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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Conbot View Post
    Couldn't disagree more.

    Yes, the people in LFR can suck, but you are not mad about people not appreciating the content. You are mad because now someone needs to inspect you to see how big your epeen is. We all pay the same admission, it's about time they let you raid with just your real friends on your schedule. Best addition to the game ever.

    Achievements are for real life. WoW is for fun.
    Let's have the gear of your choosing be mailled to you daily then. That would be fun. Won't even have to raid or do anything for it. That would work wouldn't it? These sort of posts are ridiculous, it is like you are living in another world.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterHamster View Post
    Since I don't play in a raiding guild, I'll just say that you're wrong. Without LFR I'd never see DS.
    You don't need a raiding guild to raid, THIS JUST IN! baddie.

    I have pugged raids since BC because it's tedious to be in a raiding guild unless you have no social life and I never needed LFR and still don't. Not that I play anymore.. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    Sure I won't be pugging heroic content with bads but I can EASILY, EASILY "see the content"

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Puri View Post
    And? Do you think that's news? The whole game is about progressing your character by acquiring better equipment, that's the only motivation in MMOPGs.
    Wrong, but that's the mentality of the majority in WoW atm yes.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Grogo View Post
    Let's have the gear of your choosing be mailled to you daily then. That would be fun. Won't even have to raid or do anything for it. That would work wouldn't it? These sort of posts are ridiculous, it is like you are living in another world.
    LFR is hardly free gear. You have to deal with RNG and roll against other people on a weekly basis. It's not like a guild where you raid with the same people.

    There's no reason to hate LFR, the loot is slightly better than heroic gear and the normal/hardmode raids are literally a humongous step up. So those who raid religiously with a guild will ultimately have much, much better gear.

    LFR is for people who don't want to raid hard content, but still want to raid the new stuff. It allows for players to jump into an instance like Dragon Soul, see the fights as well as get some slightly decent loot which then allows them to transition into actual raids at a later date. There is no harm done whatsoever to the raiding community. If anything, there is more harm done to Blizzard.


    Get off the high horses of raiders > casuals. It hasn't been that way since TBC and it's not going back. Blizzard is LOSING customers for multiple reasons, but less availability of content to a larger player base isn't going to help at this point.

  5. #45
    Wow would be better off if all the whiny elitists quit.

  6. #46
    I have raided alot during my 6.5 years of world of warcraft. To C'thun in vanilla, Illidan in TBC, 11/12 HM ICC 25 in Wotlk.

    I haven't really raided anything in Cataclysm. Cleared some places in pugs and i'm mostly still here because i like the story. But seeing LFR was really nice for me.
    I'm a person of Bad Luck in games so over 6 characthers and 30+ LFR i got myself sowhere around 10 epics. Even tho i later cleared it normal mode on an alt in a PuG i enjoyed seeing the content, seeing the bosses. Tying some loose ends so to speak.

    I've raided ALOT and i love the LFR concept. But getting any loot in there? Forget that...

  7. #47
    Bloodsail Admiral MKing's Avatar
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    LFR is what you make it to be, i used it to see the content real quick before i quit the game.

  8. #48
    Stood in the Fire Fiddycen's Avatar
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    OK, what i don't understand is, those players actually DO NOT want any challenge nor they want to improve their skills, just want EPIC LOOT; from the videos i have seen ,people who play on Private servers get access to any EPIC LOOT OR Legendary weapons without any challenge; so if these players DO NOT want any challenge at all and simply want to tank and spank and kill bosses, why do they even pay $15 months and complain whenever the content gets harder. when there is one easy way to get EPIC LOOT and even Legendary weapons.
    Last edited by Fiddycen; 2012-03-04 at 03:47 PM.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Garradorr View Post
    Wow would be better off if all the whiny elitists quit.
    OP hasnt posted since page 1 probably because i called him out on his contradicting threads and posts he keeps doing, just check his history...1 day he says 1 thing then says the opposite the next.
    You all got trolled....op got what he wanted though.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Garradorr View Post
    Wow would be better off if all the whiny bads quit.
    Fix that for you broham

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Spellsword View Post
    You don't need a raiding guild to raid, THIS JUST IN! baddie.

