Hello. I'm just going to copy paste my thread from the WoW forums below, if you have any questions you can contact me via in game mail, realid, or posting in this thread. You can look me up: Happyness at Kil'Jaeden because I apparently can't post links.

Hey. I'm looking for a new home. I've attempted 5/8h, downed Yor'sahj, Morchok, and Ultra. Main tank for current group and would prefer to stay that way, dps spec is okay but not super good (still have 378s).
I know my class, pop my cds when needed, have 4 piece, and best in slot weapon. Only non-397+ is raid finder chest.

Just recently transferred to Kil'Jaeden and it seems that the guild I transferred for is dying out, as our holy priest and our backup holy paladin just quit and we were already missing a couple raid spots.

Boils down to this. I just spent $25 to transfer to this server less than a month ago, and really like it so far. I'm looking for either a guild on Kil'Jaeden, or possibly a guild that can assist in all or part of the transfer cost. Can pay it all for a fantastic guild on a perfect realm but I work for less than minimum wage and have to pay for transport to and from class, so that's less than ideal.

Available right now for:
Tuesday 15-1 cst
Wednesday+Thursday Can do 15-1cst if absolutely needed, PREFERABLY 12-18 + 23-1 (so I don't have to change work schedule)
Friday + Saturday all day
Sunday 10-19 cst + 23-1 cst (19-23 alt group). Can arrange/quit alt raid group if needed.
Monday 12-19 cst + 22-1 cst (19-22 alt group). Can arrange/quit alt raid group if needed.

Feel free to add my realid: skypeguy111 at gmail