunch of demons and throwing on the magic of an ax wound to Sargeras, which helped the wizards create a spell and throw the Legion back to Twisting.
    The source of information:"Rise of Horde" novel by Christy Golden,trilogy "War of the Ancients" by Richard A. Knaak.
    My opinion:Blackhand- Probably the biggest of the orcs, but not the best master of the blade. More slow compared to other orc leaders.And he was killed by his own assistant Orgrim Doomhammer.I think that Blackhand will be stronger than Brox because he was his leader.
    Broxigar-Nothing is stronger than Blackhand, except for the magic weapons that the orc strengthens.And also he was almost defeated by Captain Varo'then.I also took into account the fact that in the Blackrock Clan Brox was not a leader and was under the leadership of Orgrim and Blackhand, which does not make him the strongest warrior even in the clan,аfter all, in this clan the leader was the strongest warrior.I read a lot about the alleged Brox killing thousands of demons, but in Knaak's book everything was limited to a bunch of ordinary demons.

    And Top 5:

    5.Sir Anduin Lothar "The Lion of Azeroth":
    Lothar is a great warlord of the kingdom of Stormwind.
    In battle, Lothar always preferred to lead units of mounted knights. Usually he fought on horseback, rushing at full speed on the enemies, cutting them into pieces by the legendary sword. Lothar felt most confident when commanding troops on the battlefield, inspiring his charisma of soldiers and soldiers around to unprecedented heights. Sir Anduin retreated only when absolutely necessary, usually preferring to deceive a powerful enemy by a maneuver. Finding in the enemy ranks of the commander, Sir Lothar attacked him.
    When the king became Lleyn Wrynn, he unwittingly punished Lothar by the general of the army of Stormwind. Later Lothar became the general of the army of the new union of the dwarves, people and elves-the Alliance. Thanks to this union, the Oroch Horde was defeated near the Blackrock. Though Lothar fell in that battle, not to consider that he was no longer young. And despite his age, he almost fought with the leader of the Horde Orgrim Doomhammer. Even in his old age, Sir Anduin had physical strength comparable to almost any orcish warrior.In honor of his exploits, he installed a dent in the place of his last battle.
    My opinion: Given that Anduin always fought without any buffs, relying only on his strength and experience in the battles, I consider Anduin Lothar the strongest human warrior in the Warcraft universe.
    The source of information:"World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume 2","Tides of Darkness" is a novel by Aaron Rosenberg.
    4.Orgrim Doomhammer:
    Orgrim was a native of the Blackrock Clan, inherited from his father Telkar, the orc received a powerful weapon - Doomhammer, for which he received his nickname. Being at a young age, he often trained with Durotan - his best friend. At the time of the formation of the First Horde, Orgrim became the assistant to the leader of the Horde - Blackhand, and also became the leader of the Blackrock Clan.Orgrim, like Durotan, was one of the few who rejected the blood of Mannoroth. Orgrim did not support the Council of Shadows, he did not like what the warlocks did with the orcs and their children, and what the fel did with their planet, Draenor.Orgrim, looking at how Gul'dan manipulated Blackhand, decided to get it over with. Orgrim did not want to fight Blackhand, but that was the only way to get the old orcs back. And when Gul'dan fell into a coma, Orgrim called Blackhand on Mak'gora for the right to be the leader of the Horde. He defeated his leader by taking command of the entire Horde and simultaneously cutting out almost all members of the Shadow Council. Later, when Gul'dan betrayed Orgrim and took several of the clans to the Tomb of Sargeras, the Horde retreated to Blackrock.One of the most famous duel of two leaders - Orgrim against Anduin Lothar. Orgrim managed to kill Lothar, but almost immediately was struck by the magic of Light by Turalyon.Escaping from the captivity of the Alliance and wandering for more than 15 years, Orgrim, along with the warriors of the clans of the Frostwolf and Warsong, began to release captured orcs from the Alliance camps. In one of these battles, Orgrim, fighting a dozen human knights, is wounded with a spear in the back. Before the death, he appoints Thrall the new leader of the Horde. Orgrim was not buried, but was burned in the fire, and his ashes were scattered over the ocean. In honor of this great hero, the capital of the Horde was named Orgrimmar.
    My opinion: Orgrim was the last of the most experienced warriors in the Horde, as he managed to defeat the two leaders of the Horde and the Alliance. This is a worthy indicator for the warrior. Therefore, his fourth place is by right.
    The source of information: "Rise of the Horde" is a novel by Christie Golden,"World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume 2","Tides of Darkness" is a novel by Aaron Rosenberg.
    3.Rexxar "Beastmaster"
    Due to his mixed lineage, he is a towering and massively muscled warrior.His favorite weapon is two large axes and a hunting bow with which he is perfectly controlled. The closest and devoted of his associate is the bear Misha, with whom he went through many obstacles.Rexar was the son of Leoroxx, the leader of the Mok'Natal tribe, who lived in a close valley in the Blade's Edge Mountains and led constant warriors with the ogre clans inhabiting here.Rexar left his clan and one joined the ranks of the Horde.Half-ogre valiantly fought and passed with the orcs all the way, from the very first invasion of Azeroth to the battle of the Dark Portal, where he broke free with the Warsong Clan.After that he left the Horde for many years, and began to live with the beasts as he trusted only them.
    Reksar personally enlisted the support of the tauren, saved the son of Cairne Bloodhoof, the young Bain. In addition, mok'natal found other unique allies. He joined the clan of the Stone Hammer Ogres that he lived in the Dusty Bays near Theramore. As soon as the ogres took the "half-blood" for their own, he challenged the leader of the clan, Kor'gall. With difficulty, but he overcame the mighty ogre and became the leader of the clan, immediately ordering the ograms to move to the place where the Horde troops were collected, on the coast near the island of Theramore, where Admiral Proudmoore is located.In the Battle of Theramore, Rexar became the standard-bearer of the Horde. He personally participated in the battle, and in a hard fight he fought the old admiral, after which the Horde left Theramore. When the battle was over, Thrall called Rexar "the hero of the Horde", and suggested forever to settle in Durotar. But Rexar preferred this to the fate of the hermit, promising, however, to respond to every request of the young leader of the Horde.
    Rexxar wishes to find more of his people and perhaps one day make peace with his father, Leoroxx, who remains embittered about Rexxar's decision to join the Horde.Now Rexxar joined the Unseen Path, union of all hunters on Azeroth.
    The source of information:games Warcraft 3,WoW: The Burning Crusade,WoW:Legion, "Beyond the Dark Portal" is a novel by both Aaron Rosenberg and Christie Golden".
    My opinion: Rexxar is one of the most powerful mortal warriors, participated in many wars, although he is now many years old.