    I have pugged raids since BC because it's tedious to be in a raiding guild unless you have no social life and I never needed LFR and still don't. Not that I play anymore.. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    Sure I won't be pugging heroic content with bads but I can EASILY, EASILY "see the content"
    First off, don't insult posters.

    Secondly, not all servers are created equal. I can safely say that without LFR, I also would not be able to raid. Raiding guilds typically keep schedules that I cannot keep, and for those on my server (Fizzcrank) who aren't in a raiding guild, most of them don't effing care. So yes, it is safe to say that without LFR, I would not be seeing DS at all, just like I haven't seen the inside of Firelands, just like I haven't seen most of the starter raids in Cata.

    I like how you say all this with huge conviction despite the fact that you don't play anymore.
    Once you go troll, you never reroll. -heard on Epic.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Vook View Post
    What I never understood is why Blizzard keeps nerfing normal and heroic mode for players to "see the content"...LFR is already seeing the content! All of it! So if players can already see the content via LFR, why do normal/heroic keep getting nerfed over and over?

    For loot, of course...

    I also don't really enjoy how they're nerfing content while it's still current. Really goes to show the quality/difficulty of the content if players are blowing through fast enough that they're nerfing it only 2 months into its lifespan.
    Well i dont know about your server, but before nerfs my server can pug 3/8 heroic, funny thing is, you check wowprogress and most servers were barely 1/8 heroic. I personally dont agree with the nerfs but on the other hand there were and are tons of bad guilds out there that really can benefit from this. I think its irrelevant that my guild cleared 8/8 HC before any nerfs accept the only nerf at the time on h spine which really needed to be done for most guilds to beat it.

    Lfr is a great tool for alts, especially those on bad servers. How many alts do you think that are 3/8 heroic just by pugging? probably none, i have 4, bottom line is lfr is needed, like it or not.

  13. #53
    I don't know - killing Deathwing by attacking his toes on my first try after almost an hour of raiding felt pretty special to me.

  14. #54
    Brewmaster jibbyjackjoe's Avatar
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    It was until all the people who claim to be hardcore destroyed it for everyone. "It was my loot, you weren't even spec'd for it" "He shouldnt have been allowed to roll on it becasue he has something better equipped".

    Why are people so obsessed with a casual player getting inferior gear? Go raid a heroic already.

  15. #55
    LFR is good, the problem is that DS is the first time they added LFR, so nothing is perfect now.

    The Good thing is that LFR helps in the future to make future heroic raids harder. It also helps because more people actually raids. It helps that future Tier-items are not given for vanity with enough valor points, but you actually need to raid, even if you gain lower-level-items than normal or heroics.

    LFR may be too easy now, but this is because it's the first time that blizzard did it and they don't want that complete beginners cannot complete LFR because it is too hard because this may be their first time they actually raid. I really hope that in mists of pandaria this will work better and maybe they make LFR even available for normal modes in the future.

    I cannot raid nowaday every tuesday on 7pm until 11pm, sometimes i have time on sunday morning or on thursday evening or even on saturday at midnight. Then i can actually raid because LFR is here.

    I'm really looking forward for mists of pandaria, because now they can even create big raids again: small raids like T11 were good because even smaller guilds with less time can finish them in one raid night, but in raiding bigger is better, and the best raids of wow were big raids. Original NAXX, AQ40, Karazhan, and the best dungeon from all, Ulduar were some of the best raids blizzard created. With LFR they hopefully create again bigger dungeons with a better storyline like Ulduar again. LFR makes it possible to add bigger dungeons and maybe they can use this system even for normal modes, that you can beginn on boss 4 (or 8) of 12 (after everyone already killed boss 1-3 at least once) instead on boss 1 of 4.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by TheWerebison View Post
    First off, don't insult posters.

