1. #1

    A Peak at 4.3 Holy Paladins

    Tonight I was playing around with the wowhead armory tool, basically using it to predict which pieces of gear I would want to aim for in the next tier. Then I decided to have a little fun and experiment with all of the heroic ilevel gear to see which levels of Int, Sp, Spirit and Haste we are going to be able to reach. The numbers kind of shocked me a little.


    Now, obviously a few items can be replaced with others if you see fit, but I went for having as much spirit and haste as possible, while still maintaining the 4 set bonus for the larger aoe healing capabilities. Even still, the approximate numbers are (unbuffed, of course):

    162k Health
    142k Mana
    11,000 Spellpower
    3,600 Spirit
    2,700 Haste

    Keep in mind, this is without reforging the items with crit and mastery into haste and spirit. Then add in the raid buffs and imagine the numbers those top players will be capable of reaching. Now, obviously I'm not stupid. This is the absolute best gear obtainable we're talking about, and I know it will take some time for anyone to actually itemize their toon in this way, but what do you think of those numbers?

    Just thought I'd post for others who were interested in this. Do you think Blizzard is right in scaling down and "squishing" stats in MoP, or do you like the feeling of reaching these higher numbers and are against the proposed change? Discuss.
    Last edited by Servasus; 2011-11-17 at 05:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Keyboard Turner
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Sep 2011
    It's fun seeing huge numbers, but doesn't really bother me to have things squished

  3. #3
    You mean a peek.

    I personally don't mind the big numbers. They aren't even THAT big yet, in my opinion. But maybe I am biased since for a long time I played a MUD where people had a few million hit points ^_^
    My Gaming Setup | WoW Paladin (retired)

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  4. #4
    The Lightbringer Ultima's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
    Numbers are fun. Being of stable mind to put numbers into context rather than "BIGGER IS BETTER" when 10% is still 10% is more fun.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Xebu View Post
    You mean a peek.

    I personally don't mind the big numbers. They aren't even THAT big yet, in my opinion. But maybe I am biased since for a long time I played a MUD where people had a few million hit points ^_^
    The title was a play on words. =-p

  6. #6
    This doesn't look that unusual to me. The only real difference between these numbers and what I have now is a sharp increase in Haste. However, this is due entirely to the fact that the next tier is very well itemized for us, whereas there are a lot of things in the current tier that are not. That Haste increase is offest by actual decreases in the amount of Crit and Mastery I'm wearing.

    This really just represents the 10-15% increase in stats that I would expect to see for a new tier.
    I'm bitter by default. Don't take it personally.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stir View Post
    Either give an argument, or be automatically wrong. Your choice.

  7. #7
    Put epic gems into gear to make stats even more "insane" pls. And I'm not sure you can upgrade valor boots cloak and relic to 410 versions tbh
    Last edited by Inde; 2011-11-18 at 07:44 AM.

  8. #8
    How's that insane? It's no different from WotLK when you started out with like 20k mana as a healer, and in full BiS having 45k. And if you think about it you start with about 80k mana this expac. Ending you'll have about 160k buffed.

  9. #9
    Because it means unless the item squish is applied, and the stats continue at the rate they've been going in, we will have ~320k mana unbuffed at the end of MoP, 640k mana at the end of the xpac after, and god forbid if even one more gets released after that, around 1,200,000 mana. I know numbers are all relative, but it does seem a tad ridiculous. And this is coming from a person who has previously been against the item squish.

    Quote Originally Posted by Inde View Post
    Put epic gems into gear to make stats even more "insane" pls. And I'm not sure you can upgrade valor boots cloak and relic to 410 versions tbh
    You can't on ptrwowhead at the moment, but thanks for being a smartass. Also, I know the valor gear most likely won't have 410 versions in game, but it's there on the ptr so until live hits on the 29th, we can't really tell.
    Last edited by Servasus; 2011-11-18 at 05:23 PM.

  10. #10
    thats also without the epic gems and you are missing a chimera's eye. But otherwise those number are pretty sexy

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