    2.(Surprise!!!) Captain Varo'then:
    Varo'then was the leader of Queen Azshara's personal guard.Varo'then and Illidan were sent to retrieve the Demon Soul from Deathwing.Almost defeated Broxigar and other defenders of opponents,he succeeded and gave the Demon Soul to the pit lord Mannoroth.In the trilogy of the War of the Ancients, the elf was described as a fast, lightning master blade, and also had the potential no less than Lieutenant Sargeras - Mannoroth.He also almost killed Malfurion. Elf was killed by the magic of Kalimdor himself. When on the back of Ysera Malfurion missed through himself the magic of Kalimdor, which scorched the falling from the dragon Varooten from the inside.
    The source of information: "War of the Ancients" by Richard A. Knaak.

    1.Grommash Hellscream:
    Grommash was the leader of the mighty Warsong Clan. Many believe that the power in the clan Grommash captured by killing the previous leader. He distinguished from other soldiers that he had a black tattoo on his jaw and the loudest battle cry, for which he received his nickname.Grommash is described as a quick master blade. His weapon was the legendary Gorehowl. Fighting with the ogre empire, he was captured and tied to a tree for a long time, but as soon as the emperor approached Grommash, he immediately tore it, and the day itself the Warsong Clan rallied under the command of Hellscream and threw the ogres far.Grom was a hot-tempered and decisive by nature ork. He was also treated like Blackhand as the leader of the Horde. Being a stronger orc, he did not allow chief Blackhand to drink the first blood of Mannoroth. He was one of the first to break into the capital of the draenei Shattrath and almost killed the Farseer Nobundo. Because of his uncontrollability, he and his clan did not invade Azeroth. And after the Horde lost the second war, he commissioned Ner'zhul to find the Skull of Gul'dan, having killed the chief of Bonechewer, and distracted the Alliance army from searching for the necessary Ner'zhul artifacts.After the destruction of the Dark Portal, Grommash gathered his warriors and broke free into the forests of Lordaeron. For the next 15 years, Grom fought the curse of Mannoroth's blood until he met Thrall and Orgrim who inspired the orc to liberate the Horde from the Alliance camps.When the Horde leader became Thrall, Grom along with him went to Kalimdor. But the arrival of Mannroth awakened in Hellscream a thirst for blood and he attacked the people of Jaina Proudmoore.Thrall, unwilling to fight the Alliance, sent Grommash to Ashenvale, but even there the war song leader found an enemy in the face of the night elves. Their battle awakened the most demigod Cenarius, and Grom unwilling to lose the battle drank Mannoroth's blood from the source a second time. And the night elves together with the forces of nature were defeated by the defiled Warsong clan, and Cenarius fell personally from Grommash. Later, with the help of Jaina and Cairne, Thrall managed to clear Grom's mind, and he immediately went to Mannoroth's lair.Arriving at the lair, Thrall threw the Hammer of Doom into the demon, but he only scratched the wing. Then Thrall was thrown back and lost consciousness, and Grommash, not wanting to listen to Mannoroth, ran on him and at one stroke broke the spear and struck the armor of the demon mortally wounded. But the explosion of the demon struck and Hellscream. Before the death, Grommash knew that he freed himself and his race from demonic influence.In honor of his name is the main fortress of Orgrimmar - Grommash Hold.
    My opinion:Hellscream is one of the few characters that throughout its history was strong. The only one who killed the demigod and the strongest pit lord.
    The source of information:"Rise of the Horde" is a novel by Christie Golden,"Beyond the Dark Portal" is a novel by both Aaron Rosenberg and Christie Golden",game Warcraft 3,"Lord of war" Part 2.
    Last edited by funcik; 2017-11-02 at 02:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Anyone else hear the sound of cleaving?

    I'm sure it's nothing! ^_^

    Bit of a wall of text you got here, certain sections would be nice to see broken up a bit more for easier readability.

    Good on you to have your own list I suppose. I don't do well with ranking things. :P

  3. #3
    I tried to characterize the heroes as little as possible. The history of one hero can be stretched for a few pages.))) And yes, the post did not work out that topic well. It was necessary in Lor.

  4. #4
    You need to bump number 20 off the list since I will be taking the no1 spot, Odyn tells me I'm the greatest living Warrior and I command forces from Valhalla.
    Probably running on a Pentium 4

  5. #5
    Arthas is not the most skilled warrior, he was able to kill many thanks to Frostmourne and already being a Death Knight.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbazz View Post
    You need to bump number 20 off the list since I will be taking the no1 spot, Odyn tells me I'm the greatest living Warrior and I command forces from Valhalla.
    Arthas is not the most skilled warrior, he was able to kill many thanks to Frostmourne and already being a Death Knight.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by funcik View Post
    Arthas is not the most skilled warrior, he was able to kill many thanks to Frostmourne and already being a Death Knight.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Arthas is not the most skilled warrior, he was able to kill many thanks to Frostmourne and already being a Death Knight.
    I guess English isn't your first language so I'll forgive. I'm saying that Arthas doesn't make the list at all, because my character is taking the the number 1 spot, as confirmed by Odyn in game. Who cares about the rest, if you ain't first you're last!
    Probably running on a Pentium 4

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbazz View Post
    I guess English isn't your first language so I'll forgive. I'm saying that Arthas doesn't make the list at all, because my character is taking the the number 1 spot, as confirmed by Odyn in game. Who cares about the rest, if you ain't first you're last!
    Sorry, Of the number of characters, these heroes are the strongest warriors. I did not take into account the players myself.

  8. #8
    Fun list, but two things:

    1. Half of these characters aren't Warriors as defined by the WoW class system. If you want to use the word descriptively, rather than absolutely, I'd suggest fighters, or some such, but it's not a fair comparison to lump them all together.

    • Arthas, Uther, Tirion, and Turalyon are Paladins.
    • Thrall and Rehgar are Shaman, and their careers as Warriors before the fact aren't particularly noteworthy.
    • Rexxar is a Hunter.
    • Cairne is a bit of a mixed bag, being characterized as Chieftain, Hunter, and Warrior; he's one of those NPCs which don't fit fully into player classes (ex: Sylvanas is a Dark Ranger, not a Hunter).
    • Dranosh is a Death Knight; while he started as a Warrior, he was a fairly minor one, with no notable deeds or exploits to speak of.

