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  1. #1

    [H] B R E T H R E N @Lightning's Blade - 7/7 HC Firelands 25 | 6/8 HC Dragon Soul 25

    - Server: EU PvP Lightning's Blade
    - Guild: B R E T H R E N
    - Web page / Forum:


    | DK Dps (1)
    | Paladin Retribution (1)
    | Warlock (1)
    | Druid Feral Dps (1)
    | Priest (Shadow) (1)


    | Shaman Resto (1)
    | Priest Disc/Holy (1)
    | Paladin Holy (1)


    | Dk (1)
    | Druid Feral (1)

    Note: We are always looking for exceptional players, so if your class is not listed above and you consider yourself an amazing player, then we will definitely take you up for consideration, regardless of current needs.

    | Naxxramas 10man Server First cleared.
    | Naxxramas 25man Server First cleared.

    | Sartharion 25man/10man >3 Drakes - CLEARED!
    | Malygos 25man/10man >5mins - CLEARED!

    | Naxxramas 25man/10man >"the Undying" and "the Immortal" - ACHIEVED!
    | Glory of the Raider (10man) - ACHIEVED!
    | Glory of the Heroic Raider (25man) - ACHIEVED!

    | Ulduar 25man > 14/14 - CLEARED!
    | Glory of the Ulduar Raider (10man) - ACHIEVED!
    | Glory of the Ulduar Raider (25man) - ACHIEVED!

    | TOC 10man > 5/5 Heroic - CLEARED!
    | A Tribute to Insanity (10 player) - ACHIEVED!
    | TOC 25man > 5/5 Heroic - CLEARED!
    | A Tribute to Insanity (25 player) - ACHIEVED!

    | VOA 10man > Earth, Wind & Fire (10 player) - ACHIEVED!
    | VOA 25man > Earth, Wind & Fire (25 player) - ACHIEVED!

    | Glory of the Icecrown Raider (10 player) - ACHIEVED!
    | ICC 10man Heroic - CLEARED!

    | Glory of the Icecrown Raider (25 player) - ACHIEVED!
    | ICC 25man Heroic - CLEARED!

    | Heroic: The Twilight Destroyer (10 player)- ACHIEVED!
    | RS 10man Heroic - CLEARED!

    | Heroic: The Twilight Destroyer (25 player)- ACHIEVED!
    | RS 25man Heroic - CLEARED!

    | Heroic: Blackwing Descent (25 player) - CLEARED!
    | Heroic: Throne of the Four Winds (25 player) - CLEARED!
    | Heroic: The Bastion of Twilight (25 player) - CLEARED!

    | Heroic: Fireland (25 player) - CLEARED!

    | Heroic: Morchok (25 player)
    | Heroic: Yor'sahj the Unsleeping (25 player)
    | Heroic: Hagara the Stormbinder (25 player)
    | Heroic: Warlord Zon'ozz (25 player)
    | Heroic: Ultraxion (25 player)
    | Heroic: Warmaster Blackhorn (25 player)

    - You must have minimum 395 level of gear.
    - You must be social, mature and able to speak English.
    - You must have good raiding attitude, no whining, drama and such.
    - You must be able to be on standby without causing any kind of drama and whine.
    - You must be able to raid at least 4 days a week.
    - You must always come prepared for every single raid with consumables needed.
    - You must be over 18 years old!
    - You must have good raiding experience.
    - Your real life economy has to be sorted.

    To make it simple, we have had almost all PvE bosses down as server first since Pre-TBC and during TBC. We have cleared all instances before any patch nerfs: Onyxia's Lair (60)/MC/BWL/AQ20/AQ40/Gruul's Lair/Magtheridon's Lair/SSC/TK/MH/BT/SWP/NAXX-WoTLK/OS/EOE/UD/TOGC/ICC/RS/BWL/BOT/TOFW/FIRELAND.

    BRETHREN is a semi hardcore raiding guild on Lightnings Blade EU. The guild was formed the 15th October 2005, so we have been around for 6 years now and we are the most stable guild on our server. We are successfully raiding pretty much since the beginning in a good and friendly atmosphere. All of our members are social mature people who like to give their best in PvE and have fun outside raids as well. Our goal is to clear the current content as fast as possible that's why when a new content is released we raid 5 days a week from 19:30 to 23:00, with Friday and Saturday being off days.

    We are exploring current content, with 6/8 bosses killed in DS25 HC, having raids on 5 days a week from 19:30 to 23:00, with Friday, Saturday being off days.

    - Friendly and social environment with a lot of nice people who help each other.
    - Very stable, active and successful guild who focus on progressing in PvE area providing members with new bosses killed on frequent basis.
    - Solid Team of Raiders and Friends, who can work to reach guild goals: Realm First! Guild Level 25!!!

    - You can contact us on our Web page / Forum >

    - If you should have any questions, then speak with one of our officers in game: Tyyo, Neske, Ragedsoul, Rebellos, Elocsty
    Last edited by Tyyo; 2012-03-05 at 02:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Updated: February 2012
    Information: Spots are still OPEN

  3. #3
    Still looking for a few good players to fill our roster for hc progress.
    Check our web page or whisper an officer online.

  4. #4
    Yo, what's shaking guys? Been having abit of a break, so you may consider me as undergeared..
    Wondering if you guys think my gear is acceptable for you progression, or if you are interested to gear me up a little so i can catch up?

    Got 7/7 HC FL pre 4.3. i'm extremely viable, i will have up to 95% attendance.

    Let me know if you think i should leave an app!

  5. #5
    Updated: February 2012
    Information: Spots are still OPEN

  6. #6
    I would very much appreciate it if you answered my question

  7. #7
    Yes you can make an application please.
    Gear shouldnt be a problem as long as you can put up the dps your gear allow atm.

  8. #8
    Alright cool. I haven't been raiding properly since november now. i have been benched after 4.3 mostly because my old guild had 3 active mages other then myself. Fact that two of them had legendary, so.. i quit, but now i'm ready for action!

    Won't have any good logs though, since it's been so long
    Last edited by Winkleslob; 2012-02-15 at 09:58 AM.

  9. #9
    Application posted.

  10. #10
    Updated: February 2012
    Information: Spots are still OPEN

  11. #11
    friendly bump!
    *Waiting for Artifact Knowledge work orders*

  12. #12
    Still looking for a few good players to fill our roster for hc progress.
    Check our web page or whisper an officer online.

  13. #13
    Updated: February 2012
    Information: Spots are still OPEN

  14. #14
    Still looking for a few good players to fill our roster for hc progress.
    Check our web page or whisper an officer online.

  15. #15
    Still looking for few good players.

  16. #16
    Still looking for a few good players to fill our roster for hc progress.
    Check our web page or whisper an officer online.

  17. #17
    Still looking for a few good players to fill our roster for hc progress.
    Check our web page or whisper an officer online.

  18. #18
    Updated: March 2012
    Information: Spots are still OPEN

  19. #19
    Updated: March 2012
    Information: Spots are still OPEN

  20. #20
    Updated: March 2012
    Information: Spots are still OPEN

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