1. #301
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    So many fail people! This udyr literally ran up to people in tiger stance, hit turtle when he reached then, then hit bear stance and didn't swap back to tiger. When running away he didn't use bear, he used phoenix and died every time. He also didn't take flash so he had no escape other than bear.

    The worst part was the other team also had an udyr that didn't take flash and no one on this fail team could kill him. He would always get away with JUST BEAR STANCE!!!!! AGSNKLJhgljsdkHGNJKGgnkfakjgnKGKRDD!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #302
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    Decided to duo queue a normal game with a real-life friend, and this happens:

    -Teemo goes mid and decides to AFK to "go shopping", as in the real-life kind.
    -My friend goes Nasus and lanes with me at bot, and overextends several times to his death.

    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
    TheEnst - Starcraft II

  3. #303
    Quote Originally Posted by Thallidomaniac View Post
    Decided to duo queue a normal game with a real-life friend, and this happens:


    -Teemo goes mid and decides to AFK to "go shopping", as in the real-life kind.
    -My friend goes Nasus and lanes with me at bot, and overextends several times to his death.

    This whole team setup is just... wow
    If you go duo bot lane with a Nasus, use a ranged bruiser btw, else nasus won't be able to farm and he can't trade damage with a support behind him

  4. #304
    Just play a game of RANKED.

    In champ select, Vayne gets randomed when we already have an ad carry and she has smite. We have an ashe and naut who goes top, I am jungling lee sin. At the start one of the top laners comes down and fights me in the jungle. This fight lasts about 15 seconds, all throughout I am SPAM pinging at top to come down. They just stand there. Mid then comes and kills me.

    Vayne is just trolling, top is so retarded its unbelieveable and our mid is feeding anivia. It got to 10 minutes in and I alt+F4ed.

    Can I tell you something thats bullshit? I cant queue dodge that shit without losing elo. WHAT THE FUCK is up with that. They should give you at least 1 queue dodge a day, because when you have a vayne with smite, the game is already over but you can't leave and you have to sit through the fucking trollfest.

    Riot seriously need to sort this shit out. It is bullshit that I lose elo due to shit like that.
    Cho’Gall: Cairne Bloodhoof is dead? Did we kill him?
    Deathwing: No. The Grimtotems weakened him with poison, and then Garrosh accidentally hacked him to death with an axe during a heated political discussion.
    Cho’Gall: How do you accidentally kill someone with an axe?

  5. #305
    The problem is that if they add something to help good guys, there's gonna be 100x as many idiots exploiting that system.

    But yes, it's a pretty retarded system.

    EDIT: I just gotta get something out... I think Lux is a royal pain in the ass.
    Last edited by NotValidAnymore; 2012-05-05 at 10:25 PM.

  6. #306
    Think I'm done iwth League for a bit. Did a game as Urgot and I'll admit, I did pretty bad. Everyone has their off night though and it was just a reg blind pick game. I proceeded to get flamed and harassed the entire rest of the game from people on both teams. I see them all the time but tonight was just the breaking point.

    The community is just too fucking toxic and horrible 90% of the time and being a free game, there's little incentive for those types of people to abide by the rules. Definitely think it's something Riot needs to step up more when dealing with. Know a lot of other people who enjoy LoL but quit because its horrific playerbase who act like its 4chan with avatars.
    Last edited by Bullettime; 2012-05-06 at 03:53 AM.

  7. #307
    Sigh. Go 15-4-12 Noc.

    Only person on team with positive score. Carried really hard, we manage to get every inhib and turret down. Then the morons kick in.

    Vayne is never in position. Literally never. So malz always ults her. She never buys QSS and when I tell her to she tells me to shut the fuck up. She then builds 2 black cleavers (yes, 2) and dies quickly literally every TF because she seems to think its her job to focus the carries (a clue, when you play an ad carry, it is NOT your job to focus the carries).

    Did I mention this was ranked?

    Why do I lose elo for going 15-4-12? I literally do not understand.
    Cho’Gall: Cairne Bloodhoof is dead? Did we kill him?
    Deathwing: No. The Grimtotems weakened him with poison, and then Garrosh accidentally hacked him to death with an axe during a heated political discussion.
    Cho’Gall: How do you accidentally kill someone with an axe?

  8. #308
    Game starts, i go with Shyvana to jungle. Somewhere into the game, the master yi at top goes "WTF guys im alone up here!", I decide to ignore it for the moment and go on with my jungling, then go in for a gank at top, in which it becomes a 1-1 trade, with irelia escaping from me (the two M Yis died). So master yi goes on asking "Why u going all around the world u noob?", to which i reply that im jungling, a concept he clearly hasnt heard of as he replies "yeah bcus u nub".
    I end up having to babysit him because im worried about leaving him alone (he ran 235235235 metres behind the turret, giving the two MELEES time to go in and give it a few hits before he rushed back to hit them once). In the end he dies a few more times to the local irelia and together with other fed units they go about killing everyone.

    Why is it always the Yis?...
    Last edited by mmoc4ea047ec8a; 2012-05-06 at 08:44 PM.