    2. The first point notwithstanding, I find the rankings themselves to be rather arbitrarily decided, without a whole lot of reasoning to promote one over the other. I'm thinking this might be better off as "most famous", "renowned", or "noteworthy" instead of "strongest".

    Some of the reasoning I'd object to (by no means a complete list):
    • Arthas culled the city of Stratholme - massacring helpless civilians doesn't exactly qualify someone as powerful.
    • Dranosh was involved in only one notable skirmish before the Wrathgate incident as a child and lost. There's no reason to suspect his later promotion within the Horde's ranks than because of his family ties, so I'd question how great he really was, rashly attacking Arthas alone such as he did. That isn't to say he couldn't have been a powerful Warrior, but there's no real evidence to support it.
    • Eitrigg may have been a great Warrior at some point, but the history is pretty hazy; all we really know is that he was involved in and survived the First and Second Wars (along with many other thousands). Since then he's been an advisor, well past his fighting prime.
    • Blackhand has been retconned so many times I don't even know what to think. In WC1, he was characterized as Gul'dan's political puppet, and easily dispatched by Doomhammer. In Warlords of Draenor and the Warcraft movie, he's depicted as one of the strongest Orcs for no apparent reason.
    • Broxigar is certainly famous, but I'm not sure how much was his own personal power, how much came from his enchanted axe made at the height of a demi-gods power, or simple opportunity in being willing and able to sacrifice himself to attack Sargeras. While absolutely a noteworthy achievement, I tend to lean on the side of opportunity, rather than absolute battle prowess, since he certainly didn't outfight Sargeras. That said, he had many notable achievements during the War of the Ancients, so I wouldn't be against putting him on such a list, I probably just wouldn't rank him particularly high.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Archimtiros View Post
    Fun list, but two things:

    1. Half of these characters aren't Warriors as defined by the WoW class system. If you want to use the word descriptively, rather than absolutely, I'd suggest fighters, or some such, but it's not a fair comparison to lump them all together.

    • Arthas, Uther, Tirion, and Turalyon are Paladins.
    • Thrall and Rehgar are Shaman, and their careers as Warriors before the fact aren't particularly noteworthy.
    • Rexxar is a Hunter.
    • Cairne is a bit of a mixed bag, being characterized as Chieftain, Hunter, and Warrior; he's one of those NPCs which don't fit fully into player classes (ex: Sylvanas is a Dark Ranger, not a Hunter).
    • Dranosh is a Death Knight; while he started as a Warrior, he was a fairly minor one, with no notable deeds or exploits to speak of.

    2. The first point notwithstanding, I find the rankings themselves to be rather arbitrarily decided, without a whole lot of reasoning to promote one over the other. I'm thinking this might be better off as "most famous", "renowned", or "noteworthy" instead of "strongest".

