1. #2661
    Urgh win one , lose 2.

    Just had a Leblanc that refused to group for team fights.

    "Would you please let me join your p-p-party?

  2. #2662
    4/0/6 as Nocturne 20minutes into the game.

    Ended 7/2/8 or smth.

    Lost the game.


    Thank you.

    Again. What's with people and the need to pick useless champions?

    herpaderp i'm brand im helpinggggg oh wait no. you're not. you're useless.
    Last edited by mmocfaf6580671; 2013-02-05 at 02:05 PM.

  3. #2663
    Quote Originally Posted by PaulDok View Post
    I don't get it,like 70-80% of PVP games I join,I'm in team which seems don't know what teamwork is and we get destroyed,if miracle happens there's one guy who also tries to work in team,but it's not enough.
    Not saying like I'm very good myself or anything,but with teams I get,I barely even win a game in days... I wonder if teams at 30 are the same.
    This basically sums up,how I feel after playing PVP games:
    It all depends on how good you are.

    I play with decent players now that I'm lvl30. My teammates and opponents are no high elo players, but all have over 500wins when myself have less than 200. Note I only play normals, draft or blind. All games I've played since I hit 30 have been "meta" and not some random ARAM in Summoners Rift.

    My friend who has just reached 1k games played, constantly gets high elo players in his normal draft games. He himself only played ranked for the 10 games you need to get ranked, he instantly got gold for the Janna skin and he then has not played ranked.

    It really all depends on you what type of players you get with you. You might get couple random games, where you notice that one player, that doesn't belong in the same game as the others.

  4. #2664
    *Flips desk*

    I give up adc to someone else, play GP farm top. Taric, Cait feed bot i lose

    "Would you please let me join your p-p-party?

  5. #2665
    I want to rage, but words cannot describe the amount of fail I witnessed in my last game.

  6. #2666
    7 losses today.
    4 games lost due to AFKers (they left, no dc's).
    3 games because of Teemo's, Brands and other fucknuggets.


    brb getting my rope

  7. #2667
    Just played an Intermed bots game with a friend. I was Soraka on bot with a Naut who went 0/15 with jungler items (Hunter's Machete ==> Spirit golem thing).

    He proceeded to yell at me for "not doing anything" when I had Heal and Infuse on cooldown the whole game =_=;

    Granted, our Xin at top and Cait in mid who all 3 combined got ONE kill to MY two kills (as Support Soraka...) didn't help much either.
    Still wondering why I play this game.
    I'm a Rogue and I also made a spreadsheet for the Order Hall that is updated for BfA.

  8. #2668
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Premade top, Katarina + Xin Zhao "no worries, we're gonna win". Proceed to not connect for the first 10 minutes.

  9. #2669
    premade bot: 10 mins feeding, then leaving

    next premade bot: doing "ok" stuff, winning their lane but refuse to pay any attention nor listen, giving non stop double kills to midlane, running 2 vs 5, blaming team whole time.

    next game: premades again, i just quit while champ select. there is, absolutly no reason to play with premades, they are just stupid, "toast beats them in iq tests", loosing a divison and nearly another one know by fucked idiots. i dont even know how these people are able to get out of bed without help or even turn a computer on...

  10. #2670
    Perhaps the biggest problem I have in this game, and recently the largest reason for my losses, is that so many people have this idea of "That champ gets banned a lot. If I can play that champ, obviously we will win becuase it's so OP. Why else would it get banned?"

    2 out of my 4 ranked games were lost because some guy was like "Guiz! Guiz! I'm first pick and Ammumu is open. Let me jungle and we'll totally win." The first guy went 0/8/2 I think and never landed a single bandage I shit you not. The 2nd guy went like 1/5/1 while building only AP in the jungle.

    Overall I can't say I like this system if these first games are an indication of the other players I'll be paired against. I've been the only person to go positive on my team in every game so far and I just can't carry that hard no matter how I try.

    Last night I actually got mad in game for the first time in awhile. I went like 15/2/22 on Annie because their two carries were idiots and let me one shot them all day, but my team would continually chase after we won fights, get caught out by people respawning or the fed garen, and then get mad when I was actually taking objectives and trying to tell them to plz plz help me the entire time.

    I recently made a stream where I mainly play D3, LoL, and WoW. Help me make it better! Will usually be up between 5pm - 1am EST.

  11. #2671
    Just, ARGH. Bot blitz/graves vs vayne/nunu. OFCOURSE they feed like HELL IS NOTHING. Mid LB (fp ofc too) vs AP yi. Get's wrecked. Ad Tresh vs wukong wins lane ('tresh top sucks', yeah right). Me jungle Naut, try to gank bot, but at one point their pink wards just get countered SO hard, and if i even THINK of ganking bot, they are already dead. Again. For the 10th time.
    Guess who gets blamed? Yeah, jungler. I hope they seriously just fucking die so painfully, 12-2 within 5 minutes? Good job bot, now uninstall, fuck off and die slowly.
    Quote Originally Posted by drwelfare View Post
    Strip naked, cover myself in butter and go kick some ass

  12. #2672


    7 losses in a row and my stats were never worse than 5:1 ratio. Yet I always end up having either DRUNK people ingame, or people who just fucking feed.

    Solo queue is dead from now on for me. fuck this shit.

  13. #2673
    Idk about EU,but in NA I get wins during night mostly. If I join game during day insta loss,so I try to avoid daytime kiddies...

  14. #2674
    What's worse, AFK'ers or bads feeding - or a high elo player that whines ALL game, blames it on "why do I get such low players" while dying the most himself.

    On that matter, I, a mere 1200 elo Kassadin, didn't do horribad against a 2050 elo Diana Yes, she did proceed to stomp and carry that game for the most part, but that was thanks to our (also, OMG U BAD KASSA - oh hey Diana have 3 kills <10 minutes) jungle Nautilus.

  15. #2675
    2nd ranked game last night (ever) with a friend who had not played ranked at all before hand. Was laning with a random suppor Sona wh was really good against Kog Leona. We were doing ok. Jungler was quite good too, didn't come bot because we didn't really need the help. Friend was mid as Morgana and struggling a bit with Annie, but survived 5 ganks and was farming well. Panth top vs Lee Sin? Well heck... fed him 12 kills before the laning phase was over, and Lee had ridiculous farm. Lee snowbaled pretty hard after that, scoring at least 2 quadras, while our Panth went mid and took all of Morgs farm.

  16. #2676
    Just played my first ranked game. Our Teemo never loaded, then our Warwick DCs2 minutes in. I'm not even placed yet and I'm already stuck in the Hells of Elo!

  17. #2677
    Quote Originally Posted by DOUBLEXBAUGH View Post
    Just played my first ranked game. Our Teemo never loaded, then our Warwick DCs2 minutes in. I'm not even placed yet and I'm already stuck in the Hells of Elo!

  18. #2678
    Quote Originally Posted by DOUBLEXBAUGH View Post
    Just played my first ranked game. Our Teemo never loaded, then our Warwick DCs2 minutes in. I'm not even placed yet and I'm already stuck in the Hells of Elo!
    You best be trolling us here son.

  19. #2679
    It's more like Teemo hell.

    Because at least 50% of "ELO Hell" matches have a Teemo.

  20. #2680
    Ive only seen one teemo in the last 10 games in bronze 4.

    "Would you please let me join your p-p-party?

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