1. #7101

    2 ranked games, 2 losses. The first game looked great and we were slowly getting ahead until we made a mistake and got caught destroying their inhib and they got 2 towers and an inhib for it. Shit happens, we were still way ahead of them. Now the stupid kha and riven decide to go for baron (the ONLY way to throw) and wht happens? we lose the game and end it with a loss and still 10k gold advantage.

    Second game: Ziggs vs Syndra mid, i get FB due to her flashing in to ignite me under tower and barrier protected me. Farm is about even but top and bot are getting destroyed. Nonstop roaming from level 7 onwards trying to keep us in the game which works for a while but as soon as I'm not there, nasus keeps getting killed by rengar and our thresh/varus combo dies to morg/lucian (did i mention that our idiotic varus rushed a static shiv first in a losing lane?)

    I feel cursed. Sure in hindsight, I should have made them stop the baron somehow but for the second game, I don't know what (big) thing I could have done better. I was even pittied from the enemy team (besides syndra who told me not to let a syndra freefarm... what a genius. a sub 25% killparticipation sure meanth she was impactful in the game.) which made things worse. There are always things I could have done better but I guess if I want to carry games, I'd better play champions with more impact and burst potential.

  2. #7102
    Team just pissed away an easy freaking win because they started thinking they were gods. To quote our adc "doublelift aint got nothing on me" and then one by one they started engaging in uneven fights and throwing. it took twitch 50 mins to finally say "hey, akali has one shot me 12 times, im gonna build ga".
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  3. #7103
    Every lane fed. Blamed it on me (jungle). GG THANKS RITO.

  4. #7104
    Just one group of idiots after another and i fail my promos into gold. That was probably my only chance.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  5. #7105
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    All hail the existence of the vent thread, may it serve its purpose for a long time still.

  6. #7106
    Quote Originally Posted by Karrotlord View Post
    Not a bad game or team but I need to vent anyway... I bought some RP to get Haunting Noc and Pumpkinhead Fid and what does that leave me with?

    972 fucking RP. THREE FUCKING RP OFF!!!
    You can send a message to riot support and ask if they give you the missing 3 rp if you want some skin, a paint picture along the way helps A few of my friends have done that and me too, did a paint picture about an irelia skin i wanted because i was 5 rp off, ended up getting 13 rp from the support so got the skin.

  7. #7107
    Another shit team. They had no clue how to fight at all. No positioning, they would literally stand next to an area that fid was at, and on a ward, and let him ult into them. thresh never landed a q on anyone but jax or swain. my decent back to silver 4 begins.

    3 more losses from idiots and feeders. From 71 lp to 20. I'm almost out of silver 1.

    Another loss. Despite me getting fed off Ori. Lee sin just fed them. Pentheon and Lucian focused Nasus and Thresh every fight, and I couldnt do shit in team fights cause draven and ori would focus me, then finish off the group.

    Another loss. I got fed, but you cant carry feeders. The entire team fed, so the enemy was always as strong if not stronger then me.

    There is no possible way to carry when your team feeds like this. Lucian, Akali and Yi, no matter which once I killed the other 2 would kill me while my team focused Malph or Karma.
    Last edited by Pandragon; 2014-11-08 at 09:13 PM.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  8. #7108
    Reminder that if you want me to gank your lane, make an effort to keep the river bush clear. Either buy a sweeper or buy a pink.

    Also, reminder that if I am playing Warwick, let me get to the point where I can be a guaranteed kill ganker. Place wards to see where the enemy jungler is. Do not go aggressive unless you are sure you can win the trade.

    At 3 minutes, my bot lane is whining that I'm never ganking. Well Thresh is 0/2 at this point in a lane involving Fiddlesticks support for the other team. A few minutes later, I catch Jarvan out but he flashes behind me (into my jungle) where their bot lane has roamed up. Not only has Thresh not warded tribush this game ("I don't have enough for sightstone yet"), they don't move.

  9. #7109
    Another team of people who did nothing but feed all game. No wards, no communication, just feeding.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  10. #7110
    So I climbed from S4 to S2 yesterday, just carried about every game as Kata or Lee.
    The first game today, they pick my kata, bummer. Then some dude takes jungle as Jax. Well, I feel like doing some Fiddle mid to fuck up Katas life. I do, hard.

