1. #441
    Quote Originally Posted by Toxigen View Post
    *sniffle* You remind me of the days of my godlike Critplank in mid lane.

    Crit and Crit Damage runes, by the 35:00 mark my Qs were critting for 1.1k+ You've never seen ranged harass like my good ol' Critplank!

    I'm seriously debating doing this sometime in a ranked game just to see what happens.
    Screw crit and damage, XP gain quints and deny all the creeps!
    Oh, old Gangplank, you so silly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    If a jungler does not gank, there's a pretty good chance it's for a solid reason.
    It's probably quite pretentious of me and I'm willing to have it proven otherwise but I always assume everyone on my team isn't going to have solid reasons for anything.
    Last edited by mmoc24ed1da916; 2012-05-16 at 12:39 PM.

  2. #442
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkdruidelf View Post
    Yup, cus WW jungles so quickly he totally doesn't need smite!

    I love it when I see WW jungles without smite. Cus my route becomes Wolves>Blue>Your Red>Your Golems>My red. I then ward up your jungle and periodically smite steal every buff you try and get.

    It's hilarious.
    Which jungler do you use?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zefie View Post
    Screw crit and damage, XP gain quints and deny all the creeps!
    Oh, old Gangplank, you so silly.
    New Gangplank:

  3. #443
    Quote Originally Posted by Alaitoc View Post
    Which jungler do you use?
    See now this really depends. I like to have someone with an escape in solo queue, because their lanes will move over and it's very unlikely that yours will. That said, I almost never take flash, pretty much always exhaust and smite. Lee sin and Jax both work really well for this, hop in, steal your red, get caught, top and mid running to me, kbro, ward jump into drag/baron pit (as an aside, there's this myth that ward jumping is really hard and pro. It really isnt. Smart cast the ward and the jump and just hit both of them instantly and bam, instaward jump). Essentially, in my opinion, this is the entire reason that Lee sin especially is really OP. That mobility is just insane and it let's him get away with so much shit that would get me killed on any other champion.

    Shyvana works too because of her insane speed just being able to walk out, and Mundo works amazingly because he can kite with cleavers as well as just being able to take an insane amount of damage and having a free ghost.

    That said, Trundle and Skarner are 2 of my fav junglers and it works fine with them as long as you understand their mechanics properly (especially where to poo as trundle). Warwick's clear speed is so atrocious that most high tier clear based junglers work fine because he will just clear so slowly. I know my friend loves doing it with Udyr but I'm not a huge Udyr fan (ashe=gg never catch anything ever pisses me off).
    Cho’Gall: Cairne Bloodhoof is dead? Did we kill him?
    Deathwing: No. The Grimtotems weakened him with poison, and then Garrosh accidentally hacked him to death with an axe during a heated political discussion.
    Cho’Gall: How do you accidentally kill someone with an axe?

  4. #444
    Hil-fucking-larious. Our team exists out of AD Hecarim, AD Ez, AD Ashe, AD Lee Sin and me (support Naut). So before the game starts I know we're going to lose if the enemy team has the slightest clue about the game. Well for 30 minutes they didn't and we raped em quite hard.

    To come to the point. Me and Ashe own their support Naut and MF hard, I mean before 10 minutes I had around 3 kills, 1 death and 4 assists. It was easy as fuck, and quite frankly I totally dominated their Naut in counterwarding, CC'ing and plain raping people.

    But as I said, after 30 minutes they ate en einstein cookie and started getting Armor (Frozen Heart, Locket, Randuins, Thornmail, GA .. shit like that) and we had 0 damage at all, and there's only so much a Tank/AP Nautilus (me) can do. So in the end we still lost after 40 minutes or so.

    Now this Nautilus has the fucking courage to say "See, that's how you play a Nautilus noob". There are like 3 things I hate in this world. Stupid people at 3. Brussel Sprouts at 2. And stupid people who don't know they're stupid at 1. Such a shame of space really.

    That said, Nautilus support is pretty damn badass.

