1. #5041
    Can anyone explain this?

    Played my final placement match. My team - 5 placement, the other team - two Silver 2 with 1k+ games played and a Bronze 1. My second last game had two people in Gold V. How can the game put 5 placement players against already placed Gold and Silver players?

    Meh, I got placed in Silver 4, was hoping for Silver 3 but guess I need to work on my game. Some idiot in my team banned Fiddle (my main) as their first pick without even asking in the last game I played. Who even bans Fiddle over champs like Blitz/Amumu/Thresh/Shen etc.

  2. #5042
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Jan 2010
    Meh those aren't very good bans lee sin kass are two I always ban

    Havent played in a few days had to drove across country to check out some schools.

    But on Friday played a game on mid as usual on Ahri finished the game 33-4-8 and still lost, we had a team fight about 35 mins in where udyr and I survived were low and pushed the mid inhibitor as were retreating I get sniper by a ziggs ult, I tell them to hold till im up,did sees this as a chance and goes in they get acedand its 4v1 when I get up they took all three mid towers the inhib and the 2 nexus towers by the time we got our team back, realizeing were fucked, we make a last stand initiate since they were just slowing poking it down

  3. #5043
    Quote Originally Posted by Axethor View Post
    My Team: 3 Silver III, 2 Silver II.
    Enemy Team: 2 Gold V, 2 Silver I, 1 Silver III

    Balanced. GG Riot Matchmaking.
    I actually lost my placement into Gold because of rediculous matchmaking... Bunch of Silver 1's against 2 Plat V and Gold 3/2... sometimes man...

  4. #5044
    I'm done jungling... just... never again.

    I Nunu jungle more than any other and I ALWAYS do absurdly well. I'll start like 5/0/4, but we'll be down kills. I swear, it's babysitting 4 little kids all the god damn time, but having to run a mile to each one's house.

    "Alright Akali, I'm going to gank top real quick... your opponent Lux should be returning in about 10 seconds. I'll be right back once I help the 0/5 Garen. Don't d...' AN ALLY HAS BEEN SLAIN.

    "Okay Garen, Riven's under her own turret at a quarter health. She can't escape a gank here. Follow me in and we kill her." *Garen runs away* 1 for 1 trade under turret.

    - - - Updated - - -

    HURR We're 40 minutes into a game and we haven't seen the other team in 2 minutes. Let's go do dragon! Quinn, you run directly past the baron pit to get to dragon and no one respond until we're SURE dragon is dead!

    Is it possible that this is what humanity is? Or does LoL just attract the worst of our species?
    Last edited by Drikkink; 2013-08-29 at 01:05 AM.

  5. #5045
    Play Teemo against Trynd, he will never be able to push ur lanes.

    Will be missed ~

  6. #5046
    Quote Originally Posted by Drikkink View Post
    I'm done jungling... just... never again.

    I Nunu jungle more than any other and I ALWAYS do absurdly well. I'll start like 5/0/4, but we'll be down kills. I swear, it's babysitting 4 little kids all the god damn time, but having to run a mile to each one's house.

    "Alright Akali, I'm going to gank top real quick... your opponent Lux should be returning in about 10 seconds. I'll be right back once I help the 0/5 Garen. Don't d...' AN ALLY HAS BEEN SLAIN.

    "Okay Garen, Riven's under her own turret at a quarter health. She can't escape a gank here. Follow me in and we kill her." *Garen runs away* 1 for 1 trade under turret.

    - - - Updated - - -

    HURR We're 40 minutes into a game and we haven't seen the other team in 2 minutes. Let's go do dragon! Quinn, you run directly past the baron pit to get to dragon and no one respond until we're SURE dragon is dead!

    Is it possible that this is what humanity is? Or does LoL just attract the worst of our species?
    Ping more, win more, enjoy more And ALWAYS keep a positive attitude, and spread this to your team. IT HELPS! I won 2 of my ranked games by keeping everyone positive and wrecking face. Just yesterday playing a game with my girlfriend we were down 3! inhibitors a Karma helped me keep up the Karma (lolpun). We had teamfights, they didn't - with 3 inhibs down a teamfight is kinda mandatory. Once our inhibs finally respawned we aced them in mid (not really baron-dance baron-dance) and pushed to a win due to 70+ second deathtimers God and our caitlyn was so strange, constantly trading hits when he was weaker :< Oh, and Amumu ult + Vlad ult = auch.

  7. #5047
    HOW is it that Riot can't do anything about people botting?

    I just had a nocturne bot do the same old RUN TO TURRET AND DIE bullshit that I've seen in THREE GAMES today and I wound up 0/7 because, after laning phase was obviously over, greedy teammates wouldn't let me farm their lane despite being 18 and me being 13.

  8. #5048
    Quote Originally Posted by Drikkink View Post
    HOW is it that Riot can't do anything about people botting?

    I just had a nocturne bot do the same old RUN TO TURRET AND DIE bullshit that I've seen in THREE GAMES today and I wound up 0/7 because, after laning phase was obviously over, greedy teammates wouldn't let me farm their lane despite being 18 and me being 13.
    Is this in AI games? Because I've never seen a bot in a PvP game, that would be very bad.

