1. #1

    Hagara 25H discussion, progressing again tomorrow!

    So today we are going back into dragon soul after our reset, and decided last week on Hagara being our next heroic to kill after easychok.

    It seems that melee get almost no DPS time on ice phase as they are running around trying not to die. Is it plausible (as in, the enrage timer won't rape us) to pile everyone onto Hagara and have the ranged DPS while the melee....sit there? Is the negligible DPS gain on the crystals worth a death or 2 due to badness during ice phase?

    Lightning phase is pretty clean, we get through it about as fast as the lightning jumps, wish it jumped a little faster for less damage :<.

    So... Hagara 25H strategy discussion go?

    http://www.worldoflogs.com/guilds/119651/ Logs in case anyone is curious about our DPS on hagara/etc.

  2. #2
    In relation to stacking in middle, the number of people you can have there will depend on the number of healers and their throughput. I saw a guilds logs where they put 13 ranged in the middle but according to their logs, they were, with 6 healers, doing around 280k HPS during Frost - with an insane Pally doing 55k by himself.

    That works out to be about 21kHPS per person in the middle which is about right.

    We attempted at first to put all of our ranged in the middle (15) with 6 healers and the healers were telling me "^%$# that" so I pulled out the three fire mages who can blink and cauterize etc leaving 12 and suddenly the healers were happy again and noone was dying. Our healers were doing around 230k HPS and unfortunately do not have a pally with the T13 4 piece which the other guild did (that is somewhat OP for this kind of healing phase) so 12 was our magic number at around 19k HPS per person.

    I would say rule of thumb is around the 20k HPS per person requirement and to see how your healers are doing in a frost stack phase or at the very least try out different numbers to find the best one - your healers will know.

    I am pretty sure if you put the whole raid in there however you will have issues.

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