1. #5681
    Just had a game where I was second pick and went annie support with a duoque friend of mine. Then the 5th pick goes thresh, annonuces that "toplane thresh is new meta", and proceeds to give mundo 12 kills (with 0 of his own, of course) within the 30 minute mark. Meanwhile, kha was losing midlane to ahri 0/5 and started ranting about how it wasn't his fault because "[our] jungle never ganked for him", so naturally he was doomed to lose. Not like assassins can roam, right.

    Then the next game I got a TARIC toplane, who "only" went 0/6 by the 30 minute mark vs. a nasus (neither of them ever left their lane). We did somehow end up winning that game, though, with taric tanking every base tower like a boss (after we came to his lane to push it with him) after the ace...

    [EDIT] oh yeah, and I almost forgot the game where I went top instead of support. Our support was a soraka (who shouted down another guy that also wanted to support, which was also why I went top instead), who afked the first 3 minutes of the game, then started jungling... with support items, summoners, and presumably masteries/runes. When asked what he was doing, he said something about needing to "reset [his] gold", while spamming smileys. We did not win.
    Last edited by Simulacrum; 2014-01-07 at 01:19 PM.
    "Quack, quack, Mr. Bond."

  2. #5682
    Quote Originally Posted by Valerean View Post
    Anyone else seeing a distinct losing trend with Ashe bot lane? Last five games I've seen her ADC, she's been curb-stomped by some pretty mediocre opponents.
    ashe is in my experience a weak solo qeue champion. Can do well when playing duo bot lane though.

  3. #5683
    Quote Originally Posted by gildra View Post
    ashe is in my experience a weak solo qeue champion. Can do well when playing duo bot lane though.
    Ashe is one of the champs I include in my LoL-racism. There's a list of champs that, whenever I see them on my team, I immediately assume they'll be total fucking morons. I may not be able to remember them all but it includes champs like Ashe, Garen, Darius, Lux, Cho'gath, Blitzcrank and Lee Sin.

  4. #5684
    Okay fuck these people... First pick. First call on top. Lock Shyvana. Next person says "I'm going top" and instalocks Fiora. I end up trading with Lucian because I'm not confident enough to jungle with Fiora yet. Fiora doesn't "lose" lane, I guess, but her Irelia actually roamed BOT many times and they 4 man dove us. How in the actual fuck do you do so bad as top that your opponent roams bot?

    I ended up 4/6/1 in lane and the MF was 6/5/0. I was blamed for "feeding" MF when she got 22 kills total. Meanwhile, our Lissandra lost lane hard to a Fizz and would ult Leona and Vi of all people.

    - - - Updated - - -

    10/4 Jax game against Shyvana (who, admittedly, was 6/1). We were even on kills, but my team literally couldn't push objectives past first turret. No one attempted to get inner turrets except me.

  5. #5685
    0/16 udyr in one game followed by 0/10 vayne next game. One does not carry retards.

  6. #5686
    Oh good, my run of incompetent teammates has ended. So begins the run of "I'm going X and I don't care" teammates. Just had a team where we had 4 people lock mid/top. We ended up with Teemo top (fed the GP), Malz mid (was me, beat Fizz in farm, died because all 5 collapsed mid 4 times), Darius and Nidalee bot lane (lost pretty hard to Lucian Sivir, hence them roaming to mid many times)

  7. #5687
    Jungle wouldn't give me (Ryze) blue all game so I only got a max of 12 kills, instead of my normal 22 kills.

  8. #5688
    Quote Originally Posted by Turtle Hermit View Post
    Jungle wouldn't give me (Ryze) blue all game so I only got a max of 12 kills, instead of my normal 22 kills.
    proceeds to give blue buff to mid lane. Mid lane donates it to enemy team...

    well that doesn't happen every game, ow wait.

  9. #5689
    Quote Originally Posted by gildra View Post
    proceeds to give blue buff to mid lane. Mid lane donates it to enemy team...

    well that doesn't happen every game, ow wait.
    My policy is if they have died to the other mid 1v1 once or died to jungler ganks twice before first blue respawn, they don't get it.

  10. #5690
    Banned docterfreeze's Avatar
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    Every single time I play ranked our jungler is garbage. Never ganks my lane and when they do they walk right into the most obvious bush and of course it is warded.