    Some of the reasoning I'd object to (by no means a complete list):
    • Arthas culled the city of Stratholme - massacring helpless civilians doesn't exactly qualify someone as powerful.
    • Dranosh was involved in only one notable skirmish before the Wrathgate incident as a child and lost. There's no reason to suspect his later promotion within the Horde's ranks than because of his family ties, so I'd question how great he really was, rashly attacking Arthas alone such as he did. That isn't to say he couldn't have been a powerful Warrior, but there's no real evidence to support it.
    • Eitrigg may have been a great Warrior at some point, but the history is pretty hazy; all we really know is that he was involved in and survived the First and Second Wars (along with many other thousands). Since then he's been an advisor, well past his fighting prime.
    • Blackhand has been retconned so many times I don't even know what to think. In WC1, he was characterized as Gul'dan's political puppet, and easily dispatched by Doomhammer. In Warlords of Draenor and the Warcraft movie, he's depicted as one of the strongest Orcs for no apparent reason.
    • Broxigar is certainly famous, but I'm not sure how much was his own personal power, how much came from his enchanted axe made at the height of a demi-gods power, or simple opportunity in being willing and able to sacrifice himself to attack Sargeras. While absolutely a noteworthy achievement, I tend to lean on the side of opportunity, rather than absolute battle prowess, since he certainly didn't outfight Sargeras. That said, he had many notable achievements during the War of the Ancients, so I wouldn't be against putting him on such a list, I probably just wouldn't rank him particularly high.
    I indicated all the conditions of the rating at the beginning of the post.
    I do not compare the characters of one class, I compare the characters of different classes, but according to the skills of the warrior.At the bottom of each character, I indicated the source of information about him.
    I made a rating solely on the self-sufficiency of the warrior without any auxiliary spells and other things making the warrior a non-warrior, but a superman.
    Once again I repeat. I know that Thrall, Arthas,Rehgar, Rexxar, Tirion and Uther are not pure warriors, but I took only their warrior skills. That is Arthas, Tyrion, Turalyon and Uther without the magic of Light, Rexar always fought like a warrior, and that warrior of the Horde himself went on hunting though was a warrior in the class.I honestly do not see the difference between the Warrior and the hunter, and both of them hunted and fought. And Thrall without the strength of the elements.
    1. About Blackhand: I chose the canonical leader, and the one who was in WC1 is not a canon, I wrote according to the last Chronicles Volume 2.I do not understand your outrage over this character, he is below Orgrim, everything is logical. Alternative Blackhand is in Orgrim's position, ok. Alternative Orgrim = Brox.
    2.Artas-I think that in Stratholme there were not only women and children but also decent men able to hold arms, that's why Arthas the man was added.
    3.The young Saurfang was the one who sent Varok Saurfang to battle with Scourge instead of Garrosh, in cinematics he was able to defeat several dead monsters, so I put him above.
    4.Eitrigg almost defeated Tirion, so it is higher.I indicated the source from where I took the information.
    5.From the book of the War of the Ancients, you can learn that Brox fought on the Pass of Hyjal with a simple hammer and was the only one who survived from the whole detachment when reinforcements arrived.However, I did not dare to set it up because he was not the leader of the clan, and lost the fight to Varo'then.But the list of warriors without Brox? Nooo.
    6.Cairne is not a shaman and not a magician, which means he only has military training. Besides, Garrosh fought without any buffs.
