1. #1

    A few questions / comments so far

    -is there no way to put your companions 'stance' mode on a quickbar? it's be nice to be able to toggle between battle and heal modes on the fly, I suspect I'm doing something wrong as far as that goes.

    -crafting one of anything takes a full minute? I don't mind a time sink in a game, but this seems a bit unnecessary. Does something become available to speed this up later?

  2. #2
    Your companions stance should be on their mini quickbar, if not move it.

    And far as crafting no, in fact the epic lvl 50 stuff takes like 40 minutes to craft. but not that bad considering you are free to do other stuff. When you have 6 companions & 5 of them crafting/doing missions it doesn't feel like a time sink at all.

  3. #3
    Your companions' quickbars appear to be locked, which is a bit irritating. But if you expand the bar (you have an option to place it on the left, bottom or right), you can keybind it and activate them that way.

    You're meant to have your companions craft/gather while you do other stuff, so I don't really mind the time sinks. Before the slicing nerf, I was running slicing missions full-time in the background while I quested and did flashpoints.

  4. #4
    Thanks Moriarty... I see the option for the companion extra quickbar, but I can't seem to get it to display. I'll keep trying

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