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  1. #1

    LF a Good Jungler to play for a 5v5 team

    As the title states, I'm looking for a good Jungler that I can buy, or may already have, to jungle for my 5v5 team. It doesn't really matter to me if it's AD or AP or whatever, I just would like to know what you guys think. If you could just give me a few Champions and a build you've used or know works on them, I would really appreciate it, thank you.

  2. #2
    Depends what you like. LOTS of junglers are very viable, but very different.

    Give us some more info please. Do you enjoy assassins? Do you love being the tanky mothafucka initiating? Do you like just doing a lot of damage?

    Because, while I have a love for certain junglers (like noc), the playstyle of them might be horrific for you. Like, I know rammus is a very strong jungler, but I loathe the entire playstyle of him. So tell us some more please
    Cho’Gall: Cairne Bloodhoof is dead? Did we kill him?
    Deathwing: No. The Grimtotems weakened him with poison, and then Garrosh accidentally hacked him to death with an axe during a heated political discussion.
    Cho’Gall: How do you accidentally kill someone with an axe?

  3. #3
    Lee Sin. He's the God of jungling.

    Seriously though, it's easy to gank if you know how to hit with skillshots, he does some quite nice damage, and is almost impossible to kill if built right.

    Edit: I usually buy mercury's treads or ninja tabi, wriggle's, frozen mallet, atmas and bloodthirster. The game is almost always done before I get my bloodthirster, though.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Lazaroz View Post
    Lee Sin. He's the God of jungling.

    Seriously though, it's easy to gank if you know how to hit with skillshots, he does some quite nice damage, and is almost impossible to kill if built right.

    Edit: I usually buy mercury's treads or ninja tabi, wriggle's, frozen mallet, atmas and bloodthirster. The game is almost always done before I get my bloodthirster, though.
    While true, Lee Sin is a very difficult champion compared to say Udyr, who is also incredibly strong.
    Cho’Gall: Cairne Bloodhoof is dead? Did we kill him?
    Deathwing: No. The Grimtotems weakened him with poison, and then Garrosh accidentally hacked him to death with an axe during a heated political discussion.
    Cho’Gall: How do you accidentally kill someone with an axe?

  5. #5
    Sorry, was just looking for some quick answers, I LOVE Assassin's, I usually find AP Assassin's more fun (Like Akali), and things like that, but it seems I can never gank effectively till I get her Ulti. I've never played Lee Sin before, or Udyr, but I've seen both of them do very good. I've only jungled two times, once on WW, and once on Fizz.

  6. #6
    Udyr is the beast of the jungle.

    Hands down the BEST JUNGLER.

    Now for teamplay-abilities lee sin I'd say would win, shaco is a good jungler and ganker.

    I morde jungle if we're low on ap, works well with defensive talents.

  7. #7
    Which Shaco is better, AD or AP though? I've seen both played pretty well.

  8. #8
    Warwick is a pretty easy champ to pick up with a lot of ganking potential after level 6.

  9. #9
    Any of you ever Jungled with Nidalee? I like playing her alot, I just don't think I could Jungle with her effectively.

  10. #10
    Trundle, love him, but it depends on the other teams comp/yours

  11. #11
    If I could I would play Rammus jungle exclusively, his taunt ganks are just great. But as he gets banned 9/10 times, my second favorite is Voli jungle.

    For "best" I've been told Udyr and Lee Sin

    Kaeja - Stormrage
    // Thanks to maybenotquiteasheavy for the Signature & Avatar! //

  12. #12
    Hes not as popular as he used to be but I'm a massive fan of Warwick,

    If you've got some reasonable glyphs and a good talent build you can start with boots and 3 potions, I then generaly invade there red/blue (the one there jungler isnt starting at, most champions normaly start at blue but there are a few exceptions) before going back into my jungle, it means you start with a red and you deprive there jungler of getting red which really hampers them and gives you a free reign of the jungle for the first half of the match,

    The boots when coupled with ghost generaly help to get a kill early on, his ganks arent great at the start but once you get to level 6 its a completely different story.