    Then their Vi, godlike jungler, perfect ganks all over. Fucks me so bad, gets Kata rolling because of 3-4 really good ganks where I had no chance of getting away.

    Our Jax on the other had, failed EVERY gank, like for real, he got one kill of a gank, the whole game. I get the blame because I picked Fiddle, ok.

    Some games man..

    Oh and all lanes lost.. ^^
    Last edited by Noxina; 2014-11-09 at 02:39 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  11. #7111
    Oh joy

    A 9/20 bot lane. A 3/11 Vi top that built like a Jax. An overinflated ego Wukong jungle that built glass cannon and said "group" then proceeded to push top lane nonstop.

  12. #7112
    Leona top with a duo bot lane. Enough said. No way we were going to win this game. All they did all game was verbally abuse each other...well until 15 mins, then they started just abusing me cause im the jungle which means all their deaths is my fault.

    Another team of feeders. I'm kat mid vs lux. She pushes to the turret and then roams. She always gets succesful ganks cause my brain dead team has no awareness and doesnt listen to my mias, and then blames me for her getting fed.

    And more idiots. Every team fight all they did was focus Amumu or thresh. I would split push have 2-3 come to stop me and my team who was right atone of their turrets would dance around being fended off by 2 or 3 ppl.
    Last edited by Pandragon; 2014-11-10 at 02:21 AM.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  13. #7113
    Quote Originally Posted by Pandragon View Post
    Leona top with a duo bot lane. Enough said.
    Not enough said. Leona top can work if built right. I have a friend who plays ehr top occasionally and he very rarely loses

  14. #7114
    -sigh-...all my team ever did was run from team fights. 5v5? they ran. how ever if they were 3 vs 5, oh they would fight that no problem and die. Then blame me cause i wasnt peeling for them, when I and the adc was on the other side of the map.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  15. #7115
    You don't really rely on auto attacking someone down

  16. #7116
    Immortal Nikkaszal's Avatar
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    Super close game, both enemy nexus towers down, just got ambushed and lost a teamfight. I escape with a bee's dick of HP as Garen and lead them through a merry chase through the jungle as Garen (Q FTW). The eventually stop chasing and push down mid as three.

    We have one tower. I make a snap decision and decide to YOLO their low-HP Nexus as I can see all three of them. I run in and start wailing on it, and sure enough one of them starts backing in our base. I can still totally do this! Nexus is on a FRACTION of health as the enemy runs to me. I auto-Q...

    And as I am MID-ANIMATION OF MY Q, the inhib respawns and Nexus goes immune.

    (This signature was removed for violation of the Avatar & Signature Guidelines)

  17. #7117
    Quote Originally Posted by Nikkaszal View Post
    Super close game, both enemy nexus towers down, just got ambushed and lost a teamfight. I escape with a bee's dick of HP as Garen and lead them through a merry chase through the jungle as Garen (Q FTW). The eventually stop chasing and push down mid as three.

    We have one tower. I make a snap decision and decide to YOLO their low-HP Nexus as I can see all three of them. I run in and start wailing on it, and sure enough one of them starts backing in our base. I can still totally do this! Nexus is on a FRACTION of health as the enemy runs to me. I auto-Q...

    And as I am MID-ANIMATION OF MY Q, the inhib respawns and Nexus goes immune.

    Oh god.. That would been an epic finish though if you got the Nexus down!
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  18. #7118
    Why the fuck do i get matched against diamond players every single fucking game in team builder. It's seriously starting to piss me off. Most of the time my team are either silver, gold or low plat and the enemy team is always high plat-high diamond. It's especially fun when i decide to try out Kalista, and i get matched against a fucking diamond lee and a diamond Kalista.

  19. #7119
    Yeah, had the same thing happen to me last game.. Our mid Kata (Silver V) was against a Vel (Diamond III), needless to say Vel got rather fed, even if I managed to do a good gank or two for Kata to get her ahead. Vel just knew how to land every darn Q.

    My team was 3 from Silver, one from Gold (me) and one unranked, they where 1 from Diamon, two from gold and rest silver..
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  20. #7120
    that moment when you buy ohmwrecker and your team refuse to group and push.... >_< /rage
    http://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=dw+soul+roc in oceanic now Lol

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