    The only thing I regret is that it was not necessary to do the Top-20, and doing the Top-30.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Archimtiros View Post
    Fun list, but two things:

    1. Half of these characters aren't Warriors as defined by the WoW class system. If you want to use the word descriptively, rather than absolutely, I'd suggest fighters, or some such, but it's not a fair comparison to lump them all together.

    • Arthas, Uther, Tirion, and Turalyon are Paladins.
    • Thrall and Rehgar are Shaman, and their careers as Warriors before the fact aren't particularly noteworthy.
    • Rexxar is a Hunter.
    • Cairne is a bit of a mixed bag, being characterized as Chieftain, Hunter, and Warrior; he's one of those NPCs which don't fit fully into player classes (ex: Sylvanas is a Dark Ranger, not a Hunter).
    • Dranosh is a Death Knight; while he started as a Warrior, he was a fairly minor one, with no notable deeds or exploits to speak of.

    2. The first point notwithstanding, I find the rankings themselves to be rather arbitrarily decided, without a whole lot of reasoning to promote one over the other. I'm thinking this might be better off as "most famous", "renowned", or "noteworthy" instead of "strongest".

    Some of the reasoning I'd object to (by no means a complete list):
    • Arthas culled the city of Stratholme - massacring helpless civilians doesn't exactly qualify someone as powerful.
    • Dranosh was involved in only one notable skirmish before the Wrathgate incident as a child and lost. There's no reason to suspect his later promotion within the Horde's ranks than because of his family ties, so I'd question how great he really was, rashly attacking Arthas alone such as he did. That isn't to say he couldn't have been a powerful Warrior, but there's no real evidence to support it.
    • Eitrigg may have been a great Warrior at some point, but the history is pretty hazy; all we really know is that he was involved in and survived the First and Second Wars (along with many other thousands). Since then he's been an advisor, well past his fighting prime.
    • Blackhand has been retconned so many times I don't even know what to think. In WC1, he was characterized as Gul'dan's political puppet, and easily dispatched by Doomhammer. In Warlords of Draenor and the Warcraft movie, he's depicted as one of the strongest Orcs for no apparent reason.
    • Broxigar is certainly famous, but I'm not sure how much was his own personal power, how much came from his enchanted axe made at the height of a demi-gods power, or simple opportunity in being willing and able to sacrifice himself to attack Sargeras. While absolutely a noteworthy achievement, I tend to lean on the side of opportunity, rather than absolute battle prowess, since he certainly didn't outfight Sargeras. That said, he had many notable achievements during the War of the Ancients, so I wouldn't be against putting him on such a list, I probably just wouldn't rank him particularly high.
    All characters are taken exclusively with the skills of the warrior, without the magic of light, spirits of the elements and so on.
    Cairne is not a magician, neither a palladin nor a shaman, so he has only physical strength and experience. He fought in a duel as a warrior, so he is in the Top 10.
    Under each character there is a literature about him. Eitrigg almost defeated Tirion, so he is higher than him.
    I only compare canonical characters, and Blackhant version WC1 is no longer a canon, for this there are Chronicles 2 vol.Alternativnye Orgrim and Blackhand? Ok. Just changing their places. Alternative Blackhand -4, alternative Orgrim -6.
    The Draonosh is far from the best warrior, but after battling several dead monsters in the cinematics WoW:WotLK, he deserves to be in the top 20.
    In Stratholme there are not only children and women. Men who could hold arms also there had to be.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Archimtiros View Post
    Fun list, but two things:

