I have seen several threads pop up in which posters are complaining that they have 'beat the game' already by killing Deathwing in LFR, and now they are bored.This is a serious problem, and I think there is some fault on Blizzard. While I see the point in LFR and I understand Blizzard's frustration with making raid content for 2% of the population, I do not think they went about implementing the raid finder in the right manner.

There are two sides to this argument:
1) Deathwing is dead = game is over.
2) Game is not over til you down on HC.

The problem is that although you can still do normal and heroic mode versions of the raid, the general qualia of the encounter is the same. You kill the same boss for the same loot. So while many people are not satisfied until the Heroic mode is down, a lot of others feel that they are done once the boss is dead. What do you think happens once a guild downs the heroic mode? Sure they might farm it for gear, but do you think they are excited to do so? At least when only 2% of the population seen content, 98% of the population had content to look forward to reaching. Now the 98% has been cut by a large percentage of those who are satisfied once they've experienced the kill and the cut-scene (even in LFR).

What could Blizzard have done differently to ensure that content is enjoyed but also maintaining the level of excitement that raiding once had? There are several things they could have done:

One would be to hold off on LFR and perhaps stagger it by a tier. For example, When DS became available they could open LFR for FL. They could hold off on opening DS on the LFR for a few weeks/months. This way the current tier is still at least difficult for some time for the casuals and the LFR gives them a chance to catch up to where the more 'hardcore' players are. Then LFR could offer the same gear too.

Another thing would be to hold back on the number of bosses that are available in the LFR. Maybe leave out the second half of DS or perhaps just the two final Deathwing encounters. They could have even just added a final encounter to the HC modes and left out the cutscene. The fact that Deathwing is killed in LFR just feels weak. He was supposed to be the 'big baddie' but instead i can kill him without even doing a barrel roll.

Sure the casuals can experience the content now, but the nature of the 'casual' also tends to lead to them feeling that their done once theyve killed the 'big baddie'. If it's the casuals Blizz is catering too then this was the wrong move because subs might surge for a while, but the casuals won't have as much of a reason to stick around. Before they could just wait until everyone had done the raid and hope they could be carried; now they can be carried from day one.

Thoughts? Any other solutions? What do you wish Blizz had done differently?