Alright so, taken all the tips i've read over the past few days, (hur hur yes i know duels don't count) but i've gone 8-0 against an equally geared (maybe not skilled) dk, got my Naga set up, my pc's running fine, streaming, been taking huge tips, have focus macros for all important CDs, and my communication has improved significantly. Now time to put them to good use. Well, I "kinda" got an invite to a really good 5v5 team on my server..but I don't have much experience in 5s, but i have been watching a lot of videos and reading forums. So here's a list of things i might need tips and tricks on

Shadowcleave, TSG, or FDP?
This is the 5v5 comp i was "kinda" invited "kinda" i mean i was invited but he said he'd have to see since i havn't done very many 5s. So something i'd like to ask is...
What's the biggest difference in making a transition from 3v3 to 5v5? As a melee from what i've seen it's CC 1 healer, keep the 2nd half-way busy, or if you have the cc keep both ccd, nuke the squishiest target, move on to the next exe. If i'm wrong please correct me
-Toxictacos - Drenden- US