1. #1

    [Feral] Performing lower than others

    Me specifically, I just want some insight. Keep in mind I haven't finished my artifact yet (quite newly dinged) but I see people around my iLv performing better, I also don't have any good trinkets (around 750) but quite good gear elsewhere, and a legendary. I feel like my rotation is alright, maybe one mess up here and there but nothing too huge. Will I see a difference with decent trinkets do you think? And maxed out artifact?
    thanks in advance ^^

  2. #2
    What answer or help do you expect from us? Obviously your damage will increase with better artifact and trinkets. But to find any flaws in your way to play (typically the main reason for bad performances) we would need some logs.

  3. #3
    I'm just asking if trinkets alone would make a massive difference.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Atoczix View Post
    I'm just asking if trinkets alone would make a massive difference.

    Yes. Trinkets make a big difference, but it wont make your dps go from 600k to 1m.

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