  5. #445
    He's like Leona in that he brings nothing to sustain the AD carry. He's a kill lane support (though at least Leona and Nunu directly increase the AD's damage in some way, he doesn't really).

    I've never tried him as support and I don't see it often either, I'd imagine just because he a beastly jungler, and Leona / Nunu do similar things to him in the support role but in some ways better.

  6. #446
    Thing is, he doesn't bring extra AD to your carry, but he does more damage then a Leona too. In the end Leona is probably better though, her initiate has a bit lower range, but it flies through minions and terrain if I'm not mistaken, while Naut gets fucked up by every wall or minion (though it has it advantages too). Nautilus his Ulti never misses though. And his passive is so damn strong.

    And he looks and talks a lot cooler.

  7. #447
    I wouldn't mind trying a bruiser/Naut kill lane some time. Naut might lack some of Leona's early game burst, but as long as his shield holds he has very respectable sustained damage.

    I really need to stop talking about Naut in every thread.

  8. #448
    On Critplank... Was up against one earlier. Was me (Graves) and Sona vs. Critplank and Galio. Not only did Galio camp in the brush only using Q to harass us, Gangplank managed to get some farm going on, and before I knew it, he apparently had items good enough to enable him to erase half my health with Parrrley crits.

    I like Graves, he feels a bit tough and does some damage, but man, he doesn't have much range and he feels so incredibly slow. I might have to try Vayne a bit, or even Kog'maw.

  9. #449
    I was in a game where I basically caused us to lose and there was nothing I could do about it. I was Ziggs in mid against an amazing Viktor and I just could not get a read on the guy. Every time I threw a skillshot I just couldn't predict where he'd run, which in turn slowly ran me OOM. If I moved close so he couldn't react to the bomb throws (and so I could use my passive), he'd just go at me and destroy me. Finally I decided to make my move and kill him, I hit him and he gets to low health so I toss my ult behind him so he runs right into it, but instead of running away at such low health he calmly walks up to me so my attacks sail over his head and he finishes me while I'm OOM. That 1 kill was all he needed to start beating me every time we Skirmished. And his jungler killed me 2 times while I was going B under my turret giving him assists. Can't remember who it was. Tryn and his ult I believe so I couldn't do anything to prevent it. After giving him 2 kills and 2 assists he started running around to the other lanes and using teleport on wards to gank everyone else. If I could just understand his dodging logic didn't sit under the turret at low health I wouldn't have screwed the match over.

  10. #450
    Had another game where 2 people dc'd and came back on 15 mins later, thus resulting in a lost cause.
    Anyone else have this problem? It's seemingly becoming a trend.

    I dunno, and this was on Draft Pick too, if you're going to go draft why do people not at least have a good internet? or decent at least?

  11. #451
    Last pick announces at the start of picks that he wants to play ire and if someone could pick her for him. Nobody picks her for him but he gets it anyway. At the start of the game:

    "who lanes with me"
    - erm... you're irelia?
    - you're solotop
    "why nobody told me I was solotop"

    So as you can guess he went 0/7/2 at the end when we ff'd at 20 minutes after she had fed gp. Our mid crushed and we won botlane but fed gp too op. Checked the guy's score afterwards and in the 10 games he had 2 wins and 9/10 were with +5 deaths. Most 8-15.

    I stopped playing for that night.

  12. #452
    I'm jungle Skarner. I get my blue, farm till smite is up again and grab red, gank top twice, mid once before red wore, 1-0-2. Bottom lane keeps pushing to the opposing teams turret and complaining that I am not ganking. I tell them why I can't gank THEIR lane, they call me a "noob" and various other profane words. They continue to push to enemy turret, getting ganked by the enemy teams jungler. Of course, they go on tirades blaming me, it's all the junglers fault, blah blah blah. I tell them to at least ward by dragon so I can counter gank, they tell me it's my job since I have wriggles... -.- (I usually ward near top bush so I can counter gank since pug top players rarely ward).

    At this point I'm 2-0-7 having ganked top and mid successfully several times. I still cant do anything in bottom as they insist on feeding and humping the enemy turret.

