1. #1

    Question on two Feral macro's

    I'm at work and just typed these up from memory so excuse any typo's. My question is why does the first macro require one key-press and the second requires two? What's the difference?

    /Cancelaura [mod:shift,form:1/3] Enhanced Agility
    /Use [mod:shift,form:1/3] item:58145
    /Use [form:1/3] 13
    /Cast [form:1/3] Berserk(Cat or Bear Form)

    With Shift it will cancel "Flask of Enhancement" and use "Potion of the Tol'Vir" first.

    /Cast [mod:shift] Savage Roar(Cat Form)
    /Cancelaura [nomod,form:1/3] Dash(Cat Form)
    /Cast [nomod,form:1] Stampeding Roar(Bear Form)
    /Cast [nomod,form:3] Stampeding Roar(Cat Form)

    This one allows me to cancel dash if I get rooted while it's still up.

  2. #2
    Not being able to overwrite a buff with a more powerful buff is a server-side restriction - the client will always send the "attempt to use item" packet to the server.

    Not being able to use SR/Dash at the same time is a client-side (as well as server-side) restriction - the client will not realize that you have cancelled the Dash buff until after the macro finishes.

  3. #3
    Ok I get what you're saying. There is really nothing I can do about it then. Thanks for the help!

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