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  1. #1

    Thoughts on Ret w/ New MoP Changes

    Share your thoughts here such as:
    Crusader Strike now does 100% weapon damage, down from 135%.
    Templar's Verdict now does 165% weapon damage, down from 200%.
    Exorcism now has a 20 sec cooldown. Auto-attacks no longer have a 20% chance to activate Exorcism.

    & Etc.

  2. #2
    I just read all of those in another thread and I can't help but feeling like we ret paladins are getting royally nerfed again just like we were at cata launch.

    Good job blizzard nerfing the damage done by the two main ret damage spells.

    My guess is they are going to do something even more stupid like put a 5 min cooldown on Inquisition.

  3. #3
    Why did attacks using % weapon damage drop so much?
    We are in the process of recalculating the way damage is dealt. Individual weapon damage is going up by the same proportion in order to keep DPS at level 85 about the same. This should ensure that, at lower levels, these abilities aren’t overpowered.

    Also: the front page isn't entirely accurate. It's now a 20% chance to reset the cooldown on exorcism, though I still think 20 seconds is too long.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by thedingleberry View Post
    I just read all of those in another thread and I can't help but feeling like we ret paladins are getting royally nerfed again just like we were at cata launch.

    Good job blizzard nerfing the damage done by the two main ret damage spells.

    My guess is they are going to do something even more stupid like put a 5 min cooldown on Inquisition.
    That's what I'm saying :/ But I found out that most if not all the DPS classes are getting a weapon damage nerf.

  5. #5
    1. It's not even the Beta yet. Nothing you can read there is final.
    2. What Reith said/quoted: They are recalculating how damage is dealt.
    3. Beta didn't start yet.
    4. Did I mention, that there's no Beta atm?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by thedingleberry View Post
    I just read all of those in another thread and I can't help but feeling like we ret paladins are getting royally nerfed again just like we were at cata launch.

    Good job blizzard nerfing the damage done by the two main ret damage spells.

    My guess is they are going to do something even more stupid like put a 5 min cooldown on Inquisition.
    Yea seriously stop judging like an ******, its not in beta its not final you dont know anything about it and how it will work out when the expasion hits, dont cry before its not even on the board. On the thread, retribution is looking really although there's still work to do, exorcism has been improved since now has a cooldown and you can do hit from range without having it to proc.
    Last edited by mmocb45dcad3c0; 2012-02-16 at 09:44 AM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Solistar View Post
    Share your thoughts here such as:
    Crusader Strike now does 100% weapon damage, down from 135%.
    Templar's Verdict now does 165% weapon damage, down from 200%.
    Exorcism now has a 20 sec cooldown. Auto-attacks no longer have a 20% chance to activate Exorcism.

    & Etc.
    Dude Damage dealt is getting nerfed across the board. Not just Ret but for EVERYONE.

    Wait for Beta before you start your QQ'ing k? These talents so far look awesome. Ret looks like it will truly be Hybrid in MoP.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Farcow View Post
    On the thread, retribution is looking really although there's still work to do, exorcism has been improved since now has a cooldown and you can do hit from range without having it to proc.
    My Exorcism procs more than once every 20 seconds. This is going to be a nerf for me.
    Last edited by thedingleberry; 2012-02-16 at 10:13 AM.

  9. #9
    I laugh at the people that say: "Ah don't judge yet it's not even Beta." Oh come on! If it it doesn't look good, then here is a news flash for you, it's not going to be good! Doesn't matter how early it is.

    First you guys say: It's not even Beta, things can still change.
    Then: It's just Beta, things can still change.
    Then: The expansion has just been released the bugs still need to worked out the next patch will fix it.
    Then: Surely they will get around it next patch. Etc etc.
    Then: FFS Blizz why you hatin' on my class!!!11one11!!eleven.
    Then: Patch X.4 aaaah RETRIBUTION...... IS...... GOD!!!!!!!!!!
    Then: Patch X.4 *Hotfix* NERFBAT! TO.......THE..........GROUUUUUUUUUUND!
    Then: Oh I sure hope they fix us for the next expansion.
    Then: Ah we look crap in the talent calculators but sure they will come and fix us before Beta.
    Then: It's just Beta, things can still change.............

