1. #1

    No Disc PvP guides?

    I have searched all of my usual references (Arena Junkies, MMO-Champ, WoW forums ect.) and have yet to find a good Disc PvP guide. does anyone know of a good guide i could use to learn the basics or a high rated Disc priest who i could armory in order to see how they gemmed, speced, enchanted and glyphed?

  2. #2
    spam dispels and heals

    that's all any healer does

    they'll try to make it sound complicated, but wow pvp has never been complicated. use the mods everyone else does to cheat and get information that you shouldn't be able to get automatically, roll a FOTM comp and you'll be fine if you're competent

  3. #3
    oh gee thanks don't know what i would have done without that goldmine of info. anyone care to actually help me out?

  4. #4
    Theres nothing really big about Disc pvp... Theres small tricks you can do, such as max ranging against Hunters / Rogues / Ferals. Deathing Polys, and overall just be good at positioning, any Line of Sighting any sort of other casted CC.

    The reason you max range rogues, ferals and hunters is that Cyclone / Blind / and Scatter shot all have 20 / 15 / 20 yard range requirements. If you're standing 40 yards away, then you're able to dispel the instant cyclone from druids, and possibly even death blinds, or scatter shots to avoid being CC'ed. (i heavily recommend a range finder addon for this)

    Other then that... it's pretty much what Fizzbob said, keep on top of heals / dispels are super important. Call CCs on you on skype, and help coordinate CC with your dps.

    Let your dps know when they need to play defensive, or help peel for you. I personally run mostly resil gems. (Either 5383 resil, or 4899 resil, depending if i'm wearing a PvP trinket, or a PvE trinket) and i don't think you can really get away with less then that. especially against triple dps teams that seem to be getting more popular.

    Make sure you have an addon like Juked, so you can see CD's on enemy interrupts, and JUKE. have a stop cast macro, mine is bound to middle mouse click for example, and i try and force their interrupts before hard casting anything important. This will also let you know if enemy mages, or warlocks are using their spell silences on your dps rather then on you.

    Little fun trick i've been doing against enemy mage teams that is kind of fun, If you see an enemy mage cast RoF, feel free to MC one of their dps, or their healers, and plop him in it, then cancel the MC and free 8 second CC.

  5. #5
    Thanks I will keep all of that in mind!

  6. #6
    For speccing/Glyphs I would suggest looking into my PvP Discspecc.


    Some might argue with me about some talents, but these are the ones I feel most comfortable with.

    You could check Hydra. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/characte...lent/secondary

    But he has a playstyle that really only works when you are grouped with awesome people and I wouldn't suggest it unless you are playing very highrated.

    When it comes to itemisation it's really mostly about personal preference.
    Mastery is best for burst survivability, haste is great overall, crit sucks (pretty much) and spirit is good for longevity (duh...).
    I go for satin legs (mastery) and reforge out of mastery for hitcap (along with some other pieces) and pretty much don't stack anything (got quite alot of spirit though).

    Playstyle would be always stay maxrange/LOSing everyone while keeping certain classes free from buffs (killtargets, Ferals for removing instant cyclone [sometimes through LOS with MassDispel]), knowing when to SWD is great for avoiding CC, especially important against hunters/rogues, when they run towards you be ready to SWD.

    Shield + Flash heal = faster reshield.

    Divine hymn let's you heal your teammates while being LOS, sometimes very nice.
    Inner focus will make you unsilenceable, good idea is to fakecast and then IF to avoid the silence-effect from for example CS.

    Life grip into LOS is great for healing an injured teammate.

    That's about it.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    im finding much fun with a full mastery/crit set up.. i got like 45% mastery, 17% crit and 1% haste lol....... if u get sick of being interupted/stunned etc etc then big absorbs i find are awesome.. im no expert but atm in BGs im pretty much indestructable and arenas it works well too, bubbles bubbles n more bubbles, los and cast when u think its safe, i rarely cast unless necessary these days so yea loving a mastery/crit spec
    btw never heard of hydra before this and amg what a awesome priest he is

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