Poll: What do you think ?

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  1. #1

    Question My simple solution against incoming nerf

    Here it is, and sorry for the 10^gogol' th tread about this but I was thinking of something very simple.

    All we need is the collaboration of two major ranking sites : wow-progress and world of logs.

    If you killed a boss with the 5% buff, your ranking is invalid, I you want to be ranked you have to kill the boss normally.

    It's very simple for world of logs to apply this system, and a bit harder for wow-progress without uploading wowcombatlog.txt but i'm sure they can figure a way to do it.

    I think that's the fairest solution for ranking issue and that it will still allow weaker guilds to gear up before facing the real encounter.
    Anyway it's not by whining on forums that blizzard will go against their nerfing policy, but if they see a mobilization of the raiding communauty, they might think it's not a good idea for the next tier (hopefully)

    What do you think about this idea ?
    How can we ask these sites to work on this ?

  2. #2
    In reference to court lingo, do you know what "leading" is?

  3. #3
    "If you killed a boss with the 5% buff, your ranking is invalid, I you want to be ranked you have to kill the boss normally."

    I am calling this out as crap. First, this is not a race for World first. Hundreds of guilds have cleared DS already. Second, just because you had a buff does not discount your progress made on boss you found difficult up to that point. Also 5% is NOT a game changing difference. Its not like they nerfed heroic to regular and regular to LFR.

    "before facing the real encounter." I hate to tell you, Heroic Mechanics are still in play and a 5% buff won't let a Heroic boss just fall over.

    Honestly I feel like this another "QQ they nerfed the raid" thread under a thin disguise of a "fix". Blizzard has been nerfing raids after the top 1% of guilds cleared them since forever. Please stop crying about Blizzard nerfing raids.

    EDIT: I am making a correction, as of now, only 13 guilds have cleared Dragon Soul. Thats not even 1% that's .01% of guilds and a clear indication that without a 5% nerf, not many more guilds will ever clear Heroic DS
    Last edited by Siafubringer; 2012-01-19 at 04:39 PM.

  4. #4
    Stood in the Fire
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    If you can't make a non biased poll, your suggestion is invalid. try again without insulting people who don't agree with you with being blizzard fanboiz

  5. #5
    the poll is a bit skewed in it's wording... it's basically "yes i agree with you" or "i'm an idiot"....

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