    No, just no. If one thing is clear it is either a class is good for a full expansion or a class is crap for a full expansion and if it looks crap in Beta it's going to be crap for at least a full expansion if not longer. So all those "It's not even beta" or "It's just beta" excuses are crap. If it doesn't look like it's going to be good, then most likely it's not going to be good!

    And just to add insult to injury. Paladin retribution class is ALWAYS the last to get attention, has been this way since vanilla and doesn't seem it's going to change.
    Last edited by Blooddeity; 2012-02-16 at 10:37 AM.

  10. #10
    I like the new spells and abilities

  11. #11
    tbh if i have to pick healing talents im just gona take wich 1 isnt gona make me stand a heal i got a resto shammy for healing i havent tryed to do all 3 roles on my ret since it was 44 and that was along time ago

    sofar i still dont like thease ret talents still

    ---------- Post added 2012-02-16 at 10:51 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Blooddeity View Post
    I laugh at the people that say: "Ah don't judge yet it's not even Beta." Oh come on! If it it doesn't look good, then here is a news flash for you, it's not going to be good! Doesn't matter how early it is.

    First you guys say: It's not even Beta, things can still change.
    Then: It's just Beta, things can still change.
    Then: The expansion has just been released the bugs still need to worked out the next patch will fix it.
    Then: Surely they will get around it next patch. Etc etc.
    Then: FFS Blizz why you hatin' on my class!!!11one11!!eleven.
    Then: Patch X.4 aaaah RETRIBUTION...... IS...... GOD!!!!!!!!!!
    Then: Patch X.4 *Hotfix* NERFBAT! TO.......THE..........GROUUUUUUUUUUND!
    Then: Oh I sure hope they fix us for the next expansion.
    Then: Ah we look crap in the talent calculators but sure they will come and fix us before Beta.
    Then: It's just Beta, things can still change.............

    No, just no. If one thing is clear it is either a class is good for a full expansion or a class is crap for a full expansion and if it looks crap in Beta it's going to be crap for at least a full expansion if not longer. So all those "It's not even beta" or "It's just beta" excuses are crap. If it doesn't look like it's going to be good, then most likely it's not going to be good!

    And just to add insult to injury. Paladin retribution class is ALWAYS the last to get attention, has been this way since vanilla and doesn't seem it's going to change.
    going to have to agree on this as blizard dont seem to know the meening of "middle ground" when it comes to class balance for anything
    Last edited by thunderdragon2; 2012-02-16 at 10:52 AM.

  12. #12
    y we'r getting our main attc spells nerfed but you skipped
    Sheath of Light has been renamed to Sword of Light and now increases your spell power by 100% of your Strength and grants you 5% maximum mana every 2 sec.
    atm we only get 30% from strg
    we'll do less dmg with CS/TV etc. but you can't ignore we use SP to, after all cause of our ranged attcs/holy dmg
    Judgements of the Bold causes your Judgement to also inflict the target with Physical Vulnerability in addition to granting you 1 charge of Holy Power. The Physical Vulnerability effect increases the physical damage taken by the target by 4% for 30 seconds.

    plus this aint bad 4% physical dmg taken, warrs get that to with Colossius Smash

    when i saw talents for the first time i raged a bit but now i'm happy with them even tho there are some rows only for survival as retri but still talents are much better then they were before

  13. #13
    People "Tunnel visioned" the new talents and only saw the "nerfs" to Ret, look again, every class's abilities got nerfed, it's part of the new redesign.
    "No. I am Ganner. This threshold is mine. I claim it for my own. Bring on your thousands, one at a time or all in a rush. I don't give a damn. None shall pass."

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by thedingleberry View Post
    My Exorcism procs more than once every 20 seconds. This is going to be a nerf for me.
    but we didn't lose the ability to proc, all this basicaly means is "if you ever went on a bad rng streak with no procs 20 seconds into it exor would come of cooldown anyway"

    we can stil proc exor in that the proc refreshes cooldown but if we get no procs we can stil sue it 20 seconds later it's a strait up buff.

