1. #1

    [Solved] What addon is this?

    i cant seem to find it anywhere and i really want it xD

    thanks for helping me out

  2. #2
    Probably CoolLine Cooldowns.

    Here are some more options: http://vranx.com/cooldowns.htm

    Gershuun @ Borean Tundra US - Interface & Macros Moderator

  3. #3
    aah found it its part of fortexorcist thanks

  4. #4
    it is ForteExorcist

  5. #5
    Indeed, the specific giveaway being the colour of the bar changing to highlight the type of the next cooldown, where in that image you can see it go from teal, orange, white etc.
    FortXorcist is the only such addon I have seen that feature in.

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