    We eventually win, but it was essentially 3.5 vs 5 the entire game, the other team was just bad thankfully. They surrendered at 21 min mark after bot attempted to gank mid and it ended up in a 3v3 team fight that they lost. Our bot lane was... "Farming so we can carry you noobs." And ofc they didn't call mia... top and I just happen to be in the right place at the right time.

    What gets me mad. I do not understand how people can react so violently towards other players when they clearly are the ones at fault. They didn't ward, they didn't listen to me when I told them nicely why I won't gank their lane. They expected me to bend over backwards to babysit their lane, acting like a superhero scorpion saving them from their own stupidity.

    I honestly wish there was a feature to just turn off in game chat completely. I know I can put everyone on ignore but it gets tedious, and when you forget it'll put you in a bad mood. Plus I wouldn't mind seeing their pings, I just don't want to see anything they have to say. I can remember maybe one or two nice players in my entire LoL experience. In my opinion the in game chat is worthless.
    Last edited by IdowhatIwant; 2012-05-17 at 03:54 PM.

  13. #453
    Started up dominant with Swain. Had 10 kills in top around ~20 and no deaths. Still lost the match and ended 12/9/0 because mid went 0/17/4 and bot got steamrolled so they snowballed and we lost every single team fight by getting nuked in seconds. Even as Swain with his sustained, I was flat out destroyed in half a second from how fed they are. I mean their Varus had near his full setup after 20 mins, ending the match with 32 kills....
    If you go 0/17/4, you should be forced to play bots for a month or something because that's plain ridiculous. It didn't help that 3 players on our team were from Brazil and couldn't speak a lick of English or communicate.
    Last edited by Bullettime; 2012-05-17 at 05:10 PM.

  14. #454
    Quote Originally Posted by IdowhatIwant View Post
    I'm jungle Skarner. I get my blue, farm till smite is up again and grab red, gank top twice, mid once before red wore, 1-0-2. Bottom lane keeps pushing to the opposing teams turret and complaining that I am not ganking. I tell them why I can't gank THEIR lane, they call me a "noob" and various other profane words. They continue to push to enemy turret, getting ganked by the enemy teams jungler. Of course, they go on tirades blaming me, it's all the junglers fault, blah blah blah. I tell them to at least ward by dragon so I can counter gank, they tell me it's my job since I have wriggles... -.- (I usually ward near top bush so I can counter gank since pug top players rarely ward).

    At this point I'm 2-0-7 having ganked top and mid successfully several times. I still cant do anything in bottom as they insist on feeding and humping the enemy turret.

    We eventually win, but it was essentially 3.5 vs 5 the entire game, the other team was just bad thankfully. They surrendered at 21 min mark after bot attempted to gank mid and it ended up in a 3v3 team fight that they lost. Our bot lane was... "Farming so we can carry you noobs." And ofc they didn't call mia... top and I just happen to be in the right place at the right time.

    What gets me mad. I do not understand how people can react so violently towards other players when they clearly are the ones at fault. They didn't ward, they didn't listen to me when I told them nicely why I won't gank their lane. They expected me to bend over backwards to babysit their lane, acting like a superhero scorpion saving them from their own stupidity.

    I honestly wish there was a feature to just turn off in game chat completely. I know I can put everyone on ignore but it gets tedious, and when you forget it'll put you in a bad mood. Plus I wouldn't mind seeing their pings, I just don't want to see anything they have to say. I can remember maybe one or two nice players in my entire LoL experience. In my opinion the in game chat is worthless.
    Grow a thicker skin if you want to jungle imo.

    Every single game you will be given shit. Trust me. I've gone 20-0 before and had parts of my team calling me shit. It'll happen. It's an easy excuse for them being bad. Out of position? Must be the junglers fault!