  9. #309

    I need to vent. First time that I actually NEED to vent.

    I was playing normals and we weren't winning, but we weren't losing either, it was very balanced, K/D/A ratio was neck in neck. No one was fed, we were all 15/16 average, 1 of each team was 17.

    My 4 teamates decide to surrender. WHAT THE FUDGE??????????!!!?!?!

    Made no sense. We had top and bottom almost there, we had just lost our second mid turrent. Out of nowhere, Surrender.

    QQ :<
    Spelling and grammar: the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit. True story.

  10. #310
    Just played a game at 4am in the morning, i'm lvl 30, there was another lvl 30, but the rest of my allies is like lvl 6, lvl 12 and lvl 16. Like WTF. No wonder they were feeding, sure the enemy also had 2 30's, 2 20's and 1 lvl 10+. Like seriously, don't give me a game if its going to be like that. I will much rather wait 5mins more for a decent game. Having to play a game where you know at the 5min mark you're gonna lose because your allies keep feeding is maddening.

  11. #311
    Owning game, we are winning, all their towers/inhibs down, none of yours even beyond 2nd tier of turrets.

    Pantheon leaves, they are uber tanky/cc (chog + amumu + vayne in endgame(sucked early)).

    Lose after 65 minutes because Panth left, could NOT beat them anymore. End game with 18-8-20 or so...

  12. #312
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    I keep on getting into games where we pull the Boston Red Sox and epic collapse... Fuck.
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
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  13. #313
    Just had a great start to a game with a crap ending! I was playing Kassadin and we were destroying the enemy team. We had destroyed all of the towers outside of their base apart from the final mid lane turret and our Brand went afk at level 14 and never came back. We held it pretty well but we couldnt toward the end game when respawns get so long so we lost. I am so annoyed about it because we could have easily won! ><

  14. #314
    ... Sigh.

    So. Yeah. I went Ahri mid (Normal Blind Pick; I'm not good enough for Ranked yet), against a Cassiopeia. This Cass was SO BAD it was hilarious. I hit her with every single orb, and she never went back when she was at a quarter of her health. So, the moment I hit level 6, I ult towards her, throw the orb, then ult away. Dead snake. Proceed to gank top (our Garen versus their Twitch and Shen), literally smash Twitch into tiny pieces while Garen took care of Shen. Go back to lane, kill Cass again. Their jungling Jewkong came out of nowhere and killed me, though, on the tower as I was recalling.

    Whatever. I'm 3-1 13 minutes in.

    All of a sudden, "OMG MID AND JUNGLER YOU'RE SO NOOB" from our 1-4 Vayne...who proceeds to disconnect.

    THEN, as if that wasn't enough (we were doing good despite 4v5), all of a sudden--"MEEEOOOOOW" My boyfriend and I had to stop for a few minutes because my cat gave birth on his feet (we thought she was only about three weeks pregnant--she managed to get out a couple weeks before we were going to take her to the vet to get spayed -_-)... And I had to AFK for like 5 minutes to take care of it.

    I come back to see we surrendered. FML.

  15. #315
    You find a random blind pick game more important then baby kittens? Faith in humanity is lost

  16. #316
    I´ve been using this thread way too much, but this example isn´t a case of me raging. This example is just simply quite astonishing, I was more amazed and shocked rather than mad after this game.

    I dunno how this happened really, some teams are just weird (terrible).

    While I am not mad right now, this game really confirms to me in fact that you can be at a much lower ELO than you deserve. The positive thing though is that there was no "BG EZ",no blaming or flaming in the teams.

  17. #317
    Pandaren Monk Kurdiern's Avatar
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    "you can be at a much lower ELO than you deserve"

    You are never a specific ELO, you are an ELO range. Since it is a team game, pinning your ELO down to a specific value is impossible. You can, however, say what range you are in. More likely than not that range is where you belong. I feel like making a separate thread purely for people wanting to complain/talk/debate about ELO Hell though, since it's becoming exactly the reason I made this thread.

  18. #318
    >Everyone on team gets decent picks, I have to jungle. For the millionth time.
    >Okay np enemy has non-smite Shaco and no support whatsoever.
    >Get a bit sloppy, die to Malz and Shaco counterjungle, game still winnable because they lost a lot of time.
    >Fizz middle doesn't even notice me getting killed, stays middle farming and dies a while later.
    >Go farm for a bit because I'm behind.
    >Top is pushed okay let's go gank.
    >Ping enemy and run in.
    >Ally does nothing and just stands there.
    >Okay still have a cha- DOUBLE KILL.
    >Alright going 5 boots build this is over.

    God damnit, LoL.

  19. #319
    Good, I was looking for this thread.
    I really hate meeting Master Yi and Jax, holy fuck they can get OP.

    And to all the tards that join a game and AFK from the beginning, PLEASE UNINSTALL YOUR GAME. And to those of you that have shitty connection, PLEASE fix it or dont play!

  20. #320
    Quote Originally Posted by Kasperhald View Post
    It's so sad to being team up with a AD kennen...SO SAD!!!!!!
    AD kennen is actually very viable if the person knows what he/she is doing.

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