    As for how I do it I normalyy jungler/gank until I've got the boots of swiftness, I then build wriggles lanter, frozen mallet, then whatever I need most from wits end, warmogs, force of nature, thornmail, I generaly end up very tanky but it seems to work well.
    Last edited by mmoc254ac05d6e; 2012-04-09 at 08:39 AM.

  13. #13
    Udyr, Trundle, Shyvana, Lee Sin, Skarner, Warwick and Fiddlestick.

    If you have all of these junglers, then you can pretty much cover every single situation. (Fiddle, even though he isnt really that good, is a really solid choice if your team can hold up for themselves until level 6 or if you lack ap dmg).

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by serendepitous View Post
    Hes not as popular as he used to be but I'm a massive fan of Warwick,

    If you've got some reasonable glyphs and a good talent build you can start with boots and 3 potions, I then generaly invade there red/blue (the one there jungler isnt starting at, most champions normaly start at blue but there are a few exceptions) before going back into my jungle, it means you start with a red and you deprive there jungler of getting red which really hampers them and gives you a free reign of the jungle for the first half of the match,

    The boots when coupled with ghost generaly help to get a kill early on, his ganks arent great at the start but once you get to level 6 its a completely different story.

    As for how I do it I normalyy jungler/gank until I've got the boots of swiftness, I then build wriggles lanter, frozen mallet, then whatever I need most from wits end, warmogs, force of nature, thornmail, I generaly end up very tanky but it seems to work well.
    I loathe WW jungle, and think that he is appauling.

    Sona can clear the new jungle. He used to be good because he could survive a lot, but these days its hardly difficult to clear. His clear speed is really slow, gets his ass kicked in the jungle by so many better junglers (you say you invade, but what if you run into, say, Udyr. Let me tell you, he wins that fight. It's not even close), he can't gank at all before level 6 (other than running into lane and saying 'hello' as the person just leaves), and in this current meta of buying wards everywhere, pre level 6 ganks are often some of the only ones you can get off.

    You also said you invade really early. Okay, what about people who guard buffs? I may not start red, but I expect my team to guard it, and I'll be CVing your jungle to check where you are.

    And then even at level 6 his ganks are STILL subpar. He can only gank with his ulti, that's one gank every 60 seconds (maybe more, I'm not sure off the top of my head). Compare this to Udyr or Lee Sin or Shaco or Maokai, or really anyone, who can gank every ten seconds, also have a better clear speed, more damage, bring more to the team, and are just generally better.

    In all honesty I have no idea why anyone still plays WW jungle, and it makes me cry every time someone instalocks it. Its just bad in pretty much every single way, and I really dont think he's competitive at all in the current jungle.
    Cho’Gall: Cairne Bloodhoof is dead? Did we kill him?
    Deathwing: No. The Grimtotems weakened him with poison, and then Garrosh accidentally hacked him to death with an axe during a heated political discussion.
    Cho’Gall: How do you accidentally kill someone with an axe?

  15. #15
    Shyvana: Wriggles, Merc Treads, Wit's End, Frozen Mallet, Atma's Impaler, Warmogs
    Shaco: Wriggles, Boots of Mobility, Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, Guardian Angel, Bloodthirter/whatever you want

    Those are two basic ones. Just check mobafire, it is a lot easier. If you are going to check the guides on mobafire, check Shyvana, Maokai, Nocturne, Lee Sin, Udyr, Rammus and Trundle. That should cover most cases. Fiddle is a reasonable AP jungler as is Cho'Gath but I aren't a fan.

  16. #16
    The Patient Thaendra's Avatar
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    Well, I used to hate jungling until I put down the IP for Maokai. He's the only jungler I like. He will be playing a tank role (though his damage is magic damage so he is technically an AP), buying things like shurelias, frozen heart, randiuns omen, or whatever else your team needs (depending on the other teams comp of course). his ganks are extremely strong because he has a targeted root, but when it comes to catching other junglers you'll need help to kill them.

    Basically he works amazingly with a team but he's not the kind of champion that can solo anyone until he's been fed, at least if you play him the "generally accepted to be optimal" way, which is tank.

