1. #1

    Remote Auction House

    Does anybody use this and is it worth it? I was thinking of signing up since its a small cost, but I'm wondering if it's usefull. I have a tablet that runs Android so I could log on at lunch or something during the day and repost or buy stuff that may be cheaper during non-peak hours.

    And does it work battlenet account wide or is it specific to an individual account. I have a couple of AH toons on seperate accounts under the same battlenet.

  2. #2
    I personally love the mobile AH, on patch days or when an AH add-on needs to be updated,...it definitely gives you the upper hand. I only have one account with characters spread across multiple servers. It works for each of them.

  3. #3
    it would take twice more time for me to get 1kk gold without remote AH
    so nice to undercut competitors from work :-) and get NERDRAGE whispers when I log on WOW

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