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    [H] Defias Brotherhood <Burning Dawn> 10-man 3 raids/week (FL Heroic 7/7)

    Burning Dawn is a social guild with members who are interested in all aspects of the game (RP, PVP, PVE). This is the essence of what has kept the guild going for 6 years already, since the birth of the Defias Brotherhood RP-PVP server. BD has always been a friendly and social guild, a mix of raiders and friends. We want to provide a "home" for people to enjoy the game together.

    While we only have 3 raids a week (9 hours in total), we know how to make the best of that time. In WotLK we killed both the Lich King and Halion on heroic (10), in tier 11 we killed Sinestra pre-patch. We are now raiding the various Firelands heroic fights and are looking for people who can dive right in and share our approach towards raiding, "quality over quantity".


    We are currently looking for 1 more DPS of one of the following classes:
    Death Knight
    Shaman (Enh. or Ele.)

    Recruitment for social (non-raiding) members is always open!


    Firelands 7/7 Heroic
    Tier 11 13/13 Heroic


    Wednesday, Thursday, Monday 20:15-23:15
    (invites at 20:00 servertime)

    If you want to know more about Burning Dawn or want to apply, please visit our website at http://www.burningdawn.com

    Thank you for reading and we hope to hear from you soon

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