    I don't want to sound mean at all, but if you're raging and losing AI games then there are some very basic mechanics you are missing, and I say that because I'm pretty sure people here can help you a lot with that. Attitude is super important in this game - we all have terrible games and meet terrible people and this is at the end of the day, the vent thread, so it's fine but I'm trying to get my head around going 0/7 in an AI game and blaming it on someone who is botting or team mates who don't want you farming their lane (where was your lane? where was your cs? how about the jungle?). Maybe we can help you start getting some kills against AIs and then if you do get a 4v5 in an AI game it shouldn't be that big a deal... because if you're going 0/7 and raging in an AI match then PvP matches are going to give you an aneurysm.

    As for why Riot can't do anything - the reason that every single games company out there can't do anything. First, the programs are often run undetectable, or can't be detected automatically that easy, that is what these people are trying to create, the invisible bot from the game developers side, so it is a lot of resources and very hard for them to autodetect. What they can do is ban intentional feeders, even if they can't prove botting. So after every game, keep reporting those people for intentional feeding and they WILL get banned if they're just running in and going 0/20 or whatever. Unfortunately you will never see that result. You can also create a support ticket with the details and they can investigate a bot - but it's not really considered a major problem because these accounts are botted to 30 so they can be sold to people not wanting the grind, wanting a smurf, etc. At 30 these botted accounts are then run by real people and so the bots pretty much never affect PvP. Very few people care about AI games that much because you can usually win them 3 or 4v5 anyway, and it's not where people really feel that competitive, since it's just a fairly basic practice mode.

    So if you're getting bots in a PvP game then that's really sucky because it's almost impossible to win a 4v5 especially when someone is feeding, but I've played over 1000 pvp games in the last 6 months and I haven't seen any bots so that would be terrible luck to get 3

  9. #5049
    Quote Originally Posted by Shamanic View Post
    Is this in AI games? Because I've never seen a bot in a PvP game, that would be very bad.

    I don't want to sound mean at all, but if you're raging and losing AI games then there are some very basic mechanics you are missing, and I say that because I'm pretty sure people here can help you a lot with that. Attitude is super important in this game - we all have terrible games and meet terrible people and this is at the end of the day, the vent thread, so it's fine but I'm trying to get my head around going 0/7 in an AI game and blaming it on someone who is botting or team mates who don't want you farming their lane (where was your lane? where was your cs? how about the jungle?). Maybe we can help you start getting some kills against AIs and then if you do get a 4v5 in an AI game it shouldn't be that big a deal... because if you're going 0/7 and raging in an AI match then PvP matches are going to give you an aneurysm.

    As for why Riot can't do anything - the reason that every single games company out there can't do anything. First, the programs are often run undetectable, or can't be detected automatically that easy, that is what these people are trying to create, the invisible bot from the game developers side, so it is a lot of resources and very hard for them to autodetect. What they can do is ban intentional feeders, even if they can't prove botting. So after every game, keep reporting those people for intentional feeding and they WILL get banned if they're just running in and going 0/20 or whatever. Unfortunately you will never see that result. You can also create a support ticket with the details and they can investigate a bot - but it's not really considered a major problem because these accounts are botted to 30 so they can be sold to people not wanting the grind, wanting a smurf, etc. At 30 these botted accounts are then run by real people and so the bots pretty much never affect PvP. Very few people care about AI games that much because you can usually win them 3 or 4v5 anyway, and it's not where people really feel that competitive, since it's just a fairly basic practice mode.

    So if you're getting bots in a PvP game then that's really sucky because it's almost impossible to win a 4v5 especially when someone is feeding, but I've played over 1000 pvp games in the last 6 months and I haven't seen any bots so that would be terrible luck to get 3
    Two were AI games, the other (my loss) was PvP. In 2 of them (both were wins vs bots) I was mid with the bot charging down my lane. I played overly aggressive early to try to keep even with my opponent (since he was already 2/0 before level 3) and almost got him, but he barely escaped and it just got worse and worse. The bot was autoattacking minions as he passed so last hitting was a complete pain. He was leeching my exp (I didn't hit 6 until other people were hitting 8-9). Meanwhile, bot and top lanes were obviously destroying, but when the mid roamed, he would always 1 for 1 at least. In one of the games, I said to the top lane "I've got that minion wave, I need the exp (being down 5 levels at this point)" at which point he ran as fast as he could to get there.

  10. #5050
    Can you stop duo-queing with your Silver buddies at Platinum level? These fuckwits eating every Blitz grab is ruining the fucking game for everyone, they're out of their fucking league.

    Literally just lost a free-win due to a retarded Silver feeding enemy Ez into oblivion. Ofcourse it doesn't help our Zyra support is a scaredy-cat and plays defensive as fuck.

  11. #5051
    ahhhh these promotion matches to gold are killing me. Just lost my second promo series because of retarded teams. Granted I failed one game hard aswell... But I can't seem to get the decent teams I get while on Ladder... For crying out loud.