    If you like duels and doing more damage instead of supporting your team, both Shyvana and nocturne are very good junglers. Lee sin and Udyr are considered to be some of the best, but imo Lee sin is harder to learn than udyr.

  17. #17
    Kayle is a monster jungler if you can build her right.

    Right now I'd say Olaf is very strong in jungle ever since the buffs.

  18. #18
    Trundle and Skarner are my favorite jungles

  19. #19
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkdruidelf View Post
    I loathe WW jungle, and think that he is appauling.

    Sona can clear the new jungle. He used to be good because he could survive a lot, but these days its hardly difficult to clear. His clear speed is really slow, gets his ass kicked in the jungle by so many better junglers (you say you invade, but what if you run into, say, Udyr. Let me tell you, he wins that fight. It's not even close), he can't gank at all before level 6 (other than running into lane and saying 'hello' as the person just leaves), and in this current meta of buying wards everywhere, pre level 6 ganks are often some of the only ones you can get off.

    You also said you invade really early. Okay, what about people who guard buffs? I may not start red, but I expect my team to guard it, and I'll be CVing your jungle to check where you are.

    And then even at level 6 his ganks are STILL subpar. He can only gank with his ulti, that's one gank every 60 seconds (maybe more, I'm not sure off the top of my head). Compare this to Udyr or Lee Sin or Shaco or Maokai, or really anyone, who can gank every ten seconds, also have a better clear speed, more damage, bring more to the team, and are just generally better.

    In all honesty I have no idea why anyone still plays WW jungle, and it makes me cry every time someone instalocks it. Its just bad in pretty much every single way, and I really dont think he's competitive at all in the current jungle.
    I've torn through teams as WW jungle, with and without ulti. You may not be able to tower-dive or gank when they are in the middle of the lane (without some hard CC), but if they overextend they are dead. His clear speed isn't as slow as you seem to think it is, but I guess if you've played Shyv everyone is slow cause she beats spawn timers. Udyr has the same problems ganking, and he doesn't have WW ult to help him post-six, yet he was the most banned champ in IPL4.

    If you want assassins, Shaco is definitely the best chioce, only you will never play him until really high ELO when he loses all his power. I didn't think Nid could jungle, but even supports can clear the jungle these days so she might work. I don't think her ganks would be that great though. Just because you can clear the jungle doesn't mean you should be in there.

    I would recommend Nocture or Lee Sin. You seem to like to deal damage instead of soaking it up, and Lee Sin has the add bonus of being tanky while tearing through the enemy team. Udyr also has really high damage potential. I think Tiger deals more damage than Pheonix due to on hit items, but I've always loved Pheonix and it's superior in almost every way when it comes to jungling on Udyr. I don't know why this recent fad of Tiger junglers has popped up, just it annoys the hell out of me to see his potential wasted that way. If you want to play Tiger, take top lane.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by IronChi3f117 View Post
    As the title states, I'm looking for a good Jungler that I can buy, or may already have, to jungle for my 5v5 team. It doesn't really matter to me if it's AD or AP or whatever, I just would like to know what you guys think. If you could just give me a few Champions and a build you've used or know works on them, I would really appreciate it, thank you.
    The best course is having a stable of junglers you can play effectively. For two reasons; 1. potential bans 2. team compositions. You want to play a jungler who's kit is suited to your team & is effective versus the opposing team- not just have 1 or 2 champs able to jungle that are not great for the situation.

    Shyvana, Rammus, Dr. Mundo, Lee Sin and Skarner are all top notch. Their effectiveness only grows with coordination and proper group comp. Other junglers such as Amumu, Maoaki, Volibear, Nocturne or Sejuani have their pluses but need a more cohesive team. Then there are champs that can function in top, jungle or simply are immovable over time; Udyr, Olaf, Riven, Shen or Trundle for example.

    Safe picks are: Lee Sin, Shyvana and Rammus. Get those 3 first and master their playstyle. They each teach you a lot about the game as well.
    Last edited by Fencers; 2012-04-09 at 11:24 PM.

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