    Guess what jungler we had when I won my first (and only) ranked game? WE DIDN'T HAVE ONE! There was no jung! we sent two top and it worked perfectly!

    And before you go on and say it was my fault, it was yasuo (me) vs garen. I had more CS than him when we surrendered and I only died once, because of an amumu gank.

    EDIT: Another game, another shitty jungle. From now on im dodging any ranked games that dont have duo top.

    Because of the stupid rng pick order bullshit i was stuck with adc, and my only adc is shitty ashe, so i went rengar, and we got a lissandra support. Started well, 3-1. Then when vayne started scaling and yi started ganking things went to hell but i still kept up on the kills. usually going even on my kills/deaths. Xin only ganked once the entire game.

    and on top of that the cocksucking motherfucker got me demoted.
    Last edited by docterfreeze; 2014-01-13 at 02:59 AM.

  11. #5691
    Quote Originally Posted by docterfreeze View Post
    Every single time I play ranked our jungler is garbage. Never ganks my lane and when they do they walk right into the most obvious bush and of course it is warded.

    Guess what jungler we had when I won my first (and only) ranked game? WE DIDN'T HAVE ONE! There was no jung! we sent two top and it worked perfectly!

    And before you go on and say it was my fault, it was yasuo (me) vs garen. I had more CS than him when we surrendered and I only died once, because of an amumu gank.

    EDIT: Another game, another shitty jungle. From now on im dodging any ranked games that dont have duo top.

    Because of the stupid rng pick order bullshit i was stuck with adc, and my only adc is shitty ashe, so i went rengar, and we got a lissandra support. Started well, 3-1. Then when vayne started scaling and yi started ganking things went to hell but i still kept up on the kills. usually going even on my kills/deaths. Xin only ganked once the entire game.

    and on top of that the cocksucking motherfucker got me demoted.

    It's not RNG. Pick order is by who has the higher MMR. Also you can help your jungler out by pinging where wards are so they know and not pushing your lane. The more a lane is pushed the less ganks you will get, and the more ganks their mid will get. I used to mid quite frequently and not swapped over to wanting to jungle more. Lanes that we should win based of champion picks alone I tend to gank that lane early to get that ball rolling for them. So I can leave them alone for the rest of the game and put pressure on other lanes or their jungle.

    If you're losing lanes you should be winning, you should look at your play. Also if you hate junglers who don't gank why don't YOU jungle and gank lanes?

  12. #5692
    Narrowly won my last game, by sheer virtue of being able to snowball as Olaf (curbstomped their Renekton six ways from Sunday) - our mid (Katarina) was like 2/13 against their Fizz and our bot (Vayne / Annie) was 4/11 against a MF / Blitzcrank... to cap it all off, our jungler racked up a grand total of 0 kills in a 35 minute game.

  13. #5693
    Not a game, but a champ select got dodged because our top and support organized a swap, first picking shyv for annie supp. Then, the top laner realized he didn't have annie. Why would someone not have annie?

  14. #5694
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimord View Post
    Ashe is one of the champs I include in my LoL-racism. There's a list of champs that, whenever I see them on my team, I immediately assume they'll be total fucking morons. I may not be able to remember them all but it includes champs like Ashe, Garen, Darius, Lux, Cho'gath, Blitzcrank and Lee Sin.
    That moment when I play half of the champs you list and I'm total shit at this game :P Lee sin is hard to play

  15. #5695
    Quote Originally Posted by Isotope View Post

    If you're losing lanes you should be winning, you should look at your play. Also if you hate junglers who don't gank why don't YOU jungle and gank lanes?
    It's easier to blame the jungle than it is to take responsibility for yourself. It's pretty ridiculous how often the jungle gets blamed for everything that goes wrong in a game. Yesterday, I had a first pick mundo go top against zac, only to get himself killed 8 times in the first 20 minutes (0/8/0 mundo; why do I keep getting these guys?). Every time it was our jungle's fault. Literally every time. Even if our jungle was bot, ganking their ezreal and killing him, if mundo was tower diving zac up top and dying as a result (which is what he was doing during that particular death), it was our jungle's fault that he died. He spent the entire game spamming all chat about how everybody needed to report our jungle.

