Thread: Tanky things.

  1. #1
    High Overlord Basso's Avatar
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    Tanky things.

    Most of the games i do, out of my 5 enemys 4 of them are something tanky dd.

    I rarely see full tanks today.
    Because they do no damage, and everything else getting rare too.

    In my opinion riot need to do something that regular ad chars and assassins can be played again......

    this is my point of view at the moment what about you ?

  2. #2
    So your enemies have no ranged AD's or AP's basically?

  3. #3
    High Overlord Basso's Avatar
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    Germany - Cologne
    The most enemy time are out of 4 tanky things and one ap char.

    Something like Gangplank Jungling, Renekton Solo Top, Kayle and Morde Bot something like that.

    All building hybrid for def and dmg.

  4. #4
    There is simply no reason to go full tank anymore, since people have figured out that teamfights don't last long enough for a full tank to be necessary. Besides, if you are TOO tanky, you are doing it wrong, since the enemies don't bother going for you... you know, since they can't kill you?

    They have to fear your cc AND your damage, else you will use your cc and then you will just be... well, a walking target with a lot of defense which they can focus down last .p

    Even build some offense on someone like Rammus helps. Don't build Guardian Angel (imo), as it makes you a much less attractive target

  5. #5
    Sometimes you really need to kill the tanks.
    eg. Rammus can be very disruptive in teamfights. No wonder why the poor one gets banned all the time now.
    I really haven't seen a Rammus getting AD along with tank items. Maybe I didn't look very closely.
    But if a tank is giving you trouble, then you must take him down, hence, full tank items. Even if this is true, we don't see many tanks either. All they play is tanky dps to fill the tank role.
    All right, so that last test was seriously disappointing. Apparently, being civil isn't motivating you, so let's try it her way, all right, fatty? Adopted... fatty! Fatty, fatty no parents?

  6. #6
    I'm pretty sure there are appropriate reactions, in tactic as well as in itemization, that can hard counter a pure tanky/dps team. But I have to admit that I've often lost to this type of composition.

    I'm guessing Vayne, Kog'Maw or any true damage champion is part of the answer.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Silfurstar View Post
    I'm pretty sure there are appropriate reactions, in tactic as well as in itemization, that can hard counter a pure tanky/dps team. But I have to admit that I've often lost to this type of composition.

    I'm guessing Vayne, Kog'Maw or any true damage champion is part of the answer.
    Yea, if you play blind pick and end up against a team full of tanky chars... well, either you're blessed or you're fucked :P

  8. #8
    What about Aphromoo's koggy with atmogs? He's a tanky dps!

  9. #9
    Generally the tanks will be in the jungle or will be a support. Because you are jungling or supporting you generally won't get as much gold as others and therefore mainly build tanky/support items. Stuff like shurielyas, aegis, wota, fh, raduins etc. For example on Maokai you want to be able to initiate for your team so you need to be able to take a beating before your team catches up and you generally want to be up in there faces ccing them. Now if you can't take that damage your just gonna die and be useless. Also generally tanks scale less with offensive items.

    The others you have mentioned are generally bruisers who will be top or jungling and need the defense to be able to do damage cause they often need to melee meaning they need to take a bit of a beating at the same time of being able to do some damage as well.

  10. #10
    A 4 or 5 bruiser team is honestly more viable than it should be; I've even seen it in tournaments. A standard comp is still better though, you just need to outplay them and build against them. They have lower damage, better survivability and less range. So capitalize on that. Build penetration type items on your dps, last whisper for AD, void staff for AP. And don't leave them for your sixth item, get them fairly early. They should probably be your second major item. Make sure you build some defensive items as well. A frozen heart and aegis of the legion can really hurt their damage, and you don't need to have everyone build them since they're auras.

    Your ranged AD will be key for victory. Pick an AD that destroys tanks. Vayne, Corki, Kogmaw, and Tristana are all great. A bruiser team will wreck early game, but their damage will fall off late game compared to a real carry. So early game, play passively.

  11. #11
    The only real "full" tanks that I'd even consider are rammus, amumu, and galio because they're the only ones who can fully utilize there full tank build (if you notice rammus and amumu get banned so often that it's hard to see alot of them and galio is really undervalued as his early game sucks anywhere but mid and solo top. That being said my favorite tank is nunu. Since he is tanky and if you combine a rod of ages and a magic item like... rabadons into a frozen heart and a banshee veil you can pretty much blow anything up. Nunu is also able to zone out 2 or 3 entire champs if you feel like going full tank with him. Full tanks aren't "bad" in a concept but they're not ideal in most cases a tanky dps champ will fill out the role better. Tanks are for stacked AP or AD teams not for the normal meta of 1 ap carry 1 bruiser 1 support 1 ad carry and jungle bruisers are any champion that is tanky enough to solo lane and not be scared (soraka and poppy can also do this as mid - late they are tanky enough)

  12. #12
    You can't build Galio full tank IMO.
    Most of Galios I have seen (say tournaments or not) build 2-4 tanky items and some AP along the side. Galio hurts.
    l'alurl gol zhah elghinyrr gol.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Dupin View Post
    You can't build Galio full tank IMO.
    Most of Galios I have seen (say tournaments or not) build 2-4 tanky items and some AP along the side. Galio hurts.
    Imo when you have a RoA + your tank items, you should have enough AP to do decent damage they just can't ignore. Abysmal Scepter for example is also good as it gives you AP, MR (AP) and a very nice passive.

  14. #14
    played against a wukong, trynd, mord, garen (i think), and about an annoying game. my team just got ran over wherever we went.

  15. #15
    I've thought about this (as a Morganna player often) because it seems like you give up very little offense building something devastating like thornmail or a banshee veil. Most of the players (admittedly bad ones) have encountered tend to build glass cannon builds. Switching say 2 of your 6 items, really turns the tide.

  16. #16
    Played a game not long ago with my team were we went for a full tanky team. Went Renekton top, Gragas mid (RoA, rylai and raba as core), Jungle Udyr, Graves (my friend built IE, PD, Atmogs on him =P) and Alistar. Early game we were even with the other team. Mid game we started to pull ahead. And late game we stomped.

    I think being tanky is so powerful because defensive stats are actually really cheap in LoL. There is absolutely no reason to go for a full damage build on any character because all that will happen is the enemy will pick up 1 or 2 strong defensive items (Banshee, Thornail, Aegis) and your damage will be close to nothing. I actually like it this since otherwise it would be every single mage blows you up in a sec and AD carries going rampage in the late game with little effort.

  17. #17
    The thing is: in uncoordinated games you NEED defensive stats because people won't protect you that well.

    When I play an AD carry and know that my team will protect me (I'm always allowed to position myself in a way that I can dps and they don't attack me) I go all out glasscannon. Most likely a GA as a very very late game item but most games don't get that far. But when you are getting targeted you need them (against akali irelia and rammus for example) to survie the inital burst. A dead Carry doesn't deal damage

  18. #18
    I've carried games with Amumu and Rammus doing a damnlot of damage. We lacked a proper carry so I built 1 AP item on Amumu resulting into soloing 2/3 of theirs (bandage for 400, aoe swipe for ~200, ulti for ~400-600, it ticks). Same on Rammus, roll onto their squishy ad carry with thornmail, shield/taunt, win

  19. #19
    The other day I played against a 4 bruiser team and an Ahri in mid. Ahri built ROA and Rylai's, and the other team's CC was so great that we couldn't even get to her before we were dead.

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