    Secondly, not all servers are created equal. I can safely say that without LFR, I also would not be able to raid. Raiding guilds typically keep schedules that I cannot keep, and for those on my server (Fizzcrank) who aren't in a raiding guild, most of them don't effing care. So yes, it is safe to say that without LFR, I would not be seeing DS at all, just like I haven't seen the inside of Firelands, just like I haven't seen most of the starter raids in Cata.

    I like how you say all this with huge conviction despite the fact that you don't play anymore.
    ^ this, I thankfully was able to clear 8/8 Heroic DS before my schedule changed, now my work schedule is all over the place again and i cant find the time to raid with a top notch guild anymore, so now im just casual and hoping by the time mop is released i have the time again, hell i have not even logged in once in almost 3 weeks, due to my rl schedule being so hectic.

    Also you are very right about servers, since im on a extremely high pop server, people pug 3/8 heroic prior to the nerfs with no problems at all, people need to realize not all people have 25.00 per toon to xfr off to high pop realms or wanna leave there friends.

    Bottom line people need lfr and it was a great idea! Just needs some fine tuning a bit and loot fixes and it will be great.

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by MestHoop View Post
    This is not my opinion, but in my eyes their reasoning is:
    They're pissed because of the nerfs to normal and heroic to make content more "accessible".
    You, as a casual, already have LFR, so why do you need normal/heroic mode to be nerfed?

    More on that in my previous post :P
    If they're already 8/8 heroic, then why should they care if it gets nerfed so other people can do it. Why are they even still playing to begin with since they beat the game. People are paying to play a GAME. Normal and heroic mode are a part of that game. Why play a game that you can't beat? Blizzard wants to keep its subscribers who would eventually quit if they keep beating their heads against a brick wall with no results. And the debuffs are removable for those elitists who whine about things like wanting it to be challenging and are tired of facerolling encounters. And who cares if people get the same loot as you? How does that affect you in any way whatsoever? Unless your pvp'ing, it doesn't affect you.

  18. #58
    People miss the point. It is about getting together with other people and getting something accomplished. You had to work together towards a goal. Now you dont have to work with other people to raid, and please dont tell me you have to work at all in LFR. It destroys teh very aspect of what raiding is. At this point it is just like Call of Duty only its not first person. It cheapens the game. And no I don't want to be a special snowflake. The most fun I ever had in ths game was back ib BC when we were farming Hyjal (minus Archie) and teh first few bosses in BT, in an all out attempt to kill Illidan before the 30% nerf. We did it. We carried that into Wolk and lvld to 80 worked our butts off and got server first titles and were number 1 on the server. I raided/ played about 12 hours a week after hitting 80 so dont give me that crap about 120hrs a week to raid. If I had time on the weekend that number would go up, but I have a wife and son. It was great because we worked for it.

    Try actually working for something instead of expecting it to be handed to you, it might surprise you how awesome it is.

  19. #59
    The truth is that LFR was really meant to annoy the hardcores so much that they will finally pack up and leave, which thankfully seems to be working very well. Less hardcores = better game.
    The night is dark and full of terrors...

  20. #60
    Brewmaster jibbyjackjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MestHoop View Post
    This is not my opinion, but in my eyes their reasoning is:
    They're pissed because of the nerfs to normal and heroic to make content more "accessible".
    You, as a casual, already have LFR, so why do you need normal/heroic mode to be nerfed?

    More on that in my previous post :P
    Ah, yes that. Well, I honestly don't have any explanation for that. As a casual, I can kinda sorta see the reason to nerf normals slowly. But heroics? At the rate they're doing? That is perplexing.

    But, I want to be very, very clear about this next point: I (the casual LFR player) do not work for blizzard. So please, stop insulting me with your endearing names you clever clever folk come up with and use your brains to put together coherent sentences on the official forums stating your frustrations in a constructive way.

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