1. #1761
    Well is not that easy but I see your point...

    BTW weekend incoming and I'm on rankeds again so I guess I will vent a lot soon...usually during the weekend there are more nabs

  2. #1762
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    In the jungle
    Quote Originally Posted by Castozor View Post
    How does that work though? Nunu himself can't carry anything even with 20 kills, it still requires your team to get it's act together come midgame, at least, that's my experience with him. He is a fun jungler to play though and can get away with a lot of stuff by virtue of his slow and ms boost.
    If you don't believe it then I recommend you learn Nunu jungle and come back and tell me. If your ganks go well then I just snowball and build RoA etc. Nunu can carry quite hard. Shaco carries harder though, I love him to death because of it and his character in general plays mind games with the enemy team.
    Hey everyone

  3. #1763
    First ranked dodged cause of no jungler in team...let's go aram...

  4. #1764
    Quote Originally Posted by Duronos View Post
    There is a reason I call jungle and play it so often, you can make other lanes better and that's why I devote my time to loving Shaco. He can carry when fed and can make the other lanes better, last season I started ranked far too early, dropped to 800ish ELO and carried myself all the way out without duo's. I pretty much played Shaco and Nunu jungle only. Try it sometime, funny thing is you may fail the first time but once you get it down your win rate will go up tremendously. So all the ELO hell stuff I always hear, I just want to tear eyes and ears out when I hear it.
    pretty good advice, out of anything, i'd say jungler is my prefered "off role" tbh, I can cs at an average level(100cs by 16-17 minutes), but I just don't like having to focus on it :<
    I have plenty of champs viable for jungling, but I feel I need to practise a lot more before I go into ranked with it. Guess i'm playing normals to learn the ins and outs of the jungle

    And yeah, the whole "elo hell" crap people whine about just makes me facepalm, it's just a way of them trying to cover up their personal failure by blaming it on an inexistant entity to make themselves feel better.

  5. #1765
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juggerneat View Post
    I don't play either normal or ranked due to all the reasons that was mentioned in here. There are just SO MANY chances that something could go wrong. Afk/troll/instapick/bad attitude/useless setups/non talking teammates/rambo players etc... Also that 'rating' thingy makes people over nervous. I used to be mad while playing this game but then realized that it doesn't matter at all. I then just stopped playing normal/ranked games. Now I'm playing ARAM in lol. That's the only thing i play. Easier, faster, lesser chance for trolls/afks, no aim for a rating or a good win/loss count... You just play, have your fun and leave.

    Normal/ranked games are not good for mental health, imo.

    Edit: ARAM seems to be the only mode where the losing side says gg btw
    Nah, I've had my share of troublemakers in ARAM too. Quite a bit of "Report X for Y", usually feeding. Fortunately I've yet to run into teammates in ARAMs that build completely useless items (i.e. AP items on Garen), and use the excuse of "It's just ARAM DEAL WITH IT".
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
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  6. #1766
    Lost after 4 W in a row...I guess I will dodge all the game where my AD take TWITCH...from now on...

  7. #1767
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Twitch is fine. He's even used in the IPL. Doesn't mean he's easy to play.

  8. #1768
    Ye I guess that's the problem...ppl think is OP...look at this guy last games....he wrote me NOOB I WON THE LAST ONE TWITCH IS GOOD...

  9. #1769
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Nothing to do with Twitch, everything with Teemo.

  10. #1770
    Yep darius first pick found is counterpick if that's what u mean....

  11. #1771
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Not sure what you mean. I just mean I hate every single Teemo player and consider them all inept at this game.

  12. #1772
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    Not sure what you mean. I just mean I hate every single Teemo player and consider them all inept at this game.
    Yes but teemo was in their team
    Usually I'm one of those who always meet good teemo players

  13. #1773
    First time venter...
    I started off doing ranked about a week ago, got a nice start of 8-2 with a 1350 ELO. Kept on winning, dropped the last three games though ><
    First two games I can't blame anyone else, a bit of fault on my part making the mistake of playing while being tired.
    But the third game...
    Our team is consisted of Garen, Ryze, Udyr (Me), Vayne, Nunu (My friend) vs Nidalee, Ahri, Skarner, Taric and Ezreal (I think)

    I get a nice pull from the bot lane, don't use smite and go to their red buff and stealing it successfully. First time I go gank bottom Vayne gets a double kill so they're set for the most part. Meanwhile I'm at bot, Ryze dies under turret, lord knows why he didn't use the snare but I said i'll give him blue since it was around the 7 min mark. I give it to him and dies 1 min after. The top is trading minions, not really touched by any of the junglers because of Garen's wards and Nidalee's traps. We see Skarner going to take red, so me and bot lane go to kill him. Nunu sets up an amazing ultimate to capture bot lane, Ahri and Skarner and we leave with a 3-0 exchange, but Ryze thinks he can pick off the weak Ahri who escaped, but forgets about her taunt and gets destroyed, including our Garen who showed up right after the Teamfight was done.