  15. #15
    First off, I think the only real question I would want answered is if Crusader's Zeal will be applied toward Sanctity of Battle. This combined with the thought of being able to pop wings, spam HoW like a champ, and potentially kite someone while gaining Holy Power is just amusing to me. Also, I'm calling dibs on the "HERE IT COMES, YOU WILL BE DESTROYED!" reference for Execution Sentence.

  16. #16
    I'm really curious on how people will spec in mop. We will be able to help our raids / arena partners even more.
    Being able to Hand of Protection someone refresh the c.d and use it again is amazing imo, and i look forward to being asked to do these things.
    My question though is what are people taking in the 4th, 5th, and 6th tiers of the tree?
    I have Sacred Shield (thinking of selfless healer), Clemency, and Divine Purpose (Assuming it will proc more over the 3 minute c.d of Wing/Goak)

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Blooddeity View Post
    And just to add insult to injury. Paladin retribution class is ALWAYS the last to get attention, has been this way since vanilla and doesn't seem it's going to change.
    Shaman level 90 talents were not ready yet last I'd checked, so no, apparently we're not last in line this time.

    Personally, I like what I'm seeing so far. The original one had me :\ this one is more after I learned our cleanse will still remove snares with a glyph.

  18. #18
    Coming from someone who has a lot of alts and plays a lot of classes. With the current set of talents I am pretty torn between Feral and Paladin for which class I would like to play in MoP.

    Looking at talents..
    Long Arm of the Law will be beast for PvP
    Tough choice between Burden of Guilt and Repentance for Ret PvP (Although, Holy now gets its very own 1.5 sec cast CC that is going to be like Paladins w/ Polymorph)
    Tough choice between Sacred Shield and Selfless Healer as Ret PvP since the changes to Spellpower from Strength as well as Supplication could make for some WTF FoL Crits
    Unbreakable Spirit will be nice for RBGs and long arena matches
    Holy Avenger burst will be ZOMG
    Execution Sentence is Meh...

    Right now, Crusader Strike is the only ability that procs HP for us unless you have t13 2 piece in which case Judgement also does it.

    In xpac,

    Crusader Strike (4.5 sec Cooldown)
    Judgement (6 sec Cooldown)
    Hammer of Wrath (6 sec CD on targets below 25% health, Sanctified Wrath will remove cooldown during Wings)
    Exorcism (20 Sec Cooldown + Auto Attacks 20% Chance to Trigger)

    We are getting an ability that will allow us to have up to 5 HP which will be nice for burst

    We are getting a 6 sec PBAOE disorientate

    Flash of Light heals for 9.432 Base, we get 100% strength from Spellpower, right now you can get about 6-6.5k Strength geared and unbuffed. With current coefficient and 6k Strength we are looking at Selfless Healer being a 14.6k heal on us every 12 seconds. When used on another player, 29k heal. When used on us with Supplication, 43.8k heal. When used on another person with Supplication active, 87k Heal.

    We are going to get Hammer of the Righteous in our spec and it will cause 10% physical damage dealt reduction for 30 seconds which will be great when fighting Ferals, Rogues, Warriors, Hunters, Enhance Shaman, and Monks.

    Sanctity of Battle will also effect Judgement and Hammer of Wrath

    For PVE we are getting the HotR and DS is moved to a HP ability for AoE which will at least make things slightly more interesting.

    WoG is having its CD removed.

    Divine Protection won't need to be glyphed freeing up a glyph spot for whatever new glyphs will come.

    There is a lot to love with Ret imo.

  19. #19
    The level 90 talents are kinda bland with it just being damage or healing and no utility whatsoever, but at least they're trying out new things in there and not just ignoring Retribution.

  20. #20
    Paladin Burst in MoP-----

    Build up 5 HP
    Agenging Wrath
    Templars Verdict
    Templars Verdict
    GOAK w/ Holy Avenger
    Templars Verdict
    Templars Verdict
    Templars Verdict
    Templars Verdict
    Templars Verdict
    Crusader's Strike
    Templar's Verdict

    That is going to be a lot of pressure that we can put out and it is going to be sustained for almost the entire duration of Avenging Wrath.

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