1. #1961
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Bruisers tend to lack the crowd control or other abilities which makes the entire enemy team want to focus them. They do, to some extend, have survivability, but most tanks also have abilities which increase their durability.

    The gap between the two has grown more narrow though. Take Nautilus or Amumu - if you ignore them, they'll CC your entire team. Similarly, Shen, Galio or Rammus will just taunt you and render you useless for a while. Trundle or Shyvana on the other hand are sturdy, but have nothing to force you to focus on them.

  2. #1962
    Well most bruisers tend to have enough damage to burst a squishy down which makes you want to focus them, they usually fall off endgame since the AD carry will be so dominant he can just laugh at them and kill them.

  3. #1963
    Bruiser - tanky dps, generally with a gap closer but no real high impact (aoe) cc. Think: Irelia, Jax, Lee Sin, Shyvana
    Tank - focusses on disrupting and absorbing damage, usually has some form of mobility. Often has low damage. Think: Rammus, Shen, Galio

    Tanky bruisers - some of both: Mundo (rarely builds damage, but has no real CC anywhere)

  4. #1964
    Brewmaster Mefistophelis's Avatar
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    Well anyway last game I owned their whole team with a tanky build WW . They just couldn't kill me . I had so much armor/mr/health and enough attackspeed to keep me alive . killed all 5 of them but didn't get penta . probably gonna buy a bruiser style jungler
    I come across a quiet river, that wonders through the trees.
    I stare into its running waters and fall unto my knees.
    In resignation to the forest, that's held me for so long.
    I close my eyes and drift away into nature's evensong.

  5. #1965
    I'm almost sitting at 3.150 IP (again) and i'm in a great dilemma (again). I have 2 champions in mind. Kassadin and Xin Zhao.

    I know they fullfil different roles but which one is funnier to play and better all-in-all late game? Xin Zhao got some pretty nice changes but he seems kinda too strong right now...on the other hand Kassadin is either hard counter picked or banned in ranked games etc like 99% of the time...

    So which one should i get? Any opinions?

  6. #1966
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Infernous View Post
    I'm almost sitting at 3.150 IP (again) and i'm in a great dilemma (again). I have 2 champions in mind. Kassadin and Xin Zhao.

    I know they fullfil different roles but which one is funnier to play and better all-in-all late game? Xin Zhao got some pretty nice changes but he seems kinda too strong right now...on the other hand Kassadin is either hard counter picked or banned in ranked games etc like 99% of the time...

    So which one should i get? Any opinions?
    Kass will have a better late game than Xin every time. However, like you said Kass is always banned so he isn't the best champ to pick up if you don't play any blind pick. Xin is really strong right now and looking for a few more nerfs, but it wont be anything too severe and he would be a great pickup.

    Ultimately, it comes down to what role you would rather play: Tanky AD or AP Assassin.

  7. #1967
    I've just recently started jungling, first with Skarner and now lately with Sejuani. I think it is pretty fun and Sejuani is good for ganks. However I don't own a jungler yet. A friend of mine usually jungles with Maokai or Amumu. I've heard WW should be a good start jungler, what do you guys think? Which jungler do you think I should buy first?

  8. #1968
    Pandaren Monk Kurdiern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maerran View Post
    I've just recently started jungling, first with Skarner and now lately with Sejuani. I think it is pretty fun and Sejuani is good for ganks. However I don't own a jungler yet. A friend of mine usually jungles with Maokai or Amumu. I've heard WW should be a good start jungler, what do you guys think? Which jungler do you think I should buy first?
    WW meh jungle. Slow clear and weak ganks until 6. His dueling and sustain is fantastic, and his Ulti is amazing for ganks. He doesn't need many runes though, so if you're poor then it works. He is a stronger top.

    Try Mundo for a cheap and strong jungler. Nautilus and Alistar (free) are also good picks.

  9. #1969
    Looking for some advice on what to buy next.

    Currently own :

    Master Yi

    While I really enjoy the champions that I have currently, I regret buying Jax + Yi and potentially even Ashe.

    At the moment I'm only level 13 and I haven't really played many Normal games. I tend to just play bot games whenever I feel like playing LoL but I've been doing pretty great as Malzahar and Veigar.

    I'm basically looking at what to buy next. Just looking for something to pick up. It doesn't have to be easy to learn or anything because I'm sure I can pick it up quite fast. I would much rather prefer ranged champions, though.

    Any suggestions?

  10. #1970
    Pandaren Monk mööh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Murghoul View Post
    Looking for some advice on what to buy next.

    Currently own :

    Master Yi

    While I really enjoy the champions that I have currently, I regret buying Jax + Yi and potentially even Ashe.

    At the moment I'm only level 13 and I haven't really played many Normal games. I tend to just play bot games whenever I feel like playing LoL but I've been doing pretty great as Malzahar and Veigar.

    I'm basically looking at what to buy next. Just looking for something to pick up. It doesn't have to be easy to learn or anything because I'm sure I can pick it up quite fast. I would much rather prefer ranged champions, though.

    Any suggestions?
    Well if you like AD you can buy graves. He's almost always on free week so try him there. Midlaners are really personal opinion. I like mage mages like brand and ziggs so maybe try those. Right now you are kinda low summoner lvl so just try champions that are free and look intresting and go from there.

