1. #1

    Macro stopped working with 4.3

    I have this macro for Dark Intent below, what it's supposed to do is cast DI on my friendly target. If I have no target or the target is hostile it automatically casts it on my pet.

    But since patch 4.3 it will not use DI when my target is hostile (the other 2 lines still work fine),

    /cast [exists] Dark Intent
    /cast [target=pet][noexists] Dark Intent
    /cast [target=pet][harm] Dark Intent
    /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

    Anyone know what's wrong or how to fix it?

  2. #2
    your macro is all sorts of winky-looking. assuming you want to cast it on a friendly player if you have one targeted, or on your pet if your current target isnt friendly (or doesnt exist), try this

    /cast [@target,help,exists] Dark Intent
    /cast [@pet,exists] Dark Intent
    /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

  3. #3
    Or maybe even
    /cast [help][@pet] Dark Intent

    [help] is only true when [exists] is true anyways, and you should just be able to put them all on one since you'd only be casting 1 at a time anyways.
    Last edited by Elessardan; 2011-12-30 at 03:06 PM.

  4. #4
    /cast [help][@pet]Dark Intent

    Gershuun @ Borean Tundra US - Interface & Macros Moderator

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by lawomous View Post
    /cast [help][@pet]Dark Intent
    Perfect, thank you. It even works better than my old one, which used to get 'stuck' and do nothing if my friendly target was unable to recieve buffs.

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