1. #1

    Talking Looking for tips or advise to pick up my game :)

    Hello all, my name is Arkbloom and i'm a Resto druid

    I recently dinged Lv 85 on my druid ( about 3-4 days ago now). Bought a few epics off AH, enough to HoT H's so i could get into LFR. As for this week the only thing i'm missing is new pants, but gearing isn't my concern atm. I'm looking for ways to better improve my reforging/ Mana regain, as currently i'm running a mana efficient spec because of how quickly i was running through mana in LFR, and would like to switch to a HPS effective spec when stats/gear permit.


    This is the Armory for the toon. Any advice into how i can improve my mana re-gen/reforging would be lovely. I'm also trying to increase my HPS in the process, so any tips or tricks from fellow resto druids would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    In your spec you don't have malfurion's gift which reduces the cd on tranquilty by 5 mins which I believe is a must have talent.

  3. #3
    Yeah im aware of Malfurion's Gift and the CD reduce on tranq, was thinking about picking it back up i had it before i swapped my spec.

  4. #4
    Lets see.. youre missing the LW specific bracer enchant (130 int compared to your 80 int that you currently have).

    However, any mana issues you have can simply be solved by speccing correctly. You dont have malfurion's gift. This is mandatory. Spec into it. Get rid of 'blessing of the grove'.

    Im guessing your gear doesnt allow you to get to the 2005 haste breakpoint, so iirc you should reforge down to 916 haste.

    You're running way too heavy on spirit. I have 2/3 in furor as well and (with lfr Heart of Unliving as well) I have less than 2k baseline spirit with 770 added from the stacks. Make sure to time your Innervates with your power torrent procs. PT procs on cooldown and will be up for each innervate (it times pretty perfectly).

    My own experience is in 8/8 heroic 10man, but there are alot better resto druids out there. Regarding gameplay - rejuv as much as your gear allows it, keep lifebloom up (spec into malf's gift!), keep swiftmend on cd as long as it's not just overhealing, and use wild growth on cd - assuming it wont be all overhealing. During downtimes or medium/low damage just use nourish. NS + Healing touch when you need an instant nuke. Tree of life for predictable heavy raiddamage.

    Edit: regarding malfurion's gift - 3 minute tranqs are amazing, but manawise ooc will do alot for you as well, dont underestimate this. Why you would ever spec out of it is beyond me.

  5. #5
    Oh dear lord i didnt know i was missing my LW enchant.. thats what i get for powerleveling it and forgetting. So fixed the wrist chant for 130, looking into the spirit and haste thing to fix around that. Taking more tips bring em in guys!

    My goal is to get into my guilds farming content H DS run and gear up abit, so i wanna be as ready as possible.

    edit: Looked into the haste, i hit it 2005 with procs( above it like 4.5k ish) or with DI and the spell haste from priests,
    Last edited by Blightarrow; 2012-04-06 at 10:02 PM.

  6. #6
    Still dont know if you're planning on doing 10 or 25mans. As I said, I do 10mans primarily. First 6 bosses can be done with bad gear. But for heroic spine and heroic madness you might want to aim for more spirit (didnt know you were aiming for this when I made my first suggestions) just because these fights are so incredibly long and taxing on healers. So in that case more spirit is better
    Last edited by mmoc241f3fedf6; 2012-04-06 at 10:05 PM.

  7. #7
    Well, currently my goal is to run 6/8 H with my 25m guild, so im just seeing how close or far i am from this.

  8. #8
    switch genesis to moonglow. Genesis is nice to have, but I wouldnt suspect you have the gear to support it just yet.

    Glyph Wild Growth also. No reason not to in 25man, and there's really only one reason not to in 10man. That said, I dont even bother swithcing glyphs for Heroic Morchok on 10man cause its become so easy anyways.

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