    At this point Ahri was 5-0, but so was Vayne and we had that advantage over them. But then Ryze, after finishing 1-4, went AFK. Returned after 10 min, and went AFK. As a person who reads this forum daily, you can probably predict what happened.

    TL;DR- People who go AFK in ranked should burn in a fire and stop causing my ELO to drop.

  14. #1774
    People who are seemingly unable to co-operate in ranked lobby will kill me one day. Some guy calls mid as soon as we enter the lobby, which is fine. Nobody complains and everybody else calls their role happily, and it fits the pick order, I even call support just to keep the peace. First pick locks in Jax, I'm second as Taric. Third is the guy who called mid, fourth is the one person who remained silent throughout.. He picks Diana and locks in immediately.

    "I MID" he cries. All hell breaks loose, I queue dodge.

    ne porvivajo nur mortigi tempo

  15. #1775
    First ranked game today, 2 people went AFK after around 10 minutes even though we were still winning 4v5 and 3v5 team fights. Then next match had a Maokai and Panth who kept engaging when no one was around and getting caught out in their jungle. 100 Elo down the drain... I just wanna hit Gold FFS!

  16. #1776
    First ranked today...last pick take TARIC when he should go MID cause he didn't care of the lobby...and noone dodge...so I have to dodge...

    ---------- Post added 2012-12-01 at 07:04 PM ----------

    "U didn't buy support items"...I really need a stat that tells me how many wards and oracles I bought.

    ---------- Post added 2012-12-01 at 08:35 PM ----------

    Is actually possible to feed ur AD for 10-0 in lane phase and loose...

  17. #1777
    Bloodsail Admiral bekilrwale's Avatar
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    It has been a series of bad games for me, and all ranked games. Every game I have either played as top or mid. I have always had more kills than deaths and when I mid I gank other lanes a ton. Still, I have lost 9 of my 10 placement games because some lane feeds or late game everyone decides its a fantastic idea to focus the malphite tank.
    In my most recent game we went 13/2 team-wide in the first 10 minutes. Our adc got 8 of those kills and decided he would not need cs for the rest of the game. The game ends with him negative on kill/death and with 71 cs. 42 minutes in. I HAAAAAAAAAAAATE RAAAAAAAAAANDOMSS!

    Just lost another game where my team went 0/16 in the first 8 minutes and our support went afk. Elo Hell is really starting to piss me off.
    Last edited by bekilrwale; 2012-12-02 at 12:52 AM.
    "Death is not kind. It's dark, black as far as you can see, and you're all alone."

  18. #1778
    I think I did like 2 ranked games yesterday, even though I had an entirely free day...

    1st Queue- Xin Zhao & Zilean Bot, not premade, dodge 30 min
    2nd Queue- Everyone calls their picks, but that ONE person who decides to pick Nasus instead of support, claiming top for himself, dodge 1 hour
    3rd Queue- Mid and ADC are last 2 picks. Galio is their mid (that's a first) and Graves + random support bot. Who do they take? LeBlanc and Ezreal, LB claiming it was her first time playing ranked. I took her "bait" (she obviously wanted one of us to dodge) and I took the bullet since I don't want my ELO to drop. Dodge 1 hour.

    But the 4th queue absolutely killed me.
    I had first pick and wrote I'll jungle with Amumu if he won't get banned. The person who is 2nd says he'll take top, the person who is 3rd says AP mid, and the last 2 are premade ADC + Support. Seems too good to be true. I ban Malphite, Darius and to the support's request, Blitzcrank and take Amumu. They take Ezreal & Sion. We take Jayce and Cassiopeia. This team looks amazing, will the wait finally pay off? The enemy took Leona and Ahri. And now, our glorious ADC + Support. ADC takes Graves and locks. Support writes "Fuck this I changed my mind, I'm not playing a support", takes Karthus and locks. I say to myself, we can do this anyways our team is solid. But then Karthus says the most dreaded 3 words in LoL Ranked Queue- "First time Karthus".
    Then I went to beat the first level of Hitman:Absolution on Silent Assassin (Hell yeah), played Torchlight 2 and went out.
    Last edited by omarion2322; 2012-12-02 at 08:52 AM.

  19. #1779
    ALWAYS, always when I queue, I get mid not contesting for it.

    Then somebody leaves.

    I get lucky enough to get mid without contest but NO somebody leaves again.

    This will go on until I have to contest mid again with some other person.

    FUCK you LoL matchmaking.

  20. #1780
    Quote Originally Posted by coolkingler1 View Post
    ALWAYS, always when I queue, I get mid not contesting for it.

    Then somebody leaves.

    I get lucky enough to get mid without contest but NO somebody leaves again.

    This will go on until I have to contest mid again with some other person.

    FUCK you LoL matchmaking.
    If it's draft and someone else calls mid despite you being a pick before them just take a champ that is an awesome farmer. Completely deny the other guy any farm should he decide to be a dick and lock in a mid anyway.

    ne porvivajo nur mortigi tempo

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