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  1. #21
    Imbalanced? No, the game is not imbalanced. In 1on1 I can own most of the heroes with my Master Yi except for exmaple Katarina with massive AP stacked using her ultimate or any caster with massive AP stacked. Thats an exmaple. Or a good Amumu/Fiddlestick player. Remember that it is all about skill, knowledge and teamplay. Heroes are balanced. Somehow this game is paper->rock->scizors type of game.
    Last edited by Slaughty8; 2011-11-27 at 02:54 AM.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Slaughty8 View Post
    Imbalanced? No, the game is not imbalanced. In 1on1 I can own most of the heroes with my Master Yi except for exmaple Katarina with massive AP stacked using her ultimate or any caster with massive AP stacked. Thats an exmaple. Or a good Amumu/Fiddlestick player. Remember that it is all about skill, knowledge and teamplay. Heroes are balanced. Somehow this game is paper->rock->scizors type of game.
    this just isint true.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by PnBoots View Post
    this just isint true.
    Well, then we are playing different games. I am having fun and I know what I see

  4. #24
    There are several AD champs that can 1v1 Yi easily; not saying you aren't doing what you say, but in linear play, Yi can fall to more than what you just listed.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Laurcus View Post
    Just throwing this out there. I watch a LOT of pro matches. I'm on their streams almost every day, and I watch every major tournament. I see Singed banned in 90+% of pro games. The few times I've seen him played, he's never gone negative. I did see TSM beat a team with Singed at MLG Providence, but the Singed was like 8/2/5, his team just fed and he couldn't carry enough on his own.
    People like Singed because it's next to impossible for him to lose a lane. Warwick can smash him solo top, but even this can be completely countered by pressure from the jungler, even without getting a kill or even forcing a flash, jungler can make Warwick back off just enough that Singed can farm catalyst/400g MR and then he can't lose his lane against anyone.

    If Singed wasn't one of the single strongest laning presences in the game, he would be a trash champ. Right now it's "ridiculous if fed," and it's nearly impossible to stop his farm.

    As an addendum to my last post here, LoL is still a very young game. Most people have no idea what the meta is, how teamplay really works, or what to do past the lane phase other than roam with a friend or 4 and gank for kills. Many champions are considered terrible but are still great when played properly within a team (Twitch). Currently, the meta game favors solo play (fighters), which also favors bad play. People who have no idea how to play within a team setting can just solo top with Irelia and end up 1v5ing for the most part mid game and on, forcing enemy FF when they're 11-2-15. This kind of meta makes the game seem more imbalanced, however, most of the bottom champions are still great champions with the right team.

    Is every champion good with every team set up? No, not at all. Some are better with more teams than others, but they all can be used properly. As far as tournaments go with the "top" players, they're following a "what works" strategy instead of taking risks. Making a lineup with Twitch in it would be incredibly risky, because no one ever practices that, and therefore no one really has a great idea of where to put him in a team. So, instead, they use the exact same meta every time because they know they can make it work and will win if they just outplay the enemy a little bit. Dare I compare this to other sports, but you can see people doing what is safe instead of what will work if we pull it off all the time. Trick plays might be wildly successful if you can pull them off, but why do that when you can just do what you've always done that you know works at least half of the time.
    Last edited by Lysah; 2011-11-27 at 03:52 AM.

  6. #26
    Epik and Dignitas tend to push the meta quite a bit with new and unique strategies, actually. =(

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Synaptic View Post
    There are several AD champs that can 1v1 Yi easily; not saying you aren't doing what you say, but in linear play, Yi can fall to more than what you just listed.
    Probably about these other champs U mention, I did not came across good players plying them yet. I feel educated now. I hope to see more AD good players.

  8. #28
    LoL is quite balanced really, if ur bad or don' know how to counter a champ you will fail, thats how it works. Since you are playing blind pick from the sounds you cant counter pick and therefor have no real knowledge on how a real match can be played. Give the game more time, hit 30, try draft in the meantime.

  9. #29
    Herald of the Titans Nirawen's Avatar
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    It's balanced for 5v5 not 1v1, pretty simple.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Slaughty8 View Post
    Probably about these other champs U mention, I did not came across good players plying them yet. I feel educated now. I hope to see more AD good players.
    i mean there's a reason nobody plays yi.......

