Thread: 4.3 Paladin PvP

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  1. #1

    4.3 Paladin PvP

    Im kind of curious on people thoughts around Paladin PvP next patch.

    I was planning on going ret for PvP (I currently hardly ever PvP on my pally its just boring to me), but with the nerfs/buffs in different areas they are getting im afraid that I'd be much better off just going Holy and rofl healing the rest of the xpansion. I'm currently Honor/JP capped so I should be able to jump into pvp rather quickly when the near gear rolls out. Do you think ret is going to be viable around 1900 - 2400 rating? 2v2 or 3v3? Or should I just go Holy?

    (And yes I've PvP'd in those ratings back in BC/WotLK on various toons just not pallies, I'm assuming not much has changed *skill wise* there)

  2. #2
    Ret is dead in 4.3 so go holy.

    The HoW means theres NO reason to pick up another melee dps over us. In 4.3 this is the order i think melee dps will go

    In 4.3:

    In 4.2:

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by JonBeMerkin View Post
    Ret is dead in 4.3 so go holy.

    The HoW means theres NO reason to pick up another melee dps over us. In 4.3 this is the order i think melee dps will go

    In 4.3:

    In 4.2:
    sorry but thats just dead wrong.

    in 4.3 it will be something like:

    in 4.2 its more less the same

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Migari View Post
    Also, there are no changes to WoG or Selfless healer. 80k heals on your team mates every 10 seconds is not too bad.
    Dude, what?! That's if you crit with your WoG and if you decide to waste all your HP on healing your team. Now do you feel that is worth your while just spec holy and I'm sure you'll have a much better time in arenas/battlegrounds.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonkura View Post
    Dude, what?! That's if you crit with your WoG and if you decide to waste all your HP on healing your team. Now do you feel that is worth your while just spec holy and I'm sure you'll have a much better time in arenas/battlegrounds.
    1. ur a shit ret. i can tell cos u dont heal ur team.

    2. ret is fun despite its lack of tools. if you play ret and dont think its fun. stop playing it. theres 9 more classes.

    3. holy and ret are completely differeant. there not even teh same role. if you want to recommend something at least recoment a warrior or it actually makes sense.

    4. stop complaining about ret. its not that bad

    Last edited by Fiddlesnarf; 2011-11-21 at 01:17 AM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by deathtrigger View Post
    1. ur a shit ret. i can tell cos u dont heal ur team.

    2. ret is fun despite its lack of tools. if you play ret and dont think its fun. stop playing it. theres 9 more classes.

    3. holy and ret are completely differeant. there not even teh same role. if you want to recommend something at least recoment a warrior or it actually makes sense.

    4. stop complaining about ret. its not that bad
    1. You're an ignorant ass who don't belong at a discussion board.

    2. You have nothing backing up your own capabilities/knowledge to call other people shit.

    3. Reported. (And so are you) ~ Fiddlesnarf

    4. We're pretty damn bad in PvP.
    Last edited by Fiddlesnarf; 2011-11-21 at 01:19 AM.

  7. #7
    Honestly, this just makes ret pvp have a way higher skillcap then before, ret pvp was hard, compared to some other classes, but it wasn't awfull, and it still isn't.

    Anyone saying that this nerf ruins ret pvp, have no idea what a ret is supposed to do in PvP.

    Ret is not about bursting someone down, it's about beeing a support for your teammates, help healing, help cleansing, help pressure something etc, a ret is actually quite awsome, if played well.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Migari View Post
    Last Word + Rule of Law + your crit from gear, let's say ~ 10%. It shouldn't be too hard to crit.
    If you gear for crit as ret pvp, you're either really bad or really badly geared.

    Quote Originally Posted by Migari View Post
    Also, if one of your team mates is dying, why wouldn't you waste your HoPo to bring them back to full HP?
    They CC you and you can't do anything.

  9. #9
    I have played retri last season and looking at the patchnotes i dont see anything that would let me consider changing specc. I like the way retri plays. Overal damage is kinda crap but that will change in 4.3 The critnerf on Hammer is something i rather not see, i remember ending up in arena just my facing a hunter and i killed him at range with wings and Hammer. That was so funny. I dont think we lack movement like some people state. U got cleanse to free you with no cd. U got HoF on a 20sec cd( wich i mostly never use on myself) Ranged judgement to make u sprint... The only thing i havent liked so far as retri pvp go's is the fact that your first seconds in combat u really hope for a proc cause getting 3 cs's out there before u can actually make a difference feels so boring somethimes and our Burst being dispelled or stolen by almost every single class. Anyway i love retri pvp and i will not change it for anything. My best exp's in 2v2 i had with a warrior.
    Last edited by mmoc06ee33aba1; 2011-11-20 at 02:03 PM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by wolphe View Post
    Honestly, this just makes ret pvp have a way higher skillcap then before, ret pvp was hard, compared to some other classes, but it wasn't awfull, and it still isn't.

    Anyone saying that this nerf ruins ret pvp, have no idea what a ret is supposed to do in PvP.
    How many CURRENT gladiator retribution paladins (in 3v3) do you know? I'm pretty sure even Vanguards stopped playing competitively (in 3v3) after 4.2 was released.

    Quote Originally Posted by wolphe View Post
    Ret is not about bursting someone down, it's about beeing a support for your teammates, help healing, help cleansing, help pressure something etc, a ret is actually quite awsome, if played well.
    You should only be cleansing yourself. Here's Retribution in a nutshell: Burst when you have cooldowns, support when you don't unless you get lucky with procs. Avenging Wrath being nerfed is only really a big deal when you had a disc priest on your team - otherwise it'd get dispelled usually (unless you happened to go against a team without a dispel... then you're still in an okay spot). Separating your cooldowns is preferable unless you're pretty damn sure you're not going to get peeled.

