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  1. #1
    Banned A dot Ham's Avatar
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    Ashe - Players = Egomaniacs


    If I play with or against an Ashe the player is always the rudest, most aggressive, poor sport, try hard I have ever come in contact with.

    They tend to promote themselves to team captain from the start of the match (despite it being random matchmaking) and shout and dictate orders and what they think you SHOULD be doing and HOW you should be doing it.

    This isn't an Ashe hate thread... I think she's a great champ. I just hate the people that play her. Whatever it is about their personality that drives them to play her, I hate them.

  2. #2
    Rofl, in my experience Ashe players are all jerks aswell for some reason.
    Stars aligned maybe.
    l'alurl gol zhah elghinyrr gol.

  3. #3
    I've observed this trend with Xin Zhao, but he's not played very much anymore nowadays.

  4. #4
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lerrielin View Post
    I've observed this trend with Xin Zhao, but he's not played very much anymore nowadays.
    Well you'd better stay away from games with Xin being free this week.

    It seems as if the AD carries in general attract those people who act like assholes.
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
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  5. #5
    I had similar experiences with tryn / sion players. IF they get fed and win they will ALWAYS taunt the enemy team and say something along the lines of /all easy lol xD. It is so annoying regardless of the players team, I rather hate it even more if a mate yells easy lol n00bs or something..

  6. #6
    That is really strange, I always seem to find that Ashe / Xin players are jerks too :'D

    I also seem to find a higher than usual jerk playerbase who play "One button champs" Karthus, Tryndamere, etc.

  7. #7
    Funny thing you should say that, I just came back to LoL after a half a year long break and lo and behold, first game I'm up against an Ashe that flames and whines in /all the entire game. Perhaps it's one huge coincidence and we're all running into the same bad egg.

  8. #8
    I struggle to find 1/10 players of any champion who aren't rude, arrogant, immature cry babies. Whether on the winning or losing side every game ends with childish vitriol. It's an utterly embarassing community. There was a time though when Shaco was rather OP and Shaco players where the absolute worst, that champ attracted the kind of player that rolled an UD rogue purely to stalk and corpse camp your alt in STV.
    Last edited by Kaiyu; 2012-04-11 at 09:33 PM.

  9. #9
    Strange. Ashe is the wow Hunter equivalent and Hunters have had a bad reputation in WoW for ages. Although not for being jerks but just being retarded.

  10. #10
    Imo, the solo top and ad carries btm are usually the most egoistic of the lot.

  11. #11
    Yeah, Ashe seems to attract a lot of the wrong kind of people.

    For some reason, I always see a lot of rude people playing Lux as well. And never as support, but AP.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftero View Post
    Yeah, Ashe seems to attract a lot of the wrong kind of people.

    For some reason, I always see a lot of rude people playing Lux as well. And never as support, but AP.
    As a matter of fact, i have yet to see a Lux play support. But i guess the reason why most people play Lux is because of her super ksing ulti. And hence that's why they go AP.

  13. #13
    I play AD carries and support a lot, so when i play ranked as an AD carry and then i get a support who is retarded and generally ruins bot for me by taking cs and etc, I can then get really pissy. How hard is it to buy a faerie charm,3 wards and some pots, you then put the wards in tri bush and drag, and that is literally half the job of the supporter for about half the game. Then you sit there, and you support with heals/stuns/harass/ it's easy people.

    Again, normally I am really nice but some bad supports can literally ruin the entire game and that is not fun. No justification for being a terrible person online, but after multiple matches of people ruining what should be an easy match up can really bring a person down.
    Last edited by Anthoren; 2012-04-11 at 10:51 PM.

  14. #14
    Weird. Last Ashe I played with was really cool and didn't really care that he was roflstomping us. He was like 28-4-1 and he was pretty respectable.

  15. #15
    Pandaren Monk Kurdiern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftero View Post
    Yeah, Ashe seems to attract a lot of the wrong kind of people.

    For some reason, I always see a lot of rude people playing Lux as well. And never as support, but AP.
    Lux can support or AP, and her skill set is more geared towards AP. Her supporting would be more of a kill lane anyway, so why not send her mid? She may be outclassed by other mages, but if the player is good she can do fine.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurdiern View Post
    Lux can support or AP, and her skill set is more geared towards AP. Her supporting would be more of a kill lane anyway, so why not send her mid? She may be outclassed by other mages, but if the player is good she can do fine.
    It seems to me like her role isn't really defined properly, though... But I guess some of those champs are fine.

  17. #17
    Odd. This happened yesterday. Our bot Ashe disliked her laning partner and quit the game. Not because he was rude, or fed or anything, but because he was unable to read her mind and dive the opponent when she did with his telepathy skills that the average player usually has. We were winning too. But we had to surrender because of Princess Ashe, and their royal expectations.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftero View Post
    For some reason, I always see a lot of rude people playing Lux as well. And never as support, but AP.
    lux cannot be effectively played as support with same items like soraka, sona, taric... I dont need hp/gps items, because I have different way to escape from focusing, so building classical ap build is better (especially if my core items are cheap) and some gold I inevitably steal from ad carry, because my aoe dmg (not intentional, but collateral dmging creeps in laning phase by helping ad carry to kill opponents)

    ---------- Post added 2012-04-12 at 05:22 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurdiern View Post
    Lux can support or AP, and her skill set is more geared towards AP. Her supporting would be more of a kill lane anyway, so why not send her mid? She may be outclassed by other mages, but if the player is good she can do fine.
    what does it mean supporting in LoL? - providing help to your carry, with farm, warding and killing opponents and there are several usual ways to do it: 1. classical healing/shielding/utility way (soraka, taric, sona, janna, lulu, karma) 2. healing/utility/dmging way (nidalee, shen, alistar, kayle) 3. dmg/utility way (leona and nunu) and 4. dmg/shielding way (orianna and lux) but these 2 last examples are special by ability to generate big burst aoe dmg + good cc in early/mid/late game and it is far more superior than some weak unreliable shield by skillshot(lux)/sacrifice of dmg(orianna)

    on topic

    ashe is for me ranged equivalent of tryndamere - autoattacker but lacking any escape/utility mechanism (exclude ulti), she is easy to play, because she have not to learn to use usual ad carry set - shillshots, utilities, steroids minus positioning - ideal for low experienced /noobish players and noobiness is often collerating with bad manners (reverse logic is invalid - bad manners are not collerating with skill)

    and ashe is tryndameres wife...
    Last edited by asmodei; 2012-04-12 at 05:37 AM.

  19. #19
    There arent many Ashe players left, so i guess it's possible those who are left, are jerks. I dont meet many Ashe's who are jerks, but i tend to meet ashe who claim, they are 1800 elo, and they never fail, obviously. Its allways the rest of the team. And the best comment they tend to make are half way in a game you are losing, "FFS i cant carry my team, report them they are so bad".....
    Last edited by mmoc735fc07483; 2012-04-12 at 07:26 AM.

  20. #20
    So that means I'm a egomaniac? =(

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