    1. Half of these characters aren't Warriors as defined by the WoW class system. If you want to use the word descriptively, rather than absolutely, I'd suggest fighters, or some such, but it's not a fair comparison to lump them all together.

    • Arthas, Uther, Tirion, and Turalyon are Paladins.
    • Thrall and Rehgar are Shaman, and their careers as Warriors before the fact aren't particularly noteworthy.
    • Rexxar is a Hunter.
    • Cairne is a bit of a mixed bag, being characterized as Chieftain, Hunter, and Warrior; he's one of those NPCs which don't fit fully into player classes (ex: Sylvanas is a Dark Ranger, not a Hunter).
    • Dranosh is a Death Knight; while he started as a Warrior, he was a fairly minor one, with no notable deeds or exploits to speak of.

    2. The first point notwithstanding, I find the rankings themselves to be rather arbitrarily decided, without a whole lot of reasoning to promote one over the other. I'm thinking this might be better off as "most famous", "renowned", or "noteworthy" instead of "strongest".

    Some of the reasoning I'd object to (by no means a complete list):
    • Arthas culled the city of Stratholme - massacring helpless civilians doesn't exactly qualify someone as powerful.
    • Dranosh was involved in only one notable skirmish before the Wrathgate incident as a child and lost. There's no reason to suspect his later promotion within the Horde's ranks than because of his family ties, so I'd question how great he really was, rashly attacking Arthas alone such as he did. That isn't to say he couldn't have been a powerful Warrior, but there's no real evidence to support it.
    • Eitrigg may have been a great Warrior at some point, but the history is pretty hazy; all we really know is that he was involved in and survived the First and Second Wars (along with many other thousands). Since then he's been an advisor, well past his fighting prime.
    • Blackhand has been retconned so many times I don't even know what to think. In WC1, he was characterized as Gul'dan's political puppet, and easily dispatched by Doomhammer. In Warlords of Draenor and the Warcraft movie, he's depicted as one of the strongest Orcs for no apparent reason.
    • Broxigar is certainly famous, but I'm not sure how much was his own personal power, how much came from his enchanted axe made at the height of a demi-gods power, or simple opportunity in being willing and able to sacrifice himself to attack Sargeras. While absolutely a noteworthy achievement, I tend to lean on the side of opportunity, rather than absolute battle prowess, since he certainly didn't outfight Sargeras. That said, he had many notable achievements during the War of the Ancients, so I wouldn't be against putting him on such a list, I probably just wouldn't rank him particularly high.
    All characters are taken exclusively with the skills of the warrior, without the magic of light, spirits of the elements and so on.
    Cairne is not a magician, neither a palladin nor a shaman, so he has only physical strength and experience. He fought in a duel as a warrior, so he is in the Top 10.
    Under each character there is a literature about him. Eitrigg almost defeated Tirion, so he is higher than him.
    I only compare canonical characters, and Blackhant version WC1 is no longer a canon, for this there are Chronicles 2 vol.Alternativnye Orgrim and Blackhand? Ok. Just changing their places. Alternative Blackhand -4, alternative Orgrim -6.
    The Draonosh is far from the best warrior, but after battling several dead monsters in the cinematics WoW:WotLK, he deserves to be in the top 20.
    In Stratholme there are not only children and women. Men who could hold arms also there had to be.
    Brox fought on Hyjal and with a simple hammer. After surviving the war and surviving with the whole squad, he deserved to be in the Top-10.

