1. #1421
    Right now Kat is still severly overshadowed by Eve anyway. Everytime I play her I feel like I'm cheating... Hit 4/5 people with ult is almost as devestating as a Morgana ult, adding the fact that you will be pretty damn beefy with the shield you got.

  2. #1422
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    Once again a Yi on my team throws the fucking game away because he got greedy and went off by himself into the enemy jungle, despite us begging him not to, and would die almost everytime as a result.

    I swear, are the people that play this game idiots that continue to touch a hot stove even after they get their hands burned by doing so and being told not to?
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
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  3. #1423
    Stood in the Fire Ispamx's Avatar
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    2 games tonight. 1st one I was playing Corki with an Alistar "support" that was attacking minions until they died, regardless of if he got the last hit or not. Within 5 minutes the team score was 0/7 with an unstoppable Nidalee mid. Everyone started yelling at each other for not calling MIA's on the roaming supports and feeding even more.

    2nd game I was supporting a Teemo ADC -.- as Sona. Once again it was one of those people who attacks minions until they die and kept facechecking bushes and trying to 1v2 them with the element of surprise from Camoflague. After he seriously fed Talon and Sejuani bot (strange combo I know) we had no chance and we we getting 2v2 tower dived from full hp. I tried salvaging it and going AD Sona but it was already way too late.

  4. #1424
    I am coming across a lot of teams that are blaming their jungler for being a 'noob' and asking for people to report him, if their jungler has been heavily counter jungled. These people don't realise that they need to help if the enemy is counter jungling, as collapsing down on an invade will normally end up with a kill for your team. I do delight in telling these people that i will not report, and in fact I am more likely to report them for being a 'noob' because they didn't adapt themselves.

  5. #1425
    Quote Originally Posted by Dundebuns View Post
    I am coming across a lot of teams that are blaming their jungler for being a 'noob' and asking for people to report him, if their jungler has been heavily counter jungled. These people don't realise that they need to help if the enemy is counter jungling, as collapsing down on an invade will normally end up with a kill for your team. I do delight in telling these people that i will not report, and in fact I am more likely to report them for being a 'noob' because they didn't adapt themselves.
    I love it when I constantly try to communicate with my lanes, get no proper response, and get no opening for ganks because they're constantly pushing their lanes.

    Looking at my team telling the other team in all chat to report me for 'failing' even though I'm (in most cases) the only one actually understanding what the causes of our losses are..

    It's the main reason I hate to go jungling. I like the role if you have a good team, but that hasn't been the cases in my last 10 or so games..

  6. #1426
    I hate jungling for the following reason:

    "Is top warded?"

    "When did he come back to lane?"


  7. #1427
    Sometimes it's the jungler who's the asshole though. 2 days ago I was having a rather bad game as Ahri vs Cho mid - not only did his sustain pretty much nullify all my poking, his jungler jumped me >3< times before I hit lvl4 (with last gank successful), and then continued to camp me until 7 or 8. And well, despite the lane being in my half most of the time due to me having to hang back the only attention I got from our jungler was occasional "OMG NOOB". -.-

    It's always easy to blame when all data you check is the KDA ratio... ~~

  8. #1428
    Quote Originally Posted by Muzual View Post
    It's the worst when you play as a support, you're in a pushed lane, your ward has run out and you were dead (in base) then the jungler shouts at you for not knowing the ward times. I can't tell if they have or haven't warded I have no sight of anything in the lane D:
    That I understand, I'm not a harsh jungler, but if the lanes are even, it grinds my gears.

  9. #1429
    "Zyra, you are vs lee mid, don't feed"

    24 minutes later, 1/9/1 Zyra.

    Worst thing was that their jungler and bot AD were in my team the last game, and they were full on BAD. Like, 1/10 bad. And now they we're playing well with that Zyra feeding their asses off...

  10. #1430

    I just had this game with this complete pair of idiots, a shen and cho, the cho locked jungle after someone had picked it, forcing the other guy to go AD carry, shen goes top. Cho ignores what was a VERY tough bot lane for me and ez against what I am sure was a premade, and camps top, after a while he comes bot, does a slight assist on one kill. Bearing in mind till this point no-one has been talking much, he explodes ina hissy fit like a toddler in a sweet shop because we didn't "thank" him. I asked if he was going to thank everyone else every time they helped him in a team game, to which he didn't reply. Then he says fine, I not go bot now.

    Now he basically duo lanes with his friend shen top lane, and we lose bottom, for which me and ez get the blame, even though we are getting harrassed by a lux / MF combo at bot, and their jungle is running about like a loose cannon ganking us constantly as I can't ward safely because cho is always top, and they have oracles and kill my wards constantly.

    Then sho and shen proceed to act like dicks and flame all game, as obviously they win top as a duo lane, which means the lack of jungle control and bot getting hammered is in no way their fault.

    I swallowed my very strong desire to avoid them all game, and supported everyone as best as I could, although on two distinct occasions the made laughable bad judgements and almost got killed, i saved them, so they could suicide run back in on 2 bars. Then blame me they died, even though they had a clear run away and they CHOSE to run back in and die on almost no hp.

    Very rarely do games get me as angry as this one did... oh and I was a bad support because I "got no kills lol" ARRGGHH

  11. #1431
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    Fuck, so many things went wrong for us. (And it was blind pick by the way, so RNG isn't why this happened.)

    Darius would run in and eat all the 9000 skillshots the enemies would throw at him, would die as a result, and uses his ult on Shaco clone's, which killed teammates as a result.

