So the summer of 2010 I got diagnosed with diabetes type 1. At the time I weighed about 82 Kgs, pretty much only because I had uintreated diabetes for atleast 6-8 months and that caused a weightloss. After I started to take my insulin and sorta quickly gained weight and is hovering around 105-107 Kgs.

I walk around 8000-10000 steps a day depending on the weather etc. I eat pretty healthy but should eat more vegetebles.

I recently came across a person called ShayCarl and his channel ShayLoss. He isnt diabetic but in a pretty short time he lost over 100 pounds and in a recent video he showed a recipe for a proteinshake.


I was wondering, how could I modify it to suit diabetes? Im not a big fan of proteinpowder, so maybe an egg or something? Is almondmilk ok or should I go for nonefat milk?