  12. #12
    Certainly not going to break down all four (!) replies, but let's hit the big ones:

    All characters are taken exclusively with the skills of the warrior, without the magic of light, spirits of the elements and so on.
    And how exactly do you do that? Does Arthas or Uthar turn off their Paladin powers at some point I'm not aware of? I don't even know how you can begin to make such an unquantifiable statement.

    If you want to make up your own rules, that's fine, but calling them the top Warriors, when they're not even Warriors creates a false equivalency. Saying "Rexxar always fought as a Warrior" isn't even remotely true - the only time he's even seen fighting is very much as a Hunter, reliant on his beasts and a mix of ranged attacks. As soon as you find a Warrior with a bear and boar pet, come let me know.

    The Draonosh is far from the best warrior, but after battling several dead monsters in the cinematics WoW:WotLK, he deserves to be in the top 20.
    You might as well say "random Orc Grunt on the broken shore is one of the top 20 Warriors since he killed many demons".

    In Stratholme there are not only children and women. Men who could hold arms also there had to be.
    Are there? There weren't in WC3, and there weren't in the book. In fact, it was it was the slaughter of said helpless civilians which damned Arthas in the eyes of his allies (notably Uther/Jaina) in the first place. Even if we assume there was a small garrison of town guards, they'd hardly have been a match for Arthas and his army, but I guess if you consider an army steamrolling a plague-ridden town makes its leader a great Warrior(Paladin), then sure, why not.

    Brox fought on Hyjal and with a simple hammer. After surviving the war and surviving with the whole squad, he deserved to be in the Top-10.
    Assuming you mean the events of the third War, before the War of the Ancients, you again might as well say that about every surviving member of the Horde. What makes him better than any other Orc that survives a major battle?

    At any rate, I pointed out the flaws with your reasoning, and I'm not going to sit here and argue about it. Feel free to enjoy whatever headcanon you want to dream up.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Archimtiros View Post
    Certainly not going to break down all four (!) replies, but let's hit the big ones:

    And how exactly do you do that? Does Arthas or Uthar turn off their Paladin powers at some point I'm not aware of? I don't even know how you can begin to make such an unquantifiable statement.

    If you want to make up your own rules, that's fine, but calling them the top Warriors, when they're not even Warriors creates a false equivalency. Saying "Rexxar always fought as a Warrior" isn't even remotely true - the only time he's even seen fighting is very much as a Hunter, reliant on his beasts and a mix of ranged attacks. As soon as you find a Warrior with a bear and boar pet, come let me know.

    You might as well say "random Orc Grunt on the broken shore is one of the top 20 Warriors since he killed many demons".

    Are there? There weren't in WC3, and there weren't in the book. In fact, it was it was the slaughter of said helpless civilians which damned Arthas in the eyes of his allies (notably Uther/Jaina) in the first place. Even if we assume there was a small garrison of town guards, they'd hardly have been a match for Arthas and his army, but I guess if you consider an army steamrolling a plague-ridden town makes its leader a great Warrior(Paladin), then sure, why not.

    Assuming you mean the events of the third War, before the War of the Ancients, you again might as well say that about every surviving member of the Horde. What makes him better than any other Orc that survives a major battle?

    At any rate, I pointed out the flaws with your reasoning, and I'm not going to sit here and argue about it. Feel free to enjoy whatever headcanon you want to dream up.
    Rexxar fought along with Grommash and his clan against the Alliance at the Dark Portal. He chopped the Alliance warriors along the trunk, which speaks of his warrior skills. Again, Blackhand
    and Grommash were in a squad of wolf riders and hunted like many other warriors. I repeat for the umpteenth time, I take the characters who showed themselves as warriors despite what game-mechanical class they belong to. Broxigar remained the only survivor after the battle on the pass Hyjalah is a worthy figure as a warrior, and at that moment is no longer young. Arthas is not in the Top 10, but in the top 20 because it takes a lot of energy to destroy infected residents.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by funcik View Post
    Rexxar fought along with Grommash and his clan against the Alliance at the Dark Portal. He chopped the Alliance warriors along the trunk, which speaks of his warrior skills. Again, Blackhand
    and Grommash were in a squad of wolf riders and hunted like many other warriors. I repeat for the umpteenth time, I take the characters who showed themselves as warriors despite what game-mechanical class they belong to. Broxigar remained the only survivor after the battle on the pass Hyjalah is a worthy figure as a warrior, and at that moment is no longer young. Arthas is not in the Top 10, but in the top 20 because it takes a lot of energy to destroy infected residents.
    I think you have a problem disassociating literary embellishment (make him killing this enemy sound cool) as a measurement of absolute power, but I know better than to argue with fanatical people, so GLHF.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Archimtiros View Post
    I think you have a problem disassociating literary embellishment (make him killing this enemy sound cool) as a measurement of absolute power, but I know better than to argue with fanatical people, so GLHF.
    I have not heard from you, a worthy argument in favor of that I can not compare the characters of different classes on the skills of the warrior. If Rexxar fought like a Warrior, I can compare him to soldiers. If Blackhand hunted, then he can be compared on the skills of a hunter with Rexxar. That's what I meant.
    I made this rating solely on the facts of the books, without superfluous and invented lies.. If Rexxar pintered the two Alliance warriors across their torso along, then it can not be a good warrior? This is nonsense)). Any character who has ever fought without magic relies only on strength and skill to wield a blade, has the right to be compared with the characters of the class Warrior. And you write to me that I embellish the characters-for each character is the source where this hero was described. forum 3 years, and who of us is more a fan yet?
    Yours faithfully, without insult.