    I could fill a dozen pages with similar-length anecdotes of laners dying because of their own bad play and blaming their jungle for their failures. It's ridiculous.
    "Quack, quack, Mr. Bond."

  16. #5696
    Quote Originally Posted by Valerean View Post
    to cap it all off, our jungler racked up a grand total of 0 kills in a 35 minute game.
    Depending on what champ is jungling, this is an ideal situation. Your Jungler is a tank? Best to donate every kill to the lane.

  17. #5697
    I dislike when a jungler neglects a lane entirely. I've had games where jungle never showed up top. Ever. That pisses me off, especially when I'm farming under tower.

    Just had a game as lulu mid, started us up a player (their Zyra mid or supp, unsure because the shen "supp" had exhaust, hadn't connected). Yasuo was mid, Udyr jungle covering top and cait/shen bot. Our top was Lee Sin, jungle Xin Zhao, Jinx/Leona bot lane and Lulu mid. I absolutely wrecked Yasuo in lane. He couldn't even farm under tower. Then, Zyra came back when I was like level 9. My Es were half hitting her, so she couldn't farm much either. Meanwhile, underleveled and underfarmed Yasuo goes top to our Lee Sin who's fed the actual fuck out of Udyr by this point and continues the domination of Lee Sin. Xin is building pure tank, so I think his AAs were healing people. Jinx and Leona have fed the fuck out of Caitlyn and Shen as well. So, despite no jungle for at least 10 mins, both side lanes lost hard.
    Last edited by Drikkink; 2014-01-13 at 12:39 PM.

  18. #5698
    Quote Originally Posted by Drikkink View Post
    I dislike when a jungler neglects a lane entirely. I've had games where jungle never showed up top. Ever. That pisses me off, especially when I'm farming under tower.
    I neglect top all the time, 90% of the time it's a wasted venture post-6. Champs are too tanky and generally have escapes where as mid and bot are much more squishy, my teammates can deal a tonne more damage and you have much better dragon control. Pretty much I'll go Red > Camp > Blue > Top. Unless they wont stop crying about being pushed I'll rarely go back up.
    Last edited by mmoc6d00db7716; 2014-01-13 at 01:01 PM.

  19. #5699
    Quote Originally Posted by Drikkink View Post
    I dislike when a jungler neglects a lane entirely. I've had games where jungle never showed up top. Ever. That pisses me off, especially when I'm farming under tower.
    Unless it's very early-game, and at least the jungle or the toplaner are very good at setting-up gaks, it's almost impossible to gank toplane these days. All the champs build tanky, and are inherently strong enough, that in the case of most ganks they can just wander from your tower to theirs and still be at 30-40% when they get there, assuming it's not someone like lee, renekton, or shyvana, who will just use abilities to get there without even taking any damage.

    I've had games as renekton where I'd be at my enemy's tower the whole laning phase, and still never die to ganks due to a couple of wards and my inherent tankyness and ability to slash and dash away from opponents. The only way a jungle can hurt a good top, if you ask me, if they literally camp top for a solid 5-10 minutes, neglecting all other lanes to do so. That will effectively zone the other toplaner, but of course it lets the enemy jungle do as he pleases to your other lanes (and if bot or mid falls and your jungle is toplane, you can kiss that dragon goodbye).
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  20. #5700
    Banned docterfreeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isotope View Post
    It's not RNG. Pick order is by who has the higher MMR. Also you can help your jungler out by pinging where wards are so they know and not pushing your lane. The more a lane is pushed the less ganks you will get, and the more ganks their mid will get. I used to mid quite frequently and not swapped over to wanting to jungle more. Lanes that we should win based of champion picks alone I tend to gank that lane early to get that ball rolling for them. So I can leave them alone for the rest of the game and put pressure on other lanes or their jungle.

    If you're losing lanes you should be winning, you should look at your play. Also if you hate junglers who don't gank why don't YOU jungle and gank lanes?
    I never said I should be winning the lane, it was rengar adc and lissandra supp. We were clearly losing the lane but xin never ganked because (this is exactly what he said) "I dont want to die." Even though I was rengar and could easily get a double kill if he would just gank.

    I do jungle if it's my only option, and I make sure every lane gets an equal amount of ganks because I know how it feels to be ignored by your jung.

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