  11. #1971
    got 2k RP, which ad carry/bruiser should i go for? ALready have:
    Carrys: Caitlyn, Ashe, Fiora, Tristana
    Bruisers: Xin, Jax, Garen
    Last edited by mmocc0a63d4037; 2012-08-05 at 04:30 AM.

  12. #1972
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Infernous View Post
    I'm almost sitting at 3.150 IP (again) and i'm in a great dilemma (again). I have 2 champions in mind. Kassadin and Xin Zhao.

    I know they fullfil different roles but which one is funnier to play and better all-in-all late game? Xin Zhao got some pretty nice changes but he seems kinda too strong right now...on the other hand Kassadin is either hard counter picked or banned in ranked games etc like 99% of the time...

    So which one should i get? Any opinions?
    Imo I would go for xin. He is a monster in the lane (even more so in the early game) and his jungle is quite good. It's very easy to get ahead with him early since he can do a lot of damage very quickly at low levels. He is getting slight nerfs but they aren't anything game changing. Mostly base stat and stat per level changes I think. I don't remember if they touched TTS, but they might have.

    Kassadin is also a good pick. He is banned a lot in lower elo games, but once you get to a higher elo he isn't banned as often, if at all really. He is a good champion to know since he can easily carry games, and if you ever end up with first pick in ranked, you can ban something else (that's assuming that you ban kass) and force the other team to use a ban on Kass or you get him with first pick. That being said, first pick AP mid isn't always the best choice, since that leaves you up to being countered easily.

    He is quite good at roaming and picking off squishy targets. I didn't really like him, but he is a strong champion. My vote does go for Xin though. I think his superb early game, and better scaling make him a viable pick now. Though there is no way to escape with him other than using your ult to knock people back. Kass on the other hand is a slippery little bastard.

    ---------- Post added 2012-08-04 at 11:43 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Maerran View Post
    I've just recently started jungling, first with Skarner and now lately with Sejuani. I think it is pretty fun and Sejuani is good for ganks. However I don't own a jungler yet. A friend of mine usually jungles with Maokai or Amumu. I've heard WW should be a good start jungler, what do you guys think? Which jungler do you think I should buy first?
    WW is a very safe jungler. I don't really like him that much since his clear time is kinda slow compared to other people, and his pre 6 ganks are pretty meh, but he can become very durable and become a monster tower diver. He also gives you really early and strong baron power.

    Amumu and Maoki are tank junglers, which means that you are going to rely on someone else to do the damage for you. They are both very strong picks though. Amumu can turn a game around with one utl, and Maoki's ganks are very hard to get away from.

    I personally prefer more aggressive junglers like Xin Zhao or Lee sin. When you are playing with people you know (and ones you know can do damage) tank junglers are good to have, but in pub games, I go for Xin because I know I can make the difference when it is needed.

    So I would recommend Lee sin, Shyvana, Dr. Mundo, Nautalis, Xin Zhao, Amumu, Maoki and.... hmm.

    That's my go to jungling list. There are other people that can jungle of course, but those are the ones I prefer. I probably left some off too.

  13. #1973
    Fiora and Wukong are both not so bad junglers either, both of them offer awesome ganks too

  14. #1974
    Right now i'm, stuck between Kass, Shaco or Ori. I mainly play AP mid and support but I can do okay at jungle. Ori sometimes looks fun but other times feels too reliant on previous decisions. While I know Kass and Shaco are permabanned I have always wanted to try them out, i've just never got the IP.

    I only have enough IP for one. I mainly play Lux, Ahri and Blitz btw.


  15. #1975
    Shaco is decent jungles, but is too squishy for teamfights, playing him is like leaving your team 4v5 when it comes to teamfights

  16. #1976
    I enjoy varrus werry much..... prob couse you can last hit with him werry well and Q is fun to play with.
    I also enjoy annie werry well. ( again couse you can farm werry well with Q)
    What moor champions is werry easy to farm with and wich should i buy?

  17. #1977
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurdiern View Post
    WW meh jungle. Slow clear and weak ganks until 6. His dueling and sustain is fantastic, and his Ulti is amazing for ganks. He doesn't need many runes though, so if you're poor then it works. He is a stronger top.

    Try Mundo for a cheap and strong jungler. Nautilus and Alistar (free) are also good picks.
    Going to try Mundo out, he looks like fun. Thanks!

  18. #1978
    Brewmaster Mefistophelis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kurdiern View Post
    WW meh jungle. Slow clear and weak ganks until 6. His dueling and sustain is fantastic, and his Ulti is amazing for ganks. He doesn't need many runes though, so if you're poor then it works. He is a stronger top.

    Try Mundo for a cheap and strong jungler. Nautilus and Alistar (free) are also good picks.
    Where did you get that "ww meh slow jungle" ?
    WW is fast enough and can withstand early jungle invasions due to his passive and q . Also great damage and sustain even though built as tank . Maerran if you have any questions about WW and jungling ask me .
    I come across a quiet river, that wonders through the trees.
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  19. #1979
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    He is slow because he can't clear camps fast. Nothing you say will change that. Shyvana, Udyr, Malphite, Mundo and a few others are much much faster because they do AoE damage. Single target junglers either need insane damage (which WW doesn't have) or something else (which he also doesn't have).

  20. #1980
    Brewmaster Mefistophelis's Avatar
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    anyway ... I clear the jungle alot faster than a malphite or mundo . maybe i can play ww better than the rest .
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