  16. #16
    You can very well put the Adventurer in the 1st place: the Adventurer started as a nobody, aspiring little more than to help the town folks that were in need. As soon as the adventurer started his/her quest, he/she saved the day many times, such as stopping Orgrimmar's corruption from Ragefire Chasm, preventing the prisoners from escaping Stormwind's Stockades and ending the Defias Brotherhood's threat by killing its leader in the Deadmines.

    During its career, the Adventurer became known as "Hero", "Champion", "Savior". He/she was there when two Old Gods were defeated. He/she helped the Ashen Verdict to stop the Scourge incursion and aided the Dragon Aspects to defeat Deathwing. With the help of his/her allies, he/she prevented the Sha from spreading thru Pandaria and halted Garrosh' plans on using its powers to subjugate Azeroth.

    As an expert militarist and a renowned Diplomat, he/she was chosen to lead the initial forces thru the Dark Portal and establish a base on Draenor, rapidly ascending from Commander to the rank of General of his faction. With the help of Kadghar and his new allies, this General did the unthinkable: to kill a leader of the Burning Legion.

    For his/her deeds, when the Legion invaded for the third time, he was recognized as the greatest Warrior that has ever lived and asked by Odyn himself to lead his army of storm-forged Valajar. His/her lastest feats of strength include to stop the Nightmare from spreading thru the Emerald Dream by defeating the satyrlord Xavius, to unite the Watchers of Ulduar and to free Odyn from his prison by defeating the Lady of Helheim, Herja, to help to develop a cure the mana addiction of the Nightbourne and, with the help of the Alliance, Horde and Nightfallen forces, to free Suramar from the demons.

    But job was not done for the Adventurer. When Kil'Jaeden himself took the fight to Azeroth, the Adventurer secured the Broken Shore, establishing a base and single-handed prevented the eminent attack to Dalaran. During this process, he/she was imbued with a portion of the Council of the Six power, effectively making him/her one of the most powerful mortal beings alive. With his new gained powers, he breached the Tomb of Sargeras and led the attack that culminated in the death of a second leader of the Burning Legion.

    He/she now takes the fight to the Legion, on its home planet of Argus, as one of the leaders of Army of the Light. A prophecy foretells that this Adventurer will one day accomplish what even the Pantheon could not: to stop Sargeras, the Unmaker of Worlds.

    TL;DR: The Adventurer - which from my PoV it's me - will have defeated not one, but TWO Titans, something that makes Broxigar's feats look like nothing. That said, I - the Adventurer - should be at least among the top 5.
    Last edited by Adalwolf; 2017-10-24 at 04:27 PM.

  17. #17
    Most of these aren't warriors.
    Owner of ONEAzerothTV
    Tanking, Blood DK Mythic+ Pugging, Soloing and WoW Challenges alongside other discussions about all things in World of Warcraft

  18. #18
    Lol no Broxigar, who was supposed to be nº1.

  19. #19
    Great warrior list you have there that has four paladins, two shamans, a DK, and a hunter on it.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by MakeMeLaugh View Post
    Lol no Broxigar, who was supposed to be nº1.
    You are inconsiderate, he is in Top, look carefully.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Erbel View Post
    Great warrior list you have there that has four paladins, two shamans, a DK, and a hunter on it.
    All of them fought several times without magic, which is why they are, but far from the strongest warriors.

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