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Wapetufo View Post
    learn how counters work in the game, yes there are 1 or 2 champs that are broken, but thats probably only rammus and trynd imo.
    Yeah... You clearly play only AD
    Rammus is annoying early game cause of his ganks but when teamfights start he's usually not that hard to ignore and "counter" by never letting him get to your AD carry.

    And for Trynda
    Get Wriggles
    Get Thornmail
    1 Dead Tryndamere.
    (also basically makes every one of their ADs do no damage to you)

    Every champ and comp can be countered by getting the right items or by great counter picking, and if some champ is "OP" early game (Urgot, LeBlonk) they will fall of mid-late game and if they are weak early game they are strong mid-late game (Old Kayle, Jax)

    So yes, the game is fairly balanced.
    And of course if you simply outplay the enemy it doesn't generally matter what champ you have, they are dead.

  12. #32
    leblanc falls off late game? lolwut. with blue buff for the CDR you can basically one shot combo any non tanky character. W > Q > R > E > Q and then pull of the same combo 10-15 seconds later. being able to one shot their carries without taking barely any damage (long range poke further than most other non skillshot abilities) late game basically means you win every team fight as their damage output sucks.

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by crazypearce View Post
    leblanc falls off late game? lolwut. with blue buff for the CDR you can basically one shot combo any non tanky character. W > Q > R > E > Q and then pull of the same combo 10-15 seconds later. being able to one shot their carries without taking barely any damage (long range poke further than most other non skillshot abilities) late game basically means you win every team fight as their damage output sucks.
    So you can kill their AD Carry if you are fed to oblivion early game? K
    She falls off horribly and after the 30 minute mark she has like no damage at all.
    You have a single burst, if that doesn't kill the target your whole existence fades away. You cannot kill anyone who has even a negaton, or hell even Rylais is enough to keep yourself alive against a LB.

    I would never take LB for any other purpose than to counter-pick mid, she is just simply worse than any other AP carry late game.

  14. #34
    The best way to kill the ad carry is to focus it, cc and use exhaust.

  15. #35
    lol is actually really balanced and u can just ban the "op heroes" like akali-kassadin-amumu
    but yh i guess u are some lvl 10 scrub who can't play the game so u are posting this useless thread
    and alistar and master yi are really not op lawl!

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Grxlturd View Post

    I would never take LB for any other purpose than to counter-pick mid, she is just simply worse than any other AP carry late game.
    See LB on enemy team. Take MR cloak and pots to lane. Automatic win.

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Grxlturd View Post
    And for Trynda
    Get Wriggles
    Get Thornmail
    1 Dead Tryndamere.
    (also basically makes every one of their ADs do no damage to you)
    This wouldn't really stop any AD from damaging you; if they were smart, they would simply build Last Whisper. The damage-return from Thornmail itself is pretty negligible if you have any MR + Lifesteal.

  18. #38
    Just so I got this straight:

    "I can't beat X as Y in a 1v1, so the game is imbalanced"

    Bye then

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Grxlturd View Post
    So you can kill their AD Carry if you are fed to oblivion early game? K
    She falls off horribly and after the 30 minute mark she has like no damage at all.
    You have a single burst, if that doesn't kill the target your whole existence fades away. You cannot kill anyone who has even a negaton, or hell even Rylais is enough to keep yourself alive against a LB.

    I would never take LB for any other purpose than to counter-pick mid, she is just simply worse than any other AP carry late game.
    Reginald disagrees with you. A couple days ago he was playing LeBlanc on his stream, and he specifically mentioned how she doesn't actually fall off late game, if you're smart enough to build a DFG. A few minutes later he was mousing over this Sivir he was about to gank in jungle. She had a warmog's and 3k hp. He flashed over the wall and literally killed her in 1 second with DFG + Q + R. Or in his words, "BOOM! All you need is QR, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA TOO PRO!!!"

    After he calmed down he then said even with MR you can kill someone like that, unless they have like 10k HP.

  20. #40
    Thornmail is pretty overrated, more of a mental effect than actual use. You actually need the HP to pull it off. You are normally better off getting a frozen heart

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