    Be the bigger man and don't even respond. This, however, is moot advice since I don't follow it and have a tendancy to flip out at people occasionally if they piss me off. But not responding is much much better. Probably 1 in every 10 games expect to have to put the whole team on ignore because otherwise they will drive you insane. Or just sarcastically say 'Omg, the jungler is jungling. Speaking of which, wtf, the top lane is farming top lane! Omg noob top!'.
    Cho’Gall: Cairne Bloodhoof is dead? Did we kill him?
    Deathwing: No. The Grimtotems weakened him with poison, and then Garrosh accidentally hacked him to death with an axe during a heated political discussion.
    Cho’Gall: How do you accidentally kill someone with an axe?

  15. #455
    I generally ignore them. But like I said, I really don't understand their behavior. The violent language and racism that come out of peoples mouths without any real fault of their victims just appalls me. At some point you have to say, this shit is just wrong I can't ignore it.

    I don't frequent LoL official forums. Is Riot aware of how vile the chat is in their game?
    Last edited by IdowhatIwant; 2012-05-17 at 06:13 PM.

  16. #456
    Quote Originally Posted by IdowhatIwant View Post
    I generally ignore them. But like I said, I really don't understand their behavior. The violent language and racism that come out of peoples mouths without any real fault of their victims just appalls me. At some point you have to say, this shit is just wrong I can't ignore it.

    I don't frequent LoL official forums. Is Riot aware of how vile the chat is in their game?
    Its not just LoL. You been on trade chat recently? Or 4chan.

    Its just the internet in general. People are allowed to be anonymous and therefore they think nothing will happen about them acting like jackasses.
    Cho’Gall: Cairne Bloodhoof is dead? Did we kill him?
    Deathwing: No. The Grimtotems weakened him with poison, and then Garrosh accidentally hacked him to death with an axe during a heated political discussion.
    Cho’Gall: How do you accidentally kill someone with an axe?

  17. #457
    You know guys, I think that we should just start adding each other so there'll be other sane people for us to play with. Or even just people that wouldn't mind helping out the newer players on this site. If anyone wants to add me, my summoner name is Yurath. Granted, I'm still under 30, but I'm getting there :-X
    "Every day I wake up, log in and look at the nine other class icons in the character creation screen. Then I burst into laughter, create a portal into a distant realm, do a motherfucking double backflip through that portal while slinging pastries and blasts of PURE COSMIC ENERGY everywhere, respeccing into frost midair and deep freezing two gnomes before landing on my feet. In my wake only disintegrated corpses, strudel crumbs and adorable turtles are found."
    By a forum member "Membrane"

  18. #458
    Wow I started the day with some awesome games, but after that the people have just been motherfucking terrible.


    Nautlius following the Riot recommended item build.

    But most of all: People doing brainded retarded decisions. It takes fucking 5 minutes to get people to gather at an objective, when we gain an advantage and push, the same thing always happens: Some idiot thinks he can stay and shoot turret when the whole fucking team respawned. As soon as you get an advantage people stroll around and chase shiny supports in the enemy jungle into 5 people. DO THEY EVEN WATCH THE FUCKING MAP? I swear people in this game are just moronic.

    And this is ranked, if people are terrible in normals I don´t care, but why would these people even play ranked? It seems like there are two kinds of people I play with:

    1. People who seem to have a clue how the game is played, they understand not to do stupid shit, maybe not the best players but they have common sense.


    In my last few games I´ve gotten exclusively the second kind.

    /end QQ

  19. #459
    The Lightbringer Toxigen's Avatar
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    Cass free week is just nightmarish.

    I love playing her. In fact, if I'm forced to AP mid 99% of the time its with Cass. However, I cannot stand it when I see a totally useless one flailing around.
    "There are two types of guys in this world. Guys who sniff their fingers after scratching their balls, and dirty fucking liars." -StylesClashv3
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalis View Post
    Not finding-a-cock-on-your-girlfriend-is-normal level of odd, but nevertheless, still odd.

  20. #460
    I love playing her, shes awesome and probablly the strongest mid champion.

    But the people playing her make me sad. I just hate it when my favorite champs are on free week, seeing how people fail with them make me sad.

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