    The thing is, though, that I don't give a shit that Avenging Wrath is nerfed. That's not what will nerf ret overall. The fact is, Hammer of Wrath itself was nerfed. sub-20% you won't be doing much with it anymore unless you get real lucky. That's the big problem.
    Last edited by Reith; 2011-11-20 at 02:05 PM.

  11. #11
    Moderator Malthanis's Avatar
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    Not nearly out of the way enough
    In general (and specifically at deathtrigger and Bonkura) do not fling insults at others. Any more insults will result in me cracking some skulls
    Host of Talking Skritt, a GW2 podcast!

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by reith View Post
    if you gear for crit as ret pvp, you're either really bad or really badly geared.

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Last edited by Fiddlesnarf; 2011-11-21 at 01:18 AM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonkura View Post
    1. You're an ignorant ass who don't belong at a discussion board.

    2. You have nothing backing up your own capabilities/knowledge to call other people shit.

    3. Reported.

    4. We're pretty damn bad in PvP.
    BAD in pvp??.... then why is there Ret palas getting gladiator.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Cozens View Post
    BAD in pvp??.... then why is there Ret palas getting gladiator.
    I don't know but I've heard healers are good in arena.

  15. #15
    Pandaren Monk Paladin885's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reith View Post
    If you gear for crit as ret pvp, you're either really bad or really badly geared.
    "~10%" is not gearing crit rating for ret. Ret pallys in pvp gear have somewhere between 5%-10% melee crit without reforging.

    ---------- Post added 2011-11-20 at 06:11 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Bonkura View Post
    1. You're an ignorant ass who don't belong at a discussion board.

    2. You have nothing backing up your own capabilities/knowledge to call other people shit.

    3. Reported.

    4. We're pretty damn bad in PvP.

    1. your opinion carries no weight here on the forums
    2. he called you out on your flawed response, accept it.
    3. reporting denied
    4. you might think he's bad at pvp, but you're the worse of the two. You neglect to aid a teammate in favor of your own gain.

  16. #16
    Stood in the Fire Aurinax's Avatar
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    That guy threw all his credibility out the window when he mentioned something about using Holy Power on an ally word of glory being a waste.

    That should be your absolute top priority in arena, with Inquisition as its only competition.
    Playing Path of Exile and Guild Wars 2

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonkura View Post
    1. You're an ignorant ass who don't belong at a discussion board.

    2. You have nothing backing up your own capabilities/knowledge to call other people shit.

    3. Reported.

    4. We're pretty damn bad in PvP.

    Bad in pvp are you serius?
    Then you are a bad pvper....

    I play ret 3v3 and we are not bad.

    1. we have rly rly good off heals.
    2. we have super burst.
    3. Def mobility more that no other mele (except rogues maby, dunno never played rogue)

    sure if we get spam dispelled we have a hard time but yet again, if you get spam dispelled you kinda suck anyway!

    Ret is good if you know how to play it!

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Masterpd85 View Post
    4. you might think he's bad at pvp, but you're the worse of the two. You neglect to aid a teammate in favor of your own gain.
    I replied to a post claiming that we have 80k heals every 10th seconds saying it was exaggerating and that you don't want to or shouldn't have/want to use all your holy power to heal your team mates which you basically will because it takes almost 10 seconds of CS spam to get 3 HP if you're not lucky to get a DP proc (plus you still gotta get lucky to get 3x CS off every 10th second in PvP). You're sacrificing a shitload of damage by aiming for these not so guaranteed 80k heals.

    How you all then assumed I never use WoG on team mates I have no idea.

    If you believe Rets are comparable to classes like rogues, DKs, ferals and even warriors you should bring the discussion out to of the Paladin forum and see what people think.

  19. #19
    Field Marshal ghostomc's Avatar
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    ret pallies arent were they should be in a balance point of veiw but there stilll fun to play and have some nice tools if you can use them right.

    FYI its not wasting your HolyPower to heal a teammate. Specially if all our cds are down and were waiting for the Nuke to come back around.

  20. #20
    what you seem to be missing bonkura is as a ret you are not the player on your team whos going for kills... your job is off healing / freedoms / bop... if you play a ret the way you would play a warrior ( omg i wana shmash stuff with a big hammer ) then you will die alot / get you team killed allot, and when its over get kicked from the group.

    use the right seal for the moment ( keybinding cencure and justice is a nice start ) and use them when needed ( to pre-empt a sprinting rogue / druid for example and stop them from getting away )

    you see ret paladins have by far the best group support of any class in the game, and that support can make or brake an arena. simply refusing to use that support and saying our damage stinks we need to be buffed is simply wrong. while i would like some extra damage i understand that even though i may not top the charts in an rbg ( i commonly do anyway ) i did save us from a loss because i boped a healer and freedomed the flag runer alowing us to down the other teams runer first.

    things like that are why you bring a ret, you dont bring one for damage.

    my scores on rbgs is commonly like this

    15 kbs 8-10 deaths
    3,000,000 ish damage
    1,000,000 -1,500,000 healing

    now tell me i dont make a difference with 1-1.5 mill healing...

    you need to stop saying a class is bad because it dosnt do tuns of damage without first looking at the utility it brings. by your logic i could say frost mages are just as bad as ret paladins because they dont hit as hard as arcane, but i would be wrong then wouldnt I? look at what your class has and use it to your advantage.


    proud ret since classic.
    Last edited by meliancill; 2011-11-21 at 07:42 PM.

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