    And this makes another 5v4 that I've lost, fucking embarrassing on my part too. Felt like I threw the game even though I didn't.
    Last edited by Thallidomaniac; 2012-10-25 at 06:54 AM.
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
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  12. #1432
    Gotta love those games, where you get a team with people that are equally bad and equally good at blaming other people.

    Some people just need to take a good look at themselves and realize they aren't any better. -_-

  13. #1433
    Quote Originally Posted by Yourcatdead View Post
    This game the team wasn't bad, it was just insane.

    So I'm not playing ranked, but I do play Draft Pick. We all get the lanes we want then it comes down to the two last people on our team. Top and support are left. The 4th guy picks Teemo, the last guy is just a full on retard and picks Olaf.

    So Teemo gets super pissy. The game starts and Teemo helps me clear out wolves, and blue. Thought he was just leashing. Well then the entire fucking game he's following me around stealing my farm, literally. He follows me around because he's pissed at Olaf so he's trolling. He doesn't say anything, buy anything, just follows me and steals my CS.

    So I recall eventually stick to the base and see what he does. Well then he starts following mid around, doing the same. The entire game (believe me we surrendered) he did this. Was unbelievable. Everyone was beyond pissed. The 4 of us on our team (Teemo aside) had just sat through 30 minutes of queue dodges. Literally...8 dodges. Of course nobody dodges when Olaf decides he's stupid and wants to go top.

    I was especially livid because I only had time for one match. Jesus christ. The thing is I'm not sure anybody reported him. Everybody left the lobby instantly so I doubt he got reported. Looking at his match history he seems to really only troll. So maybe it wasn't just Olaf.
    I've learned to accept these things when I have time for 1 match, that I'd still rather dodge and do ARAM/bot than a failure game. Leaves you frustrated with whatever you have to do. Plus I ususally go for blind pick then, since draft takes FOREVER to actually start.

  14. #1434
    Just had an amazingly fun game. Got forced to play support(not that I'm bad at it, I just prefer blowing stuff up) in a normal game, because the rest of the teamcomp was awful and I wanted to make up for it. Went with Soraka, got to go bot with a Miss Fortune. Orianna went mid after politely asking me if I could play any other roles before the match. Kha'zix went "jungling", Cho'gath top.
    First thing that happens when the other 2 people in bot arrive(Vayne and Taric): MF charges right at them, not even bothering to use abilities. I do everything I can to try to save her, which basically means heal her once and then Exhaust Vayne. Obviously, MF dies, giving them first blood. Thats at about 1.50 or so into the game. A few seconds later, Kha'zix dies to blue golem, even after getting a good pull from Orianna.
    Cho'gath asks Kha'zix to just go top with him, because jungling obviously isn't working out for him. Sure, KZ goes top and proceeds to give 2 kills to the 2 opponents in top. Orianna gets a kill on Katarina in mid. MF keeps feeding Vayne the exact same way she started out doing. After a couple of minutes, I get Taric and Vayne lured under our tower and both of them have to use their Flash to survive(no thanks to MF). I manage something similar again, except I had to use Flash to get away after a Taric stun. I die just before I reach our tower, and then MF suddenly decides to charge forward into 2 people again. Cho'gath ragequits, Orianna keeps doing well in mid, Kha'zix bounces between the jungle and feeding their tops.
    At 15 minutes they kill our Nexus. We were sitting at 8 kills, mainly on Orianna with a few that got stolen by KZ against their 21(thats when they entered our base, they got a couple more, including a kill on MF inside our healing well), mainly on Vayne and Rengar.

    I definately didn't play my best that game(haven't played support since forever), but holy shit that was awful.
    On the positive side, I got 66 XP for it, which was 62 more than I needed for a level up.
    Laughing Skull-EU

  15. #1435
    Just had a game where I called top first in the lobby. I waited a while before locking but no one else locked so I got my Riven. Last second some person picks Jayce and locks in. Once in game Jayce tells me to "go bot or report", and his friends Katarina and Maokai along with him are pretty much verbally abusing me all game, saying how I'm such a low elo trash (this was a normal game ~_~) saying i'm "troll picking", and threating me that I'll get banned or whatever after they spammed /all chat saying I'm a troll. I didn't even say anything bad.... and I called top before anyone even said or locked anything. We lost the game but I ended with 4/2/8, and apparently the loss was all my fault.
    Atleast our friendly Vayne tried to stand up for me but.. *sigh* people like that really kill my mood ~_~
    Last edited by geniebsmart; 2012-10-26 at 07:48 PM.

  16. #1436
    Okay, I'm done with ranked for this season. Can't stand this shit anymore.. My previous game just confirmed all of my reasons not to trust anyone but myself in mid lane.

    Enemy team gets Morgana first pick, this guy claims mid religiously, asks us how to counter pick Morgana, and we respond with Talon, Fizz and Vlad, but Vlad was already taken to counter our Shen pick.

    He picks Ryze. I'll let you fill in the rest. I'm going to sulk somewhere in a corner..

  17. #1437
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Was it 0/8 or 0/12?

  18. #1438
    So I just got out of a game I lost due to shitty team. By the end, it was 2v5. And me as Skarner and the not-left Vayne actually almost won the game, as enemy team had to blow EVERYTHING they had just to take me down. At this point I'm not sure whether to laugh, cry, be pissed or happy, knowing the supposedly "superior to EUNE community of EUW" just sucks when it comes to smurfing.

  19. #1439
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Every lane is 0/5 and it's my fault for not ganking. fucking scrubs.

  20. #1440
    Quote Originally Posted by Axethor View Post
    Every lane is 0/5 and it's my fault for not ganking. fucking scrubs.
    Gotta love being a jungler.

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