    Last game took the piss out of everything. I played J4 Jungle. Swain mid DC'd after he gave first blood to Ahri in the 4th minute. I had to cover the tower so it dind't went down. Meanwhile bot gets ganked because off awfull warding (Maybe 1 ward down if you are lucky). Overextending dind't work in their favor either. Wukong top lost to Lee Sin. I tried a couple of ganks but Lee Sin is to slippery and gets away everytime. Wukong loses his lane hard. I'm forced to come top just so the tower won't go down.

    Swain comes back while still on lvl 1. Ahri is lvl 8. I tell Swain just to farm under the tower. What does he do, he tries to poke down Ahri. Result: A fed Ahri. Then both bot lane and mid call me out on not ganking enough. My score at that time was 1/0/0. I could't gank bot because the opossing support did ward properly. Mid was just lost behond redemption and Ahri could just 2v1 us that point.

    Anything in particulair I could do in this situation? Yes, this was the typical lose lanes hard better blame it on the Jungler.

    I told them that I was defending towers as all lanes where losing quite hard and I could't gank savely without atleast trading 1 for 1.

  12. #5052
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sivalion View Post
    Can you stop duo-queing with your Silver buddies at Platinum level? These fuckwits eating every Blitz grab is ruining the fucking game for everyone, they're out of their fucking league.

    Literally just lost a free-win due to a retarded Silver feeding enemy Ez into oblivion. Ofcourse it doesn't help our Zyra support is a scaredy-cat and plays defensive as fuck.
    With a 'retarded' Ez, I'd be playing damn defensive too.

  13. #5053
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    With a 'retarded' Ez, I'd be playing damn defensive too.
    I was sitting bot and was afraid to go in when I was right behind her.

    Enemy was Ez, a very good player. Our Silver-guy was Varus.

  14. #5054
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Right, misread. However, with a horrible ADC, I'd be worried about going in as well.

  15. #5055
    Quote Originally Posted by Fleugen View Post
    We wound up losing our final match, and I was placed in Bronze I. JUST missed silver because of that match. Now I'm stuck with people in Bronze who pick out of order, don't know how to ward, and wouldn't know a counter pick to save their lives. :/ Lost all of my league points to feeders and leavers, only just won a game yesterday to prevent dropping even lower.
    It's like that in silver and gold also. Granted you see less of it, but it's still there. The best thing you can do if you want to win is either jungle or mid. It's hard to carry as ADC as you're too far away from the other lanes to even help them.

  16. #5056
    Leveling all the way to 30 without seeing a single "mid or feed guys", and now i've seen a ton of them in the past few days. So freaking annoying.

  17. #5057
    Quote Originally Posted by Priestlie View Post
    Wukong top lost to Lee Sin. I tried a couple of ganks but Lee Sin is to slippery and gets away everytime. Wukong loses his lane hard. I'm forced to come top just so the tower won't go down.
    I fought this lane recently. Lee wins early, but if he builds damage you can kill him as your ult does incredible amounts of damage, if he goes tank you eventually have an easy lane to farm in. I did need my jungler to get back into the game once he FB'd me with a red pot. But yeah, in teamfights a Wukong would prove a lot more usefull than a Lee.

    Lately I've been trying to improve on my "not dying". I'm a rather aggressive player, like trading and fighting, but this leads to me either zoning or getting zoned in lane. It's my weakness as is, I always do better in teamfights (which is why I like playing champions that can engage like Wukong, Ahri, Zac, Alistar). So lately, I seem to know a little better what trades I can win. Like yesterday, I was fighting Fizz with Vlad, I won the very early game, but once he hit ~5 he could use his gapcloser to go all-in and out trade me. I just stuck to my tower a bit more, swapped lanes with Zed (who was facing Malph..) and we both pushed out, swapped, and then proceeded to win the changes match-ups.

    Vlad does SO MUCH DAMAGE. I ended 10-3-12 with most damage done overall (Trying to also enter some positive energy in this black hole!)

  18. #5058
    Isnt Lee like the biggest counter to wukong there is? Never been beaten by a lee before, but pretty much every guide says that its the hardest match up there is, and you should feel bad for counterpicking yourself so hard

    You press W? Jk lee presses E and your decoy is useless
    You engage with E? Jk lee presses W and flies away
    You ult him? Too bad he ults you away

    etc etc

  19. #5059
    Quote Originally Posted by Fleugen View Post
    We wound up losing our final match, and I was placed in Bronze I. JUST missed silver because of that match. Now I'm stuck with people in Bronze who pick out of order, don't know how to ward, and wouldn't know a counter pick to save their lives. :/ Lost all of my league points to feeders and leavers, only just won a game yesterday to prevent dropping even lower.
    I went 5/5 and was placed silver 4, strange.

  20. #5060
    Quote Originally Posted by Kakazam View Post
    I went 5/5 and was placed silver 4, strange.
    It's based on your MMR from the previous season as well as who you're matched against (a little bit of luck, but those with a higher MMR from previous will be matched against higher people in their placement matches and thus the invisible points weighting is higher). I had never played any ranked before; went 6/4 and was placed bronze 2 (gold v now).

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