1. #1

    How put texture over specific nameplate player?

    Im doing a code for check enemy blacklist... At the moment all is right, if enemy is on my list and is near me the addon put me a msg. Is possible put some texture for mark the enemy and see more better?

    This is a code part...
    PHP Code:
    function Alerter()

    tracker CreateFrame("Frame")
    tracker:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED") -- testing
    :SetScript("OnEvent", function(selfevent, ...)

    inInstanceinstanceType IsInInstance()
    timeStampeventhideCastersourceGUIDsourceNamesourceFlagssourceRaidFlagsdestGUIDdestNamedestFlagsdestRaidFlagsprefixParam1prefixParam2dummyparamsuffixParam1suffixParam2 = ...
    not inInstance and SpellEvents[event] and enemies[sourceName] and total >= timecheck and bit.band(sourceFlagsCOMBATLOG_OBJECT_REACTION_HOSTILE) > 0 then
    print("|cffFE2E2EYour enemy |r"..sourceName.." |cffFE2E2Eis near");
    condicion true
    Thanks for help!

  2. #2
    Well that's done.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Yes Ketho, very very appreciate you pasting these